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Oleo Ranch
Oleo Ranch
3 months ago

I would love to debate either one of the two guys in that video.
Morgan Reynolds, PHD, asked about witnesses. For one, he needs to learn about Stanley Praimnath, who was on the 81at floor of the second tower that got hit. He heard it coming and saw the jet hit the floor above him, and as he was crawling out, he saw recognizable parts of the plane. He was interviewed on the ground after he got out, and I remembered seeing the video the same day and/or the next day. He and the guy who helped him out are still friends.
My biggest question for those guys on your video, is, “if those weren’t airplanes that hit the buildings, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED FLIGHTS AND PASSENGERS THAT DISAPPEARED?” How many people would have to be in on the plot to keep it secret? It would take at least many hundreds of people.
The computer animation that they showed was ridiculous. Look at it yourself and notice that the tail was going over 400 mph, just like the rest of the plane, yet it somehow STOPPED in midair without even hitting the building. If a straw from a field can get imbedded into a telephone pole from the wind of a tornado, why wouldn’t a jet weighing several THOUSANDS OF POUNDS and traveling that fast go all the way into a building?
Then they show jet crashes that skidded along the ground when they crashed. There are military videos/film showing what happens when jets hit solid objects on test sleds. I’ve seen the crash site of a fighter jet hitting the side of a hill at high speed, and nothing bigger than the size of a basketball was ever found.
To this day, can you demonstrate a hologram that can be seen by people close up or far away, in a clear sky, from ALL ANGLES, fast moving for miles?

Troll Buster
Troll Buster
3 months ago
Reply to  Oleo Ranch

Yeah, sure, a whole jumbo jet vanishes in the thin air… but, but they found the passport of the so-called perpetrator intact flying out of the cockpit. Ha, ha, ha

Government paid troll. How much did they pay you for this sub-standard comment?

Oleo Ranch
Oleo Ranch
3 months ago
Reply to  Troll Buster

I never claimed the government or globalists didn’t have anything to do with 9/11. I just don’t believe they were stupid enough to do it the way most theorists believe they did it.
Finding a passport doesn’t explain how the regularly scheduled passenger jets disappeared. And no one dares to give an estimate of the number of people who would have to be part of the plot to make the flights disappear.
I notice YOU didn’t even attempt to dispute ANYTHING I said.
That’s what sucks with trying to debate 9/11 people. Everyone has a slightly different theory, yet not one of you will come right out and state exactly what you believe happened. Most people who claim jets didn’t hit the buildings, claim missiles did it.
Did you research Stanley Praimnath?