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Thoreau Overlooked Pakistan’s Tug of War Paradigm Lost 12,000 BC
Thoreau’s classic Cape Cod is commonly considered among the best if not the best book on that...
The competition between the armed services and the Pakistani intelligence services, both civilian...
Prof. Sapp's first motivation to write "Paradigm Lost: Learning and Literacy in the Digital...
Professor Jerry Kroth’s book 12,000 BC: Two Extinction-Level Events We Know Nothing About...
Pleasure Culture, Evolution, and Menopause Consumer Culture in America
In this, his latest book, Nicholas J. Pappas explores the deeper meanings of pleasure and...
Prof. Hippokratis Kiaris's latest book "Culture, Evolution, and Menopause" focuses on the...
In Consumer Culture in America, Wilber W. Caldwell observes that we are seduced, lured into a...

A dream lasts and can be repeatedly sought and even achieved over a thousand years, but the satisfaction leads to boredom and final ending of the dream. in Wei Bin Zhang's America.

By 2025, the really serious game on the world stage will be a Eurasia-wide infrastructure play with a market currently covering 4.62 billion souls (67% of the global total), where China and Russia will be the ringmasters. There is nothing, short of a nuclear war, the US Government can do to stop it. That is the reality that is now accepted in Washington, and perhaps in Langley as well, given that the stuck-in-the-mud neo-cons are now being side-lined.

“Government is reading your mail, and the Intelligence Services are reading the Government's mail. Who is in charge?" in Nelson McAvoy's Coded Messages: How the NSA and CIA Hoodwink Congress and the People

"The reform of consciousness consists entirely in making the world aware of its own consciousness, in arousing it from its dream of itself, in explaining its own actions to it."  —  Karl Marx, letter to Arnold Ruge, 1843, in Wilber W. Caldwell's 1968 — Dreams of Revolution

“Americans cling to the myth of individualism as though it were the only normal way to live, unaware that it was unknown in the Middle Ages ... and would have been considered psychotic in classical Greece." —  Rollo May, in Gordon Moss's The Dawning Age of Cooperation 

French President Mitterand observed that one loses reality if he is not in the company of his books." —  in Terry Reed's Book of Fools 

The fundamental contradiction of Capitalism: "the contradiction between socialized production and private appropriation [...].”  — Engels: Anti-Dühring

Seek not the favor of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not voices, but weigh them.”  — Immanuel Kant

Now, get 7,500,000 votes to declare that 2 plus 2 = 5, that the straight line is the longest road, that the whole is less than its part; get it declared by 8 million, by 10 million, by 100 million votes, you will not have advanced a step. Well, then, now you are going to be surprised. There are axioms in probity, in honesty, in justice, as there are axioms in geometry; and the truths of morality are no more at the mercy of a vote than are the truths of algebra. The notion of good and evil cannot be resolved by universal suffrage. It is not given to a ballot to make the false become the true and the unjust the just. The human conscience cannot be put to the vote.”  — Victor Hugo

“ intelligence, a type hated with equal hatred by all the smelly little orthodoxies which are now contending for our souls.”  — George Orwell

“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”  — Charles de Montesquieu

“An aggressor is anyone who attacks a country before the US does.”  — Czech President Milos Zeman

"I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America.”
 — Alexis de Tocqueville

Now watch what you say,
Or they’ll be calling you a liberal,
A radical, oh fanatical, criminal…
— Supertramp, “The Logical Song,”
in Monte Pearson's
Perils of Empire 


"Whenever there is great property, there is great inequality. For one very rich man, there must be at least five hundred poor, and the affluence of the rich supposes the indigence of the many, who are often driven by want, and prompted by envy, to invade his possessions. … Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.” Adam Smith (1723-1790)