For a Kinder, Gentler Society
What our authors are saying about Algora . . .

While we recognize that it is almost impossible to please everybody all the time, we strive to meet our responsibilities and well beyond. Below are a few comments from our authors.

  • Thanks so much for all the changes you've made, they greatly improved the quality and readability of the book!. — Wouter Hoenderdaal

  • I meant to mention, your staff did a wonderful job on the cover. I've shown it to a few, and they love it. It stresses a part of the Cape Thoreau only covered on his 4th trip. — Jim

  • I saw my book on Khrushchev at Amazon's 'market place' the other day and immediately ordered it to have it in my hands soon. -- So, I'd like to thank you all for your great work in helping me publishing my thoughts on 'Khrushchev's Putsch' and especially my thanks go to you Andrea, because you were very efficient and thoughtful to find the right solution to one or the other problem spots in my manuscript. — Gerhard Schnehen

  • I certainly understand how publishers have been "taken over" by celebrity and popular topics. I submitted to Algora for 2 reasons: your solid, serious topics and I wanted to try a small press in hopes of a more personal relationship with editors. You certainly excel in both. — R Agonito

  • Thank you for going the extra distance on my project. I feel very fortunate to have individuals such as yourselves helping me. — James (Taylor)

  • The editors did an amazing job cleaning up my text! I went through your list and made those changes (while enjoying your jokes) and then read through the whole thing again and cleaned it up some more. I especially appreciated the improvements to the X chapter. I’m extremely thankful for the work done; you really did roll up your sleeves on it.Thank you so much for the excellent comments, suggestions, and editing work! – Tom (Donovan)

  • Regarding your question about why I would want to go it alone, the answer is simple. While there are several reasons [. . .], perhaps the biggest motivator is that I don't like you.  Let me be clear - I don't mean "you" in the abstract sense. I mean "you" as in Martin DeMers specifically. My experience working with you was often filled with combative vitriol. I remember your communicative style to be unsupportive and very acerbic. For all of these reasons and more, I deeply regret not taking the option given to me [by you] a few years ago to back out of our agreement.
  • Since publication, I have been approached by at least one other author asking about my experience with Algora, and I was very honest with him. As you would likely surmise, it wasn't a flattering opinion.  I can't imagine that changing anytime soon. — Jeremy Joseph Dyken

  • Thank you very much. The newly published book is very well designed and I like it very much. We have had a very happy cooperation. I am now working on my fourth book... — Hung Hing Ming

  • Thanks, I am very satisfied with the cover now. Also, I truly appreciate it that you made all the corrections this quickly. And you are right about both of the errors you found! — Tommi (Tommi Hanhijärvi)

  • I think the new Preface is more clear now and fits better with the concluding chapters.Thanks again,  Guido (Guido O. Perez)

  • I want to thank you for the gentle push to downsize the book.  In doing so it was a considerable rewrite and in my opinion produced a much better book. Thanks again for your help. Ray (Raymond Converse)

  • I really appreciate your work on my book. I found almost all your suggestions to be spot-on. Thanks for your patience and hard work. Jerry Carrier
  • Thanks for the great editing…Your support, editing, and care are so much appreciated.   – Jerry Carrier

  • best, and thanks for the great editing!  Caleb (Caleb Rossiter)

  • Yes, the corrections you suggest seem good. The cover looks excellent. —  Emmet (Emmet Sweeney)

  • My only reason for sending this e-mail is that I loved your informative submission guidelines. I have seen millions of submission pages and none have been better than yours. thank you,John

  • Your site is should be an example. It not only gives information but it also presents Algora as a dynamic publisher and helpful partner in the process.

    Dr. Margaret Boland, Professor Emeritus

  • I am working round the clock to give a final shape to the manuscript. While it was almost in a ready stage, going through your author guidelines, I have had to make considerable changes. In line with one of your statements '.. don't give opinions, prove it'  I had to take many of my chapters back to the drawing board and the process actually led me to some different conclusions. It was an excellent brief.

    Anuradha Kataria, Democracy on Trial, All Rise!

  • I wish to especially thank the editors at Algora for promptly and meticulously offering useful comments to improve the quality and clarity of my work--and refreshingly overcoming my anxiety over new technology. — 

    Robert J. Stevenson
    Organizational Reaction To Social Deviance: The Military Case

  • Thanks is also due the editorial staff at Algora Publishers. My editors have had confidence in the project since its inception, and have done their usual more than praiseworthy job in moving the manuscript through production. Every author should be so fortunate.

Jerold Waltman
The Case for the Living Wage, and Minimum Wage Policy in Great Britain and the United States

  • N. P., Attorney at Law

July 22. 2008
Dear Sir or Madam:
I accept with equanimity your editor's rejection of my manuscript. I must, however, confess to some discomfit by your editor's handwritten remarks. Over the years, I have been accused of being many things, most often a "do-gooder," a communist or a socialist. I have never before been accused of "dilettantism."

If to avoid that epithet, one must be employed as an academic who teaches a narrow academic speciality - "Algora concentrates on analytical, academic-type manuscripts, mainly in the area of political, economic and social history" ( see rejection notice attached) - then Algora is, in fact, elitist in the worst sense of that word and the editor's use of the pejorative noun "dilettantism" is profoundly condescending. The suggestion that academics - because they are not "dilettantes" - are better equipped to address issues of history, philosophy or politics is inimical to the core concepts of democracy and an informed citizenry. The suggestion is also indefensibly anti-intellectual because it implies that the possession of a particular set of credentials or a proven-track record of publication, no matter how abysmal, esoteric or incomprehensible, are more important than the quality of ideas.

Based upon your acquisition editor's subjective criteria as to what constitutes a serious work of scholarship, as opposed to a work which reflects the efforts of a dilettante, most prominent thinkers before the nineteenth century - since few were employed as full-time academics - would also have to been dismissed as dilettantes.

The inability to make serious distinctions, linguistically and intellectually, is further evidence that, in academia and in the media as well as in American popular culture, the numbers' crunchers, measurement people and behaviorists - all of whom are temperamentally "small idea" people too timid to ask the larger questions about politics and the human condition - remain dominant today.

Their continued ascendancy, as I argue in my manuscript, is inversely correlated to this culture's continued vitality.

Very truly yours,

  • [...] On another note, you are the best publishing house I have dealt with so far. You are also an excellent team. The quality of the works you put out and the details you pay attention to make your product way above everyone else's. The accolades we received, among others, in the most prestigious Cambridge University published Journal of African History is, to a large degree, due to the professional excellence of the Algora team.

Thanks again and best regards,
Paulos Milkias
The Battle of Adwa

  • I must admit that I am surprised at how fast, efficient and responsive your press is. I approve of everything, I could not ask for more. I hope we may do business with many more of my projects in the future.
Good job, you guys were very easy to work with compared to others I have experienced.
Colin Heaton
Occupation and Insurgency

  • Thanks for the nice, personal reply. Sorry you did not accept the book but you show a lot of class by the type of reply you sent. Good luck in the future. N. C.

  • Dear Sirs:
I would like to know if you would like to publish a book with the thesis that is: the present world intenational (sic), industrial, monetary, military, nation state, entrepeneur world social order should be dismantled and a world communal social order, Joint World Tenancy (JWT) should be installed ?
What I mean to say is would you ? Thank you, P. A. B.

•... My colleagues who have authored books elsewhere report having been variously received by editorial gatekeepers beset with prevailing paranoia, egregious contempt, arrogance, rudeness, condescension, resentment, envy, hostility and ill-disguised jealousy. Thank heaven, si finis bonus est, totum bonum erit. [If the end is good, everything will be good].  In the meanwhile, I wish us every commercial and critical success. – Terry Reed 4/4/09.