Category Archives: Cultural/Ideological Divide

‘Rope a Dope”

“Thus, it’s all a game. The US announces new missile system and nuclear modernization plans and expects Moscow to follow suit, and then becomes confused when the Russians don’t take the bait. Right now, Donald Trump wants to spend $1.2 trillion on the US nuclear arsenal: an amount equivalent to about 26 years of Russia’s entire defense allocation. And, of course, this is $1.2 trillion the US could spend on schools, hospitals or real infrastructure but instead is lavishing on useless equipment that will never be used. So Putin has maneuvered the US into doing what the Soviets did, frittering away money on wasteful prestige projects while the social contract decays.” (Bryan MacDonald)

Gods we don’t believe in anymore, but pray to

Every large organization, especially nations and civilizations, is held together by a mythology, or narrative. What they do and how they do it is driven by the foundational narrative that instructs all of the participants.

Organizations fall when some inherent/foundational tenets in their narrative eventually come up against an uncooperative physical reality. Often, this is because the physical world has changed, and the myths now contradict the new reality. When that happens, you’d think the primary task of an organization’s elites is to manage the modification of the narrative myth to accommodate the new reality and continue as a renewed/redefined entity thereby.

However, what they typically do is try to save the narrative at all costs. That narrative, after-all, is what places them in a privileged position, and so they have a vested interest in keeping it alive. Change is necessarily going to place their position at risk. As long as fundamental concepts need only modification, this can be handled. If fundamental concepts have to be jettisoned, the enterprise and their place in it is necessarily subject to far greater risk of going out of control. I suspect this is largely what happened to the Soviet Union as it tried to modify its fundamental principles. It went out of control, and was hi-jacked in a weak moment. So, the result is inertia until a dam breaks somewhere and the floodwaters carry the whole thing away.

The USM’s mythology/narrative problem is a fractal of the West’s much larger mythology/narrative problem. The whole Western enterprise is founded on a 500+ yr old mythology that is running headlong up against new realities. Its ideas of Progress, of Exceptionalism, of being the pinnacle of Development of Justice and Governance, are running into the realities of resource depletion, economic and martial decline, and a lazy, decadent & corrupt political elite, as against competitors who are on the opposite trajectory. To the the extent that the Pentagon’s mythology was written in the context of a surging West, it borrows much of Western mythology. The Pentagon hasn’t re-written its mythology, and probably can’t until the West re-writes the larger version.

In classical physics, inertia is proportional to mass. As the largest organization on the planet (or at least employer), it shouldn’t surprise us that the US DoD exhibits the most organizational inertia.

Solzhenitsyn’s Damning History of the Jews in Russia – a Review


“The Jews accumulated wealth by cooperating with each other. (p. 31).”

“They made profits by taking the peasants’ grain to the point of impoverishing them (and causing famine), turning it into brandy, and then encouraging drunkenness. (p. 21, 24).”

“Jews forced peasants into lifelong debt and crushing poverty by requiring payment, in cattle and tools, for liquor. (p. 31).”

Jan Peczkis

The translation of Solzhenitsyn’s book appears to have been done without permission from his family, and this might be why this lengthy and detailed review is no longer available on the page of the book on, where it originally appeared.

The book might disappear altogether from Amazon, so if you want to get your Kindle copy, act now. Otherwise you can find it on many sources on the internet.

Jews had enormous influence in the English and American media at the turn of the century – this is what most people in America and UK were told about Russian Jews (Click for Hi-Res image)
The translator, Columbus Falco, describes the censorship of this book when it appeared in 2002:

“Published in the original Russian in 2002, the book was received with a firestorm of rage and denunciation from the literary and media world, from the Jews, and from almost the entire intelligentsia of the established order in the West…

Immense efforts have been made by the Russian authorities and also by the Western liberal democratic power structure to ignore 200 YEARS TOGETHER, to suppress it as much as possible, and above all to prevent and interdict the book’s translation into foreign languages, most especially into English, which has become essentially the worldwide language of our epoch…

The Russian authorities have to this date refused to allow any official English translation of the book to be published”. (p. 2).

So what is so naughty, naughty about this book?

Most of it consists of unremarkable information that can be found in standard, non-censored texts. [For details, see comments.]

Agree with author Solzhenitsyn or not, but recognize the fact that he is no lightweight. Solzhenitsyn goes into considerable detail about many different historical epochs, and clearly has a deep knowledge of the issues that he raises. His approach is balanced. He is sympathetic towards Jews as well as critical of Jews.

The latter evidently does not sit well with many, because it does not comply with the standard Judeocentric narrative, in which Jews are just victims and can do no wrong. Worse yet, a famous writer is bringing sometimes-unflattering information about Jews to light, and this is threatening. Hence the censorship.

Far from living in oppression, Russia’s Jews not only had more freedom than the serfs, but also more than the Russian traders and merchants. (pp. 16-17), and this was also true of more recent times. (p. 45). Soon after the Partitions of Poland, Derzhavin visited the area and reported on the Jews in the then-current manorial society. The Polish nobility had turned over the management of their estates to the Jews (p. 21), and the Jews engaged in conduct that brought them short-term profits and long-term antagonisms.

Consider the PROPINACJA. The Jews accumulated wealth by cooperating with each other. (p. 31). They made profits by taking the peasants’ grain to the point of impoverishing them (and causing famine), turning it into brandy, and then encouraging drunkenness. (p. 21, 24). Jews forced peasants into lifelong debt and crushing poverty by requiring payment, in cattle and tools, for liquor. (p. 31).

In addition, a system of bribery protected this arrangement. Thus, the Polish magnates were on the “take” of part of the wealth squeezed by Jews out of the peasantry, and, without the Jews and their inventiveness, this system of exploitation could not have functioned, and would have ended. (p. 22). Solzhenitsyn adds that, “…the Jewish business class derived enormous benefit from the helplessness, wastefulness, and impracticality of landowners…” (p. 54).

The Jews kept moving around in order to prevent an accurate count of their numbers—in order to evade taxes. (p. 25). A delegation of Jews travelled to St. Petersburg to try to bribe Russian officials to suppress Derzhavin’s report. (p. 28). In 1824, Tsar Alexander I noticed that Jews were corrupting local inhabitants to the detriment of the treasury and private investors. (p. 32).

Jews were not forced into “parasitic” occupations: They chose them. (p. 31). By the late 19th century (the time of the pogroms), Russian anger had boiled over, focusing on such things as Jews not making their own bread, massive overpricing and profiteering, enriching themselves while impoverishing the muzhik, and taking control of forests, lands, and taverns. (pp. 78-80).

Nor is it true that the Jews were kept out of “productive” occupations. To the contrary. A concerted 50-year tsarist effort to turn Jews into farmers attracted few participants (p. 33), and ended in failure. (p. 58). None of the rationalizations for its failure are valid: Other newcomers to Russian agriculture (Mennonites, Bulgarian and German colonists, etc.), facing the same challenges as the Jews, did quite well. (p. 36). Jewish farmers neglected farm work (pp. 34-35), and kept drifting back into selling goods and leasing of their property to others to farm. (pp. 56-57). The century-later efforts by the Communists, to get Jews into farming, fared no better. (p. 208, 251).

Jewish resistance to assimilation is usually framed in terms of the GOY excluding the Jew. It was the other way around. For the first half of the 19th century, rabbis and kahals strenuously resisted enlightenment, including the proffered Russian education to Jews. (p. 38).

Jews have always tended to exaggerate the wrongs they have experienced from others. (p. 42). This applies to such things as double taxation, forced military service, expulsion from villages, etc. (p. 42, 46, 50).

The Jews of the Vilnius (Wilno), Kaunas, and Grodno regions sided with the Russians during the Poles’ ill-fated January 1863 Insurrection. (p. 69). This confirms Polish sources.

Mainstream Judaism did not conduct ritual murder. However, it is possible that some Jewish cults did so. (p. 40). [For more, see my review of BLOOD PASSOVER]. As for the PROTOCOLS, their authenticity was rejected early-on by the tsarist government. However, this did not erase legitimate grievances about Jewish influence. (p. 174).


We often hear that Communist Jews were “not real Jews”. This nonsense is equivalent to saying that Lenin and other Russian Communists were “not real Russians”—a contrived distinction that Solzhenitsyn refuses to make. (p. 117). [For more, see comments].

One common exculpation for Jews supporting revolutionary movements, and then Communism, is that of the tsarist system preventing Jews from improving their lot. This is nonsense. Once the Jews accepted the Russian education system, their numbers increased, to such a spectacular extent (by about 1870: p. 63, 71), in Russian higher education, that quotas (numerus clausus) had to be imposed upon them. This nowadays-called affirmative action became necessary because Jews were wealthier and thus unfairly advantaged in schooling-related matters. (p. 88).

Hungary is instructive. There, Jewish grievances were the least valid. Hungarian Jews had enjoyed atypical freedoms and a high standard of living, and there had been no pogroms. Yet the 1919 Hungarian Communism was especially dominated by Jews, and was odiously cruel. (pp. 153-154).

Another exculpation for Jews in Communism was the alleged need for defense against pogroms conducted by the Whites. Not so. The massive influx of Jews into the Soviet apparatus occurred in late 1917 and 1918, but the White pogroms did not begin until 1919. (p. 121).


One can easily make lists of Jews in high positions in the Soviet Union. Influential Jews commonly occurred at a rate 10 or more times the abundance of Jews in the USSR. (e. g, pp. 143-on, 225-on). [For more, see comments]. Whether or not motivated by “ethnic solidarity”, Jews in authority tended to promote other Jews to high positions. (p. 138).

However, the Jewish role in Communism goes far beyond what is apparent in any such “grocery list”. For instance, consider what some call the Judaization of academia, and its impact on the bloody events of 1917. Solzhenitsyn comments, “The February Revolution was carried out by Russian hands and Russian foolishness. Yet at the same time, its ideology was permeated and dominated by the intransigent hostility to the historical Russian state that ordinary Russians didn’t have, but the Jews had. So the Russian intelligentsia too had adopted this view.” (p. 98).

Now consider the October Revolution. Lenin contended that the Bolshevik success in the revolution had been made possible by the role of the large Jewish intelligentsia in several Russian cities. (p. 119). Furthermore, according to Lenin, the October Revolution was preserved by the actions of Jews against the attempted sabotage by government officials. (p. 128).

The energy and high intelligence of the Jews made them indispensable. (p. 129, 189). In fact, Solzhenitsyn suggests that Soviet Communism lost its ideological fervor, and began slowly to die of “Russian laziness”, already in the late 1960s, all because the Jews were largely gone. (p. 317).


Dekulakization was not just an economic measure. It was a tool to uproot peoples and destroy their traditions and culture. For this reason, Stalin’s dictatorship can in no sense be accepted as a nationalist (Russian) phenomenon. (p. 221).

Religious Judaism was never persecuted as intensely by the Communists, in the 1920s and 1930s, as was Russian Orthodox Christianity. (p. 306). High-level Jew Lazar Kaganovich directed the destruction of the Church of the Redeemer. He also wanted to destroy St. Basil’s Cathedral. (p. 223).

The famous mobile gas chambers were not invented by the Nazis. They were developed, in 1937, by Isai Davidovich Berg, a leading Jew in the NKVD. (p. 237).


Solzhenitsyn notes the irony that, in the West, there was little effective concern about the victims of Communism until it turned on the Jews. He quips,

“15 million peasants were destroyed in the ‘dekulakisation’, 6 million peasants were starved to death in 1932, not even to mention the mass executions and millions who died in the camps, and at the same time it was fine to politely sign agreements with Soviet leaders, to lend them money, to shake their ‘honest hands’, to seek their support, and to boast of all this in front of your parliaments.

But once it was specifically JEWS that became the target, then a spark of sympathy ran through the West and it became clear what sort of regime this was.” (p. 346; Emphasis is Solzhenitsyn’s).


Alexander Solzhenitsyn describes the standard double-standard (one which Poles are all too familiar with), as he describes current Jewish attitudes,

“There are so many such confident voices ready to judge Russia’s many crimes and failings, her inexhaustible guilt towards the Jews—and they so sincerely believe this guilt to be inexhaustible almost all of them believe it! Meanwhile, their own people are coyly cleared of any responsibility for their participation in Cheka shootings, for sinking the barges and their doomed human cargo in the White and Caspian seas, for their role in collectivization, the Ukrainian famine and in all the abominations of the Soviet administration, for their talented zeal in brainwashing the ‘natives’. This is not contrition.” (p. 335).

Of course, Solzhenitsyn is not insinuating that Jews are collectively guilty for Communism. However, Jews should accept collective liability for Communism and its crimes in much the same way that Germans accept collective liability for Nazism and its crimes. (p. 141, 321). Until they do so, this issue of the Zydokomuna (Judeo-Bolshevism) will not go away.


We keep hearing that Jews at no time constituted a majority of the leadership in Communism. This is technically true, but it does not tell the whole story.

Refer to: Esau’s Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews, by Albert S. Lindemann:

To begin with, Jewish Communists were noted for their high intelligence, verbal skills, assertiveness, ideological fervor, etc. (p. 429).

Not surprisingly, few non-Jewish Communist leaders approached the caliber of the Jewish Communist leaders. For example, Lindemann reminds us that, “Jewish or gentilized, Trotsky was a man of unusual talents.” (p. 447). In addition, “Trotsky’s paramount role in the revolution cannot be denied…” (p. 448). This can be generalized, “Other non-Jews might be mentioned but almost certainly do not quite measure up to Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Yoffe, Sverdlov, Uritsky, or Radek in visibility inside Russia and abroad, especially not in the crucial years from 1917 to 1921.” (p. 432).

Finally, influential Jews did not have to act alone. In fact, Jews had the skill of influencing non-Jews to think in Jewish ways. Lenin can validly be understood as a “Jewified gentile” (pp. 432-433). The same can be said for the renegade-Pole Dzerzhinsky (p. 442, 446), as well as the Russian Kalinin, who was called by Jewish Bolsheviks “more Jewish than the Jews”. (p. 433).


Let us elaborate on Feliks Dzerzhinsky. Refer to: The Cheka: Lenin’s Political Police:

Author Leggett describes how Dzerzhinsky grew up in Vilna [Wilno, Vilnius], which he describes as a cosmopolitan city with a strong Jewish element and a focal point of socialist ferment in Tsarist Russia. (p. 34). He adds that, “Dzerzhinsky came under the influence of Martov, future leader of the Menshevik Party, by whom he was introduced into Jewish circles, both proletarian and of the intelligentsia; he made many Jewish friends and zealously learned Yiddish. The Bund—Jewish social democratic workers’ organization in Lithuania, Poland, and Russia, founded in 1897—helped Dzerzhinsky in his political activity, for instance in late 1899. Dzerzhinsky’s close friend and schoolmate in Vilna was Mikhail Goldman…” (pp. 24-25).

The strong Jewish influence very much extended to Dzerzhinsky’s personal life. Leggett continues, “Goldman’s sister, Julia, was for several years Dzerzhinsky’s romantic love…formed a deeply romantic attachment, lasting from 1905 to early 1910, for another Jewish woman, Sabina Feinstein, sister of a prominent SDKPiL member. Very soon afterwards, in November 1910, Dzerzhinsky married Sofia Sigizmundovna nee Mushkat, who was likewise Jewish…” (p. 25).

As if to underscore the fact that Jewish influence in Communism is much greater than just the “grocery list” of Jewish Communists, Leggett writes of “Rosa Luxemburg [Luksemburg], celebrated for her intellectual brilliance and her political passion.” (p. 24). So intoxicated had “Bloody Feliks” (“KRWAWE FELEK”) Dzierzinski become of Luksemburg’s ideas that he actually clashed with Lenin on the resurrection of the Polish state. Only that it was the non-Pole Lenin supporting the restoration of the Polish nation and renegade-Pole Dzerzhinsky opposing it, in accordance with Luxemburg. (pp. 23-24).

The foregoing can be generalized. Refer to: The Crucifixion of Russia: A History of the Russians and the Jews A new English translation of Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn comments,

“The February Revolution was carried out by Russian hands and Russian foolishness. Yet at the same time, its ideology was permeated and dominated by the intransigent hostility to the historical Russian state that ordinary Russians didn’t have, but the Jews had. So the Russian intelligentsia too had adopted this view.” (p. 98).


See my review of: The Rulers of Russia


See my review of: The new Poland,


See my review of: Jews and Revolution in Nineteenth-Century Russia


Refer to: Flags Over the Warsaw Ghetto

(My Review was Feb 12, 2012)

Moshe Arens wrote: “The years preceding World War II were a time when Socialists throughout the world were preaching the `class struggle’ and `solidarity of the proletariat.’ Many of them, not only avowed Communists, saw the Soviet Union as the pioneer and leader of this `struggle.’ This was also true in Palestine, where the Socialist Zionists had achieved a dominant position in the Jewish community.” (p. 7). The so-called “proletarian” camp included the Socialist Zionists and the non-Socialist Bund. (p. 9). Arens notes: “The Socialist Zionist movements, attached to Marxist ideology…” (p. 44). ZOB leader Anielewicz was a member of Hashomer Hatzair with its “Marxist approach to Zionism”. (p. 113). Hashomer Hatzair and Left Po’alei Zion showed their true colors (pardon the pun) in preferring that the red flag be hoisted over the fighting Ghetto instead of the blue-white Zionist flag. (p. 287).

ZOB leader Hersh Berlinski exhibited undisguised disloyalty to Poland as he said that his support was to the USSR over Poland. (p. 142). As for the Warsaw Ghetto rank-and-file soldiers, Arens refers to them as: “…younger generation, their orthodox Marxist thinking giving rigidity to their arguments.” (p. 106). Who can blame Poles for their reluctance to support the Uprising owing to its taint of Communism? (p. 71; 200-201; 226)


See my review of: “Them”: Stalin’s Polish puppets


See my review of: Why the Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism


CONCLUSION: Since Jews Take Collective Credit for Their Albert Einsteins and Jonas Salks, Should They Not Also Assume Collective Liability for Jewish Mass-Murderers Such as Genrikh Yagoda and Lazar Kaganovich?


The ZYDOKOMUNA (Judeo-Bolshevism) cannot be wished away. In addition, the Jewish share of blame for Communism is not erased just because there were non-Communist Jews. Finally, since Jews regularly call on Poles to “come to terms with the past”, in a collective sense, for the actions of only SOME Poles, the Jews should be held to the same standard.
To learn of the dominance of Jews in the leadership of the early decades of the Soviet Union, please click on, and read my detailed review of, The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority (Cambridge Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies).
See also THE RULERS OF RUSSIA, by Denis Fahey. (1940). Condon Printing Company, Detroit.
For details on the massive long-term Jewish overrepresentation in the leadership of the Soviet Communist Secret Police (the NKVD), responsible for the murder of millions of innocent people, please click on, and read my detailed review, of Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, Volume 26: Jews and Ukrainians.
Also see THE JEWISH CENTURY. My Amazon review is dated October 29, 2010.
For a scholarly Russian-language primary source on the Jewish leadership that had dominated the NKVD, please click on, and read my detailed English-language review, of Kto Rukovodil NKVD, 1934-1941: Spravochnik.

Anyone is free to republish, copy, and redistribute the text in this content (but not the images or videos) in any medium or format, with the right to remix, transform, and build upon it, even commercially, as long as they provide a backlink and credit to Russia Insider. It is not necessary to notify Russia Insider. Licensed Creative Commons.

Antisemitism Nonsense

Bardon Kaldian says:

I don’t want to write long stuff, so just a few c/p notes & I’ll go…

1. Are Jews a separate, non-white “race” ? In all likelihood, they are, phenotypically -not “people of color”. They’re, visually, Mediterranean types we can find in Greece, southern Italy etc. Of course, some Jewish racial nationalists will disagree:

Well: a) not all Caucasians are white. You can be both Caucasian & non-white- for instance most Iranians and Arabs. b) Jews are a mixed bag & most of them look white. And now we come to the “social construct” element of race: those Jews who look white & identify with Western civilization will sign for white race/identity; on the other hand, nationalist, Judaist Jews who identify “whiteness” with their historical enemy, Europe, both pre-Christian (Greece & Rome) & Christian will opt for non-white MENA “race”.

2. Can we conflate ancestry & identity ? So, for instance, Karl Marx was not a Jew in his own eyes, only a person of Jewish ancestry. For his opponents like Bakunin and Duhring he was a “Jew” because they saw Jewishness as a genealogical stain, and therefore Marx could be a “Jew” without knowing anything of Jewish culture, either religious or secular, or possessing a sense of loyalty toward “real”, Judaistic Jews.That was label they put on him, not manifestation of his self-consciousness.
Also, atheist Jews can claim Jewish identity (tribal secular culture), but I’m skeptical about Jewish converts to Christianity. Judaist Jews, generally, don’t consider them to be Jewish anymore. Cultural gap is too wide.

And now summing up- I don’t see hyper-analysis of various areas would change much..

Jews are an ethnic religion or religious culture. They are not a “race” (except in the 19th C sense), but they do have a non-negligible genetic homogeneity (apart from Ethiopian “Jews”, most Jews are Europeanized Middle Easterners).

Theirs is a tribal ethnic religion, similar to Parsis or Sikhs: that’s why Ivanka Trump is not a Jewess, although she may think so. If a William Bond from Tuscaloosa converts to Sikhism, he won’t become a “Sikh” (although he may consider himself to be, similar to James Jesus Angleton’s progeny). Due to the tribalism, Jews remain something like a people (which is impossoble in universalist religions like Christianity, Islam or Buddhism).

In past two centuries, European Jews – with Haredi & a few other exceptions- have
assimilated into host societies: German, Russian, French, British, Austrian, Italian, Polish,..

The highest level of assimilation had been achieved in pre- Hitler Germany where most German Jews had considered themselves to be Germans primarily, and Jews only
secondarily. This can be seen from their high participation in all-German national efforts: & high percentages of intermarriage, which fluctuated from 25% to 40% during 1920s.

How it all ended, we know.

American Jews, most of them, have their roots in Russian Empire (they’ve swamped earlier, more “European” German Jewish immigrants). They have retained their national culture (Yiddish, written in Hebrew script), numerous dietary laws & other customs. In short, US got mostly unassimilated ghetto Jews.

Due to their work ethics, culture, slightly higher IQ & ethnic networking, they thrived in the US in various areas & became very influential. From early 1900s to, perhaps, Six Days War in 1967, most of them tried to assimilate & become virtually indistinguishable from WASPs.

But then, things changed & many US Jews had recovered their primary ethnic-cultural identity as Jews first. Because this is a sensitive issue, there is no profusion of reliable sociological investigation data, graphs, categorizations. Just, as a rule of thumb, we can divide Jewish Americans into a few categories:

1. JINOs. Many US “Jews” are assimilated & don’t think of themselves as Jews primarily. They account for anything between 20% and 50%.

2. secular & religious Jews who possess partial Jewish identity, but for them it is blended with broader American loyalty. It is hard to tell how many people belong to this category.

3. religious Orthodox Jews who may be annoying as neighbors, but are not too politically minded.

4. the last segment would be American Jews (as different from Jewish Americans). They can be secular or religious; rich or poor; intensity of their commitment to Israel or Jewish ethnic activism may vary, but they are basically cultural aliens in US & Europe. For secularists, Auschwitz & Israel have replaced Torah & Talmud as chief emotional anticorrosives that shield them from assimilation.

My guess is that they are somewhere between 15% and 25% of all US Jews. This segment can be further divided into subsegments (for instance, some are anti-Christian, while others are not). But, what is common to them is their clear differentiation from host national cultures, stubborn insistence on their ethnic-national individuality & a sense of being an “endangered species”. Some subsegments of this portion of American Jews are true aliens in the US & through their ethnic activism, frequently masked as moral universalism, try to subvert dominant cultural values & change host society into a shapeless mess.

This is a minority of Jewish Americans, but they have economic, societal, cultural & political impact by far surpassing their numbers. And they seem not to learn from history: Brazilian Jews, because of slow but inevitable future collapse of multiracial Brazilian society are just trying to “get out”. Jewish elites, across the world, are still in thrall to Nazi-Aryan iconography & mythology as the central threat to their existence, while the world has moved past it long ago.

In this, last portion of Jewish Americans one can find typical traits of cultural alienation, ethnic paranoia, “us” vs. “them” mentality, ..basically, a sense of being a perpetual stranger who wants to shape the dominant discourse & identity in order to avoid- in their eyes- future pogroms & genocide. Because in the fevered mind of pathological Jewish nationalists, Europeans & whites, virtually all of them, possess the inner Nazi screaming to get out & finally finalize the Final Solution. This is an illustration of such a mindset:

It’s not blonde beast they should be afraid of, but brown camel-shtupper & his ebony lapdogs. But- they seem to be unable to grasp it ….

Banksters & Aristocrats

The royal families generally use proxies for their banks and finances however they still have many connections in banking today.

Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco and Liechtenstein all use private banking which enables money laundering and criminal transactions.

The nation of Liechtenstein is ruled by the Royal House of Liechtenstein and they own the private banking group called LGT Group with Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein as the CEO and President. In 2008 this bank was investigated for enabling tax evasion by various governments.

Prince Mario Chigi of Rome was investigated for tax evasion involving millions and using private banks in Liechtenstein. Prince Friso of Orange-Nassau worked as Vice President of Goldman Sachs in London and his widow Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau worked for ABN AMRO Bank and George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma is of Italian Nobility and a member of the Dutch royal family and worked for ABN AMRO Bank in Amsterdam. The House of Orange-Nassau has large shares in Royal Dutch Shell, Royal Dutch Airlines and Philips Electronics.

Prince Edouard de Lobkowicz was of Holy Roman and Belgian nobility until his death in 2010. Prince Edouard had worked as an investment banker for Chase Manhattan as well as several other banking firms in New York City and was also an Ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

Prince Charles-Antoine Lamoral of Ligne-La Tremoille owns Kelfield Co. Ltd. of Switzerland which does business in the mining industry and has a 10 year contract in gold mining and 50 year contract in diamond mining.

The Montagu family are British nobility and established the Bank of England and founded Samuel Montagu & Co. which has gone into contract with HSBC as Montagu Private Equity. The Montagu’s cousins the Barons of Norman helped to establish the Bank for International Settlements.

The Knight of Malta Grand Duke Henri is the reigning monarch of Luxembourg and his royal family of the House of Nassau-Weilberg has part ownership over the Banque Internationale a Luxembourg with the larger shares owned by the House of Thani in Qatar. The royal family of Luxembourg sold off many of their banks to House of Thani because they have large amounts of wealth which is laundered through banks in Luxembourg used for financing organize crime. Since Qatar is a sovereign nation ruled by the House of Thani there is no one to investigate their personal finances used for money laundering and financing of criminal enterprises.

The European royal families have made an agreement with the Mid Eastern royal families involving business deals, organized crime, human trafficking and allowing their nations to maintain their sovereignty. That is the incentive of the House of Thani for financing the agendas of the European royal families. Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg also worked for the International Monetary Fund and the former Minister of Finance Luc Frieden was Governor of the World Bank and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund. Royal families use their agents to manages banks and serve their interests.

Christopher O’Neill is a British-American banker and member of the Swedish House of Bernadotte through his marriage with Princess Madelaine of Sweden. Christopher O’Neill worked for NM Rothschild and Sons, Steinberg Asset Management, and Noster Capital as stated in his royal biography.

The Spanish House of Bourbon created and own Banco Santander which has over 1.3 trillion in assets. Prince Louis Alphonse of Bourbon the Duke of Anjou is a Spanish-French banker that worked at Banco Occidental de Descuento and BNP Paribas.

The Pallavicini family are top bankers that own Immobillairie a multi billion dollar real estate development company, Global Wealth Management (GWM) an international finance firm, and are invested in Greentech which is for renewable energies. GWM is located in Milan, Rome, London, Malta, Geneva, and Luxembourg. The Pallavicini princes run Rottapharm pharmaceuticals and Prelios asset management. Marquis Alfonso Pallavicini of the Austrian branch was a top executive for BNP Paribas an international banking group with assets worth nearly 2 trillion.

Prince Jean Christophe is the head of the Imperial House of Bonaparte and from the Bourbon-Two Sicilies family through his mother Prince Beatrice. Prince Jean Christophe worked for Morgan Stanley and Advent International which is a buy out firm with assets at 31 billion.

Prince Eric Sturdza of Romania owns and runs Banque Baring Brothers Sturdza located in Geneva Switzerland.

Archduke Sigismund is the current Grand Duke of Tuscany residing in Switzerland and works in banking as he admitted in an interview.

Prince Lorenz of Belgium the Archduke of Austria-Este is a managing partner for Gutzwiller Bank in Switzerland and a former Advisor to the Board of Directors of BNP Paribas.

Baron Benjamin de Rothschild, Prince Lorenz of Belgium and Archduke Sigismund of Austria are top Swiss bankers assisting the other royal families with private bank accounts, money laundering, tax evasion, international tax theft schemes, and in making illegal payments that finance their criminal agendas. The Erlach family are a Swiss Bernese nobility that work as international tax attorneys and involved with CMS von Erlach Poncet Ltd.

The Rothschild are also top bankers running various investment firms and businesses and hold titles of nobility in France, Austria and the United Kingdom. Lynn Forester de Rothschild is CEO of E.L. Rothschild and her husband Evelyn de Rothschild is a financial adviser for Queen Elizabeth II. Baron David Rene de Rothschild is the head of the French family branch and is Chairman of N M Rothschild & Sons as well as a top executive for other financial and merchant institutions like De Beers. Baron David Rene de Rothschild’s wife is Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini of Italian Black Nobility. Baron Benjamin de Rothschild holds an Austrian title of nobility today and is the head of Edmond de Rothschild Group along with his wife Ariane de Rothschild and they reside in Switzerland where banking is private. Eric de Rothschild is a British-French banker that manages and partly owns Paris Orleans holding company. Edouard de Rothschild is another French banker and head of the Rothschild & Cie Banque.

The higher level royal families like the House of Windsor, House of Savoy, and House of Bernadotte use members of royalty and nobility to manage banks they authorized as the self proclaimed corporate land owners. Many bankers and merchants are knighted by the royal families or educated at universities chartered as royal corporations. The royal families use private banking institutions to conceal their true wealth. They also use proxy share holding companies to conceal their ownership over corporations.

The Dutch royal family established the Netherlands Trading Society tied with various banks and merchant companies. The British Royal family and their peerage do covert business at the City of London Corporation.

The royal families claim to own governments. They have massive amounts of land, resources, companies, and have the largest amounts of wealth hidden in private banking.

“Faustus,” in the form of his rebbe talmudic “familiar”

“Europe” is a conception, not a geographic entity – a smallish promontory on the westernmost facing part of the Asian landmass.

As such, it isn’t anything more or less than the combined willpower and weaponry of those who claim ‘ownership’ over it. In times past, that dynamic shifted repeatedly, between those who inhabited that space between Atlantic and the Sea of Azov… and those who would periodically flood out of the eastern steppes to take by sword and lance whatever they could.

In the current moment in time, that claim to ownership reflects the result of close to two centuries of quiet but intense efforts on the part of a moneypower with roots in the Middle East to sequester both political and economic control of those remaining part of Europe which they had not already conquered by mercantile guile – in sequence… Italy, Spain, Portugal, Holland and finally, England would become the power base of a hidden empire which needed no ‘flag’ to bring attention to its might.

Of all the great national sovereignties of “Europe,” only Germany stayed out of their net. Till Weimar, that is. Then, with everyone in the bag, the floodgates of hell were unleashed, and the war which would wound Europe fatally – from the Atlantic to the Urals – was provoked to bleed, from that gene pool, all those of high intellect and leadership qualities who had not yet been purged in the first go round 1914-18. “Recovery” in an economic sense was of course achieved… upon a base of mortgaging our collective futures to the moneylenders in return for a few generations of ‘easy livin’ and technological miracles.

This is over… and is time to pay the piper for the blood contract advanced and signed. Goethe had no equal in defining its terms. Europe had no ears for taking his hint. “Faustus,” in the form of his rebbe talmudic “familiar“- Rabbi Loew of Prague” has built his Golem… and it lumbers now towards its doom.

Descendants of Top Soviet Leaders Are Often Freaks – Why?

Anatoly Karlin Jan 30, 2018

Russia Insider Editor’s note: Brezhnev’s family is also a freak show.

Also, The 68-year-old son of Cuba’s former leader Fidel Castro has killed himself in Havana, according to Cuban state media.

Stalin’s granddaughter, Chrese Evans, is a tatted up freak girl living in Portlandia, as “American as apple pie” in the words of her mother.


Trotsky’s great-grandson, David Axelrod, is a Jewish ultranationalist who emigrated to Israel and has served three jail terms for terrorizing Palestinians.


Khrushchev’s granddaughter, Nina L. Khrushcheva, lives in the US and churns out anti-Russian propaganda for a bunch of Atlanticist institutions, including Soros’ mag.


Working for Walmart

“We need new management at Walmart. Many of you don’t know the story. I’m new to the management at Walmart. I started training on Dec 4. So much has happened already with my mess of a store that it is laughable. I’m having a field day with this shit show but I’m making money. Basically, I got a phone call back in November from a WMT recruiter asking if I wanted be an Asst Store Manager. OK. That led to three interviews and I was offered the position and that is when I found out how much WMT actually pays their management. The compensation is way better than you think. I accepted and started the training but then we had Xmas/quanzaa in the store. Just before Christmas, our not-white female Store Manager from the South took a leave of absence. (I met somebody, by pure serendipity, who has a lawsuit against said manager and WMT and it lawyer-ed up. Everything he has told me has come true so far.)

Right after New Year, I was called to the front office with the other co-managers and was told that I need to take a drug test for reasonable suspicion. I could deny and be terminated or go through with the test. I chose the latter option because I was not doing anything wrong. I was told I was suspended with pay.

Two weeks go by and the drug test comes back inconclusive (negative). So I am reinstated and asked if I can come back the next day. No, I can’t do that because I made all of these appointments so I made them pay for an extra day off. I got paid for just generally goofing off. It was unreasonable to begin with. I could have said that I had a job interview in Idaho or something like that but I didn’t go that far. Just not cool. They were kissing my ass after that fiasco.

Now another week later and we had one Co-manager walked out of the store this morning and the other we don’t know about. I never said a word about that drug test fail to anyone. I was hired by corporate. It’s about more than that though. I was told they could both be gone and the position eliminated. That leave the rest of us in a situation where the only management left are assistant managers. I found myself running a Walmart by myself a few times in the last week. I don’t even have full access to every system yet but I managed to do it. I sure as hell don’t know everything. It’s a business so the tenets of running a business apply. I love the damn job and I love what it pays. The chaos is awesome.

I requested the store that I am at for a reason, and I have one guy hired and I am looking for more. It is time for a change. You might have heard that two days ago WMT fired a shitload of people from corporate. WMT is cleaning house. There is management that has been taking advantage of the situation for far too long.

My whole suspension caused me to miss the rest of my training so now I have to start all over. That costs me money and benefits. This is a legal issue, but not yet. I’ll pick my battles.

Interesting that one of my fellow Assistants was a licensed securities broker for Wells Fargo but he couldn’t stand it he said. He didn’t elaborate as to why other than being bored but he still talks about it. I have to keep my eye on him. I don’t say shit about what I know.

This is the world we live in.

I wish I would have never went to university and just started with WMT right out of high school. I would be retired by now. One thing I do know for sure is that you will always have customers at Walmart. Who wants glamorous? Merica shops at Walmart, and so do you, so keep the snide comments to a minimum. “

Social Pathologies, World-Over

Strange new pathologies are not unique to America. Each pathology might be somewhat unique to it’s area, but the existence of pathologies is not unique to America. Take Japan for example. They have millions of hikikomori. Adults living with their parents playing on their computers and contributing nada to society. Millions … So ya these Japanese millennials don’t do opioids, like their American counterparts, they’re still messed-up. Then of course there is the sky-high suicide rate. They have a forest where people are hanging themselves so frequently it’s referred to as “the suicide forest”. AND the Japanese have basically given up on having children. It doesn’t get any more pathological than that.

And in Europe there are even more messed-yup feminists that simultaneously believe there are no biological differences between men and women, when talking about why women and men have different interests and different strengths (it’s 100% cultural they claim), while also believing that transsexuals have biologically driven preferences (how can a transsexual have a biologically driven urge to be the opposite sex if the sexes are biologically identical and gender is purely a cultural concept?).

Or you have the Swedes (and others) that are so messed-up with “white-guilt” (for what exactly?) that they choose to import millions of criminals, deviants, radicals and extremists into their society just to ‘prove ‘to the world they’re not racist. “Hey buddy, you’re still a unreformed racist. Get over it.” Do they befriend these people and invite these people into their homes? No. Swedish society is extremely xenophobic at the personal level and their ‘open embrace’ of other cultures is purely for show. It’s completely fake. And for this ‘fake show’ that fools no one, they are willing to destroy their society. How pathological is that?