For a Kinder, Gentler Society
Freud for Thought
On Forging the Philosophical Life
  • Tom Donovan
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Freud for Thought. On Forging the Philosophical Life
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Prof. Tom Donovan suggests reading Freud today for inspiration in shaping one's outlook and taking control of one's life. We all have to confront the human condition and we face a constant challenge to steer a satisfying course around, over and through the distractions that tempt us to accept the easy gratifications and let the real treasures dribble away.

Philosophy, Tom shows, can connect us to ourselves, our world, and our best traditions while training us in excellence and usefulness, blocking out some of the ridiculous things littering the contemporary world.

About the Author

Dr. Donovan holds an MA in Philosophy from Michigan State University and a PhD in Philosophy from The University of California, Riverside. For his dissertation he focused on the works of Horkheimer and Adorno, Habermas and Lukács. Tom is chair of Philosophy at Mt. San Jacinto College, where he has been teaching philosophy and humanities for over 15 years.

Prof. Donovan is publishing a series of books with Algora that make philosophy accessible and useful for real readers.

About the Book

Can one live a philosophical life in a world that has killed God and given the reins of society to what Nietzsche called “the last men”?

Many of us are unsatisfied with the alternatives offered up today from various ideologies, as...

Can one live a philosophical life in a world that has killed God and given the reins of society to what Nietzsche called “the last men”?

Many of us are unsatisfied with the alternatives offered up today from various ideologies, as well as the obscene nature of today’s consumer capitalism, and the incoherent and distracting roaring of identity politics. But are there viable choices in the search for meaning, happiness, and value?

There are major threads throughout our philosophical tradition for understanding the human condition and coming to terms with both our individual and collective lives. This book suggests that we return to our Western philosophical tradition: The Ancients, the Frankfurt School, and the existentialist penseurs. Tom Donovan places Freud within this tradition and utilizes Civilization and its Discontents as a catalyst to offer theoretical tools and concrete practices on how to forge ourselves into excellent humans.

Happiness requires the evolution of a self. A coherent interpretive and hermeneutic approach understands that identities are situational. We should be wary of essentializing them. This book argues that there is a philosophical way of living and that this path emphasizes the pursuit of excellence and the courage to mediate our instincts through deep reflection, conversation, and noble practices. Rather than searching for some child within, what if we try to forge mature and deep ways of being and acting? La vie philosophique is the true path towards happiness and capturing human meaning and noble values.

This book is for readers interested in forging a meaningful life, and for those of us who are not interested in dogmatic religions, vulgar consumerism, and overbearing social identities.

Table of Contents
Preface Ch. 1 Great Intuitions On Greatness The Ocean Ch. 2 The Quest for Happiness The Performative The Th


Ch. 1 Great Intuitions

On Greatness

The Ocean

Ch. 2 The Quest for Happiness

The Performative

The Three Paths

...1. Deflection

...2. Substitutive Satisfactions

...3. Intoxicating Substances

Beyond The Pain

Ch. 3 The Civilization Trap

Competing with the Sources of Suffering

Subjects & Objects

Life on Mars

The Warriors (but not Golden State)

Ch. 4 Love & Labor

From Work to the Jumbotron

Hardish Determinism

Determined to Love

Ch. 5 True Love, True Aggression

Double Individuals

Religious Love & Freudian Religion

Managing Aggression

Communist Aggression

Ch. 6 Seeing (Double) is Believing

Useful Dualisms


Myth and Reason


Ch. 7 From Animals to Humans (and back?)

Anthropomorphic Language

A Freudian “Garden of Eden”

Moral Discourse

Social Anxiety


Still Discontent, yet Forging

C’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron



Pages 172
Year: 2023
BISAC: PHI035000 PHILOSOPHY / EssaysPHI005000 PHILOSOPHY / Ethics & Moral Philosophy
Soft Cover
ISBN: 978-1-62894-518-8
Price: USD 22.95
Hard Cover
ISBN: 978-1-62894-519-5
Price: USD 32.95
ISBN: 978-1-62894-520-1
Price: USD 22.95
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