Mask or no Mask?

The establishment can’t site ANY real facts that masks do ANY good at all for a virus.

If Masks Work, Then Why are we Social distancing ?

If Social Distancing works, then Why are we wearing masks ?

If Masks & Social Distancing Work, Then Why Are Our Businesses Closed?

If we can Stand in Line with Masks & Social Distancing in a Grocery Store to buy goods, Then why Can’t we stand with Masks & Social Distancing in Line to Vote ?

DON’T wear a mask if you think you may have the Flu or been exposed to the virus!

If you do you will be re-breathing most of the virus particles you have just expelled.

You will increase your body’s viral load and you will just get sicker.

This info was made clear by Dr. Judy Mikovits.
Dr. Judy is “Over the Target” and taking “Maximum Flack”.

When wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.” — Russell Blaylock, MD

These masks (N95) were designed to stop bacteria from getting into a surgeon’s lungs, not virus. Virus pass right thru.
Also the little square (one way) valve on the N95 mask opens when you exhale and allows most of the virus out.

ANY mask is equivalent to trying to stop mosquitoes with a chain link fence.

The increase in viral load will cause you to loose taste and smell as the extra virus will concentrate in your olfactory nerves. This is how the loss of taste and smell happens. You can also feel virus traveling down certain nerves.

Are you Revolutionary ? Refuse to Vote !

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

You are being controlled. You are being manipulated. You are being brainwashed. If you are still stuck believing that your vote counts and choosing sides is “moral” in a system set up against you from day one, the propaganda has worked.

In this video, we look at the ideas of Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, and a pioneering mind behind the field of public relations and modern propaganda – particularly his ideas on how group psychology, and the illusion of choice, can be used to manipulate the masses.

This is all about dividing and conquering. While we argue about which political puppet is less evil than the other, they wreak havoc on us and destroy everything in their path for power, fame, and wealth.

If you want to make the best change, reject the system, the entire system, and refuse to vote.The task of any control system, therefore, is to maintain the facade of political choice and central to this is “the people’s right to vote,” writes Ben O’Hanlon for Medium.

The easiest way to divide people is through political theater. This is going to be a tough red pill for people to swallow…

It literally doesn’t matter who you vote for. If your vote actually mattered, it would have already been made illegal.

“Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws.”

– A “maxim” of the House of Rothschilds.

This isn’t an astonishing or groundbreaking statement. On some visceral level, we all understand this. So why then, is it so easy to divide people into political groups so a small handful of other people can rule over them? Basically, propaganda – the illusion of choice keeps people stuck believing they are free to decide when it really doesn’t matter much anyway. You don’t get to vote for the people behind the scenes that make all the decisions anyway, only the puppet whose face will be attached to those decisions.

Voting provides a corrupt system with legitimacy, regardless of who you vote for. It implies that you consent to the outcome because you participated even if you wanted the other guy to win. The use of dividing people into political parties is not new, but the desire to break free from them and the ruling class. in general, is.

There is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country.

Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by political theater and public spectacle that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. –John W. Whitehead

Voting is nothing more than an illusion of choice. It’s akin to slave putting a piece of paper in a box that asks the master to be free. It doesn’t work that way. Figure out the difference between right and wrong, and one of the first things that happen is a refusal to vote for the lesser of two evils…which is still evil, by the way. Because any master who thinks they own anyone else is evil and all politicians think they own you to some degree.

Besides, how do you know who won? The mainstream media tells you, right? And they are so honest, just, and trustworthy, and would NEVER do what they are told…oh, wait. Yeah, it’s that insane.

Trump bent immediately to the will of the deep state. Like a twig in the wind.

It’s time to be honest about that. The people never had a champion in the ring.

Let us talk no more of “democracy,” or of “voting”. Of course, that is hard to accept and acknowledge, because it is so devastating to the delusions that hold individuals together from day to day.

Many people may not even be capable of holding the thought or notion that they might oppose or stop it. Most Americans are now literally numb to the actions of its own government, the lives it is destroying and the lies it is working for.

The candidates and the creatures of the state who have willingly lied and deceived the people while looking them in the eye (and pretending to have good reasons) are recklessly and wantonly jeopardizing the world in a way that that hasn’t been seen since the cold war. –SHTFPlan, April 13, 2017

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

If you are being honest with yourself, you would surely know by now that you don’t require a ruler, a master, or an authoritarian to make decisions for you. It’s time we begin to own ourselves and reject the power-hungry politicians will to rule over us all. People seem to be getting increasingly angry at those who are trying to wake them up and free them from the mental chains they’ve put on themselves. I see this as a sign that the system’s propaganda has worked, but only on those easy to control from the start.

The End is Here

Corona was a smokescreen and excuse to engineer a bailout of massive corporate debt bubble before bursting.

It also served to crush workers earnings momentum (remember “fight for 15”? That’s dead for a decade if not longer).

Without a catalyzing event the Fed would have never been able to pull it off without the Guillotines rolling.

The second I heard “we’re all in this together” it was obvious a crime was about to be committed.

Anything they say is nonsense. One smokescreen that was crucial timing wise was to create a deflationary counter balance to the massively inflationary effect of their exponential printing of currency. So far they have managed to balance these two opposing forces but it’s just a matter of time until the dam cracks.

This was a new effort to reset the fiat money.

They knew that another FF world war would probably not work so the plandemic was the next option

Keep your eyes ope for a new ebola virus.

You could stretch that even further. This so called pandemic is quite likely a game planned psychological operation to allow further erosion of personal liberties and rights. Locking large portions of the planet down due to a virus was only possible because of carefully coordinated media and political scare mongering.

Current power structures are losing the ability to control perceptions and ability to control events. As they know they are soon about to lose their most important control tool – money, it shouldn’t be too surprising that they would attempt something like this. Now as it is becoming overwhelmingly evident that their response was totally disproportionate they are scrambling to divert attention from it. That is why media is hyping racially driven street riots right now. I’m actually impressed by how effective they still are because what we are seeing through media now is so ridiculous and stupid that it makes no sense at all.

Note how the story has gone from total lockdown to staging million-man protests without regard to “social distancing” rules. Did the “threat” of Covid 19 suddenly abate? Or have these morons finally realized it cannot be used as the basis for a lockdown any longer. People have started to notice that it was about as dangerous as other annual flus/colds, and so now they resort to attempting to incite a violent rampage of rioting. Note also how these are only occurring in Democratic strongholds.

For This To Slip Would Be The ‘End Of Empire’

Authored by Alastair Crooke via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

A hot humid day, but a gentle, warm breeze is blowing. The smoke and tear gas swirl gently to and fro, hanging in the dense, sweaty air, as shafts of dazzling sunlight scythe through the smokiness at sharp angles. A mass protest is forming. Youths are chattering; people moving aimlessly. It still has not solidified into purpose, yet the raw tenseness of the coming conflict hangs, as palpably as does the smoke in the air. It is evident – there will be violence today.

No, this is not America. This is the flashpoint crossroad between the radical Jewish settler outpost of Beit El in the West Bank, and its interface with the Palestinian town of Ramallah. Between the two, the Israeli army are ranged, awaiting the hostilities to commence. This was back, during the Second Palestinian Intifada; it was a time of near war, and I was present, charged with observing this, and other unfolding confrontations, on behalf of the EU.

As usual, I head to the back of the sprawling mob, for it is only from this perspective that one can understand the nature of events. You observe the silent organization in action. Young men smoothly and unobtrusively, position the piles of stones that later would be hurled (mostly ineffectually) at the soldiers who are stood just beyond the range of stone-throwers. Then the protest managers are gone – vanished.

I know what is about to unfold. I have just seen two snipers (in this instance, Palestinians), slip into position, well-back, concealed on a hillside over-looking the crossroads. It is a sad sight – the young people massing before me are not dangerous; they generally are decent, sincere young people, angry at the expanding settler-occupation, and hyped by the ‘animators’ sent amongst the crowd to stoke emotions. They are not bad young people.

I am sad, because some, I know, will soon be dead, their families mourning a child’s loss tonight. But they are the fodder – innocent fodder – and this is war. At the height of confrontation, the snipers begin. Just a couple of rounds, but enough; they fire with silenced weapons. The Israelis soldiers cannot tell (unlike me), the source of the firing. A number of Palestinian youth fall dead; the mood incandescent. Purpose achieved.

Why do I write about these twenty-year old events? Because I know well the patterns. I have seen them often. It is a playbook widely used. And I see familiar tell-tales emerging in the videos posted on the current protests in America.

Most notable, are the ubiquitous palettes of bricks that mysteriously appear in the background to many videos of the protests (see here for a typical selection). Who is positioning them? Who is paying? U.S. commentator, Michael Snyder, too has noted the “complex network of bicycle scouts to move ahead of demonstrators in different directions of where police were, and where police were not, for purposes of being able to direct groups from the larger group to… where they thought officers would not be.”

He observes too, the anticipatory raising of bail money; the preparing of medical teams, ready to treat injuries; and of caches of flammable materials (suitable for torching official vehicles), pre-positioned in places where protests would later occur. All this – with simultaneous protests in more than 380 U.S. cities – in my experience, signals much bigger, silent backstage organization. And behind ‘the organisation’, the instigators lie, far back: maybe even thousands of miles back; and somewhere out there will be the financier.

However, in the U.S., commentators say they see no leadership; the protests are amorphous. That is not unusual to see no leadership – a ‘leadership’ appears only if negotiations are sought and planned; otherwise key actors are to be protected from arrest. The most telling sign of a backstage organisation is that on one day, it is ‘full on’, and the next all is quiet – as if a switch has been pulled. It often has.

Of course, the overwhelming majority of protestors in the U.S. this last week, were – and are – decent sincere Americans, outraged at George Floyd’s killing and continuing social and institutional racism. Was this then, an Antifa and anarchist operation, as the White House contends? I doubt it – any more than those Palestinian youth in Beit El constituted anything other than fodder for the front of stage. We simply don’t know the backstage. Keep an open mind.

Tom Luongo presciently suggests that should we wish to understand better the context to these recent events – and not be stuck at stage appearances – we need to look to Hong Kong for indicators.

Writing in October 2019, Luongo noted that: “What started as peaceful protests against an extradition law and worry over reunification with China has morphed into an ugly and vicious assault on the city’s economic future. [This is] being perpetrated by the so-called “Block Bloc”, roving bands of mask-wearing, police-tactic defying vandals attacking randomly around the city to disrupt people going to work”.

An exasperated local man exclaims: “Not only you [i.e. Block Bloc protestors are] harming the people making their living in businesses, companies, shopping malls. You’re destroying subway stations. You’re destroying our streets. You’re destroying our hard-earned reputation as a safe, international business centre. You’re destroying our economy”. The man cannot explain why there was not a single police officer in sight, for hours, as the rampage continued.

What is going on? Luongo quotes a September Bloomberg interview with HK tycoon, Jimmy Lai, billionaire publisher of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) scourge, the Apple Daily, and the highly visible interlocutor of official Washington notables, such as Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo and John Bolton. In it, Lai pronounced himself convinced that if protests in HK turned violent, China would have no choice but to send the People’s Armed Police units from Shenzen into Hong Kong to put down unrest: “That,” Lai said on Bloomberg TV, “will be a repeat of the Tiananmen Square massacre; and that will bring in the whole world against China … Hong Kong will be done, and … China will be done, too”.

In brief, Lai proposes to ‘burn’ Hong Kong – to ‘save’ Hong Kong. That is, ‘burn it to save it’ from the CCP – to keep its residue in the ‘Anglo-sphere’.

“Jimmy Lai”, Luongo writes, “is telling you what the strategy is here. The goal is to thoroughly undermine China’s standing on the world stage and raise that of the U.S. This is economic warfare, it’s a hybrid war tactic. And the soldiers are radicalized kids in uniforms bonking old men on the heads with sticks and taunting cops. Sound familiar? Because that’s what’s going on in places like Portland, Oregon with Antifa … And that cause is chaos”. (Recall, Luongo wrote this more than six months ago).

Well, here we are today: Steve Bannon, closely allied with what he, himself, terms the U.S.’ China super-hawks, and allied with yet another Chinese billionaire financier, Guo Wengui (a fugitive from the Chinese Authorities, and member at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club), is pursuing an incandescent campaign of denigration and vitriol against the Chinese Communist Party – intended, like Lai’s campaign, to destroy utterly China’s global standing.

Here it is again – the tightly-knit band of U.S. and exile super-hawks want to ‘burn’ down the CCP, to ‘save’ what? To save the ‘Empire Waning’ (America), through ‘burning’ the ‘Empire Rising’ (China). Bannon (at least, and to his credit), is explicit about the risk: A failure to prevail in this this info-war mounted against the CCP, he says, will end in “kinetic war”.

Via The New York Times

So, back to the U.S. protests, and drawing on Luongo’s insights from Hong Kong – I wrote last week that Trump sees himself fighting a hidden global ‘war’ to retain America’s present dominance over global money (the dollar) – now America’s principal source of external power. For America to lose this struggle to a putative multi-lateral cosmopolitan governance – Trump perceives – would result in the whole, white Anglo-sphere’s ejection from control over the global financial system – and its associated political privilege. It would entail control of the global financial and political system slipping away to an amorphous multi-lateral financial governance, operated by an international institution, or some global Central Bank. Since before WW1, control of global financial governance has been in the hands of the Anglo-American nexus running between London and New York. It still does, just about – albeit that today’s Wall Street elite is cosmopolitan, rather than Anglo, yet still it is firmly anchored to Washington, via the Fed and the U.S. Treasury. For this to slip would be the ‘end of Empire’.

To maintain the status of the dollar, Trump therefore has assiduously devoted himself to disrupting the multi-lateral global order, sensing this danger to the unique privileges conveyed by control of the world’s monetary base. His particular concern would be to see a Europe that was umbilically-linked to the financial and technological heavy-weight that is China. This, in itself, effectively would presage a different world financial governance.

But, is the fear that the threat principally lies with Europe’s Soros-style vision justified? There may – just as well – be a fifth-column at home. The billionaires’ club of the very rich has long ceased to be culturally ‘Anglo’. It has become a borderless, ‘self-selecting’, governing entity unto itself.

Perhaps an earlier ‘end of Époque’ metamorphosis shows us how readily an old-established elite can swap horses in order to survive. In the historical Sicilian novel, The Leopard, Prince Salina’s nephew tells his uncle that the old order is ‘done’, and with it, the family is ‘done’ too, unless … “Unless we ourselves take a hand now, they’ll foist a republic on us. If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change”.

It is clear that some billionaire oligarchs – whether American or not – can see the ‘writing on the wall’: A financial crisis is coming. And so, too, is a social one. A recent survey done by one such member, showed that 55% of American millennials supported the end to the capitalist system. Perhaps the brotherhood of billionaires is thinking that ‘unless we ourselves take a hand now, they’ll foist socialism on us’. If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change. The recent disorder in the U.S. will have unnerved them further.

The push towards radical change – towards that global financial, political and ecological governance that threatens dollar hegemony – paradoxically may emerge from within: from within America’s own financial elite. ‘Burning’ the dollar’s privileged global status may become seen as the price for things to stay as they are — and for the elite to be saved. The future of Empire hangs on this issue: Can US dollar hegemony be preserved, or might the financial ‘nobility’ see that things must change – if they are to stay as they are? That is, the Revolution may come from within — and not necessarily from abroad.

In recent days, Trump has pivoted to being the President of ‘Law and Order’ – a shift which he explicitly connected to 1968, when, in response to protests in Minneapolis after the police suffocation last week of George Floyd, Trump tweeted: “When the looting begins, the shooting starts”. These were the words used by Governor George Wallace, the segregationist third-party candidate, in the 1968 Presidential election: Republicans launched their “southern strategy” to win over resentful white Democrats after the civil rights revolution.

Trump is determined to prevail – but today is not 1968. Can a Law and Order platform work now? U.S. demography in the south has shifted, and it is not clear that the liberal, urban electorates of America would sign up to a law-and-order platform, which implicitly appeals to white anxieties?

In a sense, President Trump finds himself between a rock and a hard place. If the protests are not quelled, and “the right normal (not) restored” (as per Esper’s words), Trump may lose those remaining ‘law and order’ conservatives. But, were he to lose control and over-react using the military, then it may be Trump who has his own ‘Tiananmen Square’ – one, which Jimmy Lai (gleefully) predicted in Hong Kong’s case would bring in the whole world against China: “Hong Kong will be done, and … China will be done, too.”

Or, in this instance, Trump might be done, and… the U.S. too.

Coronavirus Chimeric, Laboratory Creation

More evidence that the plandemic was synthesized in a Fauci-NIAID-funded Wuhan lab: COVID-19 virus has properties that have never been found in nature before | 08 June 2020 | Norwegian and British vaccine scientists have published unequivocal evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, is man-made. The authors state two conclusions: (1) the mutations that would normally be seen in the course of animal to human transmission have not occurred in SARS-CoV-2, indicating that it was fully “pre-adapted” for human infection and (2) SARS-CoV-2 has insertions in its protein sequence that have never been detected in nature and contribute to its infectivity and pathogenicity. That is, SARS-CoV-2 has a receptor binding domain specifically designed for the human angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptor (ACE2) found in lungs, kidneys, intestines and blood vessels. In addition, SARS-CoV-2 has a furin polybasic cleavage site not found in any closely-related bat coronaviruses as well as other artificially inserted charged amino acids that enhance the virus’s ability to bind to and enter human cells by forming “salt bridges” between the virus and the cell surface. Those modifications are key to understanding the unique transmissibility and potency of SARS-CoV-2.

You can also download it from algora site, here.

The Shallow Deep-State Goes Deeper As It Moves Toward Martial Law

Authored by Edward Curtin via,

I am not trying to be cute and play with words. That title is meant to convey what it says, so let me explain.

The people who own the United States and their allies around the world have a plan. It is so simple that it is extremely devious.

Their plan has been in operation for many years.

It has most people bamboozled because it is Janus-faced by design, overt one day, covert the next, but both faces operate under one controlling head. Some call this head the Deep-State. Even the Deep-State calls itself the Deep-State in a double fake. It is meant to make people schizoid, which it has.

The so-called Deep-State has been given many names over the years. I will not bore you with them, except to say that it was once called the power elite. They are the upper classes, the super wealthy who control the financial institutions, Wall Street, the intelligence agencies, the corporate media, the internet, the military, and the politicians. They are multinational.

They are the wealthy nihilists who care not one jot for the rest of the world. They operate in secret, yet also run above-ground organizations such as the World Bank (WB), the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Agency for International Development (USAID), etc. Their bloodstream runs on war, the preparations for war, and economic exploitation of the world.

All wealthy people are not party to their machinations, but they are almost always complicit in profiting from their crimes, unless they are very stupid. Or play stupid. Since I am talking about a great confidence game, that is quite common.

Other people, all other classes, the poor, middle-classes, even a portion of the upper middle classes mean nothing to the power elite unless they can serve their interests. They are always waging class warfare to maintain their domination and control. Their recent version of this class war is underway in the United States and in many other countries.

As of today, they are using race fears to create chaos and outrage to disguise their class warfare that is leading to the imposition of martial law.Soon they will shift back to the coronavirus fraud. Back and forth, in and out, now you see it, now you don’t.

By shutting down the world’s economy, they have destroyed the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people and are creating poverty on a vast scale. Much famine and death will follow. In the United States alone, 40-45 million people have applied for unemployment insurance and job loss is the greatest since the Great Depression. The reason: a massive propaganda campaign created around Covid-19 fear porn.

This class war is not new, but it is conducted today at warp speed since these people control the technology that has allowed them vastly increased power.

In the USA, it is conducted as usual under the guise of Republicans versus Democrats, the two representative political factions that are the faces of the controlled “opposition,” who are actually allies in the larger confidence game. Keeping “hope” alive is central to their strategy. Mind control is what they do. Speed is their greatest ally. Race is central to their game plan. They always say they are protecting us.

It is all a lie. A show. Nothing but a spectacle for the gullible. A shadow play.

The current president, Donald Trump, is the choice of one faction of these psychopaths. This year, Joseph Biden, is the shaky presumptive choice of the other. Both are deranged puppets. Regular people fight over who is better or worse because they are living inside what Jim Garrison, the former District Attorney of New Orleans and the only person to ever bring a trial in the assassination of President Kennedy, long ago called “the doll’s house.”

It is a place where illusions and delusions replace reality. It is 24/7 propaganda. It keeps people engaged. It gives them something to argue about, one team to root for. It’s a sport. It is similar to Plato’s Cave. Fire has been replaced with electronic lighting and screens, but little has changed.

The sick system of exploitation is oiled and greased with the tantalizing bait of hope dangled for the masses. Shit slogans like “We are all in this together.”

But there is no hope for this system.

But when the propaganda is so slick that it creates a double-bind, people grasp at any neurotic “solution” out of frustration. As I write, huge angry crowds are out in the streets protesting the sick murder of a black man, George Floyd, by a white cop. Police infiltrators have started violent looting. Chaos reigns, as planned.

Such killings are routine, but someone turned a switch for this one when just yesterday operation corona lockdown with its fear and fake statistics had everyone cowering behind masks at home as the economic lives of vast numbers were destroyed in a flash.

For today, the masquerade is in the streets. Many good people are caught up in it. In a few days the scene will shift and we can expect another “bombshell.”

These surprises will keep happening one after another for the foreseeable future. Shock and Awe for the home crowd. The war come home. The controllers know you can’t wage war against the rest of the world unless you do so at home as well.

When one group within the deep-state won the internecine battle in 2016 and “shocked” the country with the election of the comical Trump, the other deep-state group called the Democrats, immediately set in motion a plan to try to oust him or to make it seem as if they were trying to do so.

The naïve thought this may happen, and their deluded yearning has been stretched until the 2020 presidential election, although some probably think Trump might go before then. He won’t.

So many people have destroyed their minds and relationships because they can’t see through the fraud.

Early in 2017, as the outgoing front man for the CIA/warfare/Wall St. state, Barack Obama, left his time bombs for the future. The pink pussy hats were sent out marching to open the show. Russia-gate was launched; eventually impeachment was tried. The Democrats. with their media allies, went on a non-stop attack.

It was all so obvious, so shallow in its intent, as it was meant to be. But millions who were in the doll house were outraged, obsessed, frantic with rage. They bought the con-game. Both those who hate Trump and those that love him have spent almost four years foaming at the mouth, breathless.

Trump was cast as the personification of evil. A relentless attack on Trump began and has continued all this time. It is pure theater. Trump remains at the helm, as planned, holding the Bible aloft in a style reminiscent of a Bible thumping Klansman from The Birth of a Nation. Only the ignorant thought it might have been different.

He knows how to perform his role. He is a fine actor. He outrages, spews idiocies, as he is supposed to do. That Mussolini style stance, that absurd hair, the pout. Just perfect for an arch-villain. It’s so obvious that it isn’t. Herein lies the trick.

And who profits from his policies? The super-rich, of course, the power-elite.

Who just stole 6-10 trillion dollars of public money under the hilariously named Cares Act? The super-rich, of course, the deep-state.

It was a bi-partisan bank robbery from the public treasury carried out under the shadow of Covid-19, whose phony hyped up numbers were used to frighten the populace into lockdown mode as the Republican and Democratic bank robbers smiled in unison and announced forcefully, “We care!” We are here to protect you.

Remember how Barack Obama “saved” us by bailing out Wall St. and the big banks to the tune of trillions in early 2009. Then waged unending wars. Left black Americans bereft. He cared, too, didn’t he. Our leaders always care.

Obama was the black guy in the white hat. Trump is the white guy in the black hat. Hollywood on the Potomac, as Gary Wills called it when Ronald Reagan was the acting-president.

Now Obama’s war-loving side-kick, the pale-faced, twisted talking Biden is seriously offered as an alternative to the Elvis impersonator in the White House. This is the false left/right dichotomy that has the residents of the doll’s house in its grip.

If you can’t see what’s coming, you might want to break out of the house, take off your mask, go for a walk, and take some deep breaths. The walls are closing in.

Knees will be on everyone’s necks in the months ahead.

The Death of Liberalism: Medical Martial Law

By David William Pear – Originally at OffGuardian

They passed the USA PATRIOT Act – and I did nothing because I am a patriot.
They passed the USA Freedom Act – and I believe in freedom.
They nominated Hillary Clinton – and I voted for the lesser evil.
They declared medical martial law – and I didn’t want to kill grandma.
They said to wear a facemask – and I passively obeyed.
I believe Joe Biden – because I am a liberal.
Ode to a Liberal – DWP

In 2010 Chris Hedges declared the liberal class as dead as a doornail. He was late. Liberalism had died decades earlier. All that remains now is the separate components of the body of liberalism. The stinking compounds have decomposed into identity politics.

The cause of death for the liberal class, as Chris Hedges tells us, was gullibility. Liberals were foolish enough to believe that they could moderate capitalism. They thought that they could change corporatism by elections, mass movements, whining and begging for incrementally.

The liberal class started their negotiations by compromising all of their ethics, beliefs, and powers. All they got in return were table-scraps to identity politics. The power elite did not give up anything it really cares about. The corporatists raped, pillaged and burned with abandon, while liberals wallowed in political correctness.

Taxes for the rich are the lowest in over 100 years. The military budget is the highest in history. The concentration of wealth and income is in the fewest hands. US wars have killed millions of people, and war profits are booming. Labor unions were neutered. Government is privatized. The economy has been deindustrialized. The police are militarized. The working class has been disenfranchised. The middle-class is being impoverished. The unemployed are idle. The poor are criminalized.

I could go on, but you get the point.

And what has the liberal class gotten in return? Token integration. Ending conscription. Adulthood at 18 years of age. Women in the workforce. Acceptance of LGBTQ. A black president. The MeToo movement. Legalized marijuana. A $1200 bailout. Help me out here—what else have the liberal class gotten in the past half-century, in return for their soul?

Liberals elected Barack Obama in 2008, laughed, cheered, cried, and then they went to sleep for eight years. They thought that Obama would do the heavy lifting for them. Instead he went from bombing three countries to bombing seven, after winning the Nobel Peace Prize for nothing. Obama looked the other way as the Police Occupied Zuccotti Park, Black Lives Didn’t Matter, and Dakota Pipelined.

Obama imprisoned and tortured whistleblowers, and he became the deporter-in-chief. He bailed out the banks, while millions of families lost their homes. Obamacare enriched insurance companies and big-pharma. Gitmo stands as the legacy of Obama’s droning wedding parties and funerals, and for all his broken promises. His answer to climate change was Artic drilling, and fracking the USA.

Obama and the liberal class are the reason we have Trump.

The rich do not care about any of the liberal class’s identity politics and correctness. It costs the rich nothing to make those concessions. The liberals are not willing to fight for anything of importance, and the corporatists know it. The corporatists don’t care if Trump or Biden is the next president.

Bernie or bust! Fugget about it: Bernie Sanders is just a sheepdog, a foil, a professional wrestler, and Kabuki theater. Bernie is the Senator from Lockheed and Israel. He is a carnival huckster, herding the liberal suckers into the big tent.

The DNC will be happy to keep Trump.

They get to keep their jobs, their power, their influence, and the gravy train keeps on rolling. Nancy Pelosi will still get her kicks from gourmet chocolate, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will keep making arm-waving rants to an empty House, Ilhan Omar will kowtow to the Zionist lobby, and the Congressional Black Caucus will vote against blacks.

Liberals will grandstand politically correct platitudes, while the banks, corporations, military-industrial complex, Israel, and the well-connected get unlimited hand-outs.

Lest I forget, fake liberal Rachel Maddow and her ilk in the media will still get paid $30 thousand a night for “Russia-Russia-Russia!”, and the New York Times will endorse every regime-change war, just as it has done for the past 150 years. And Liberals will commiserate with each other, preach to their dwindling choir, blame everybody except themselves, and waste another four years without organizing any opposition.

Medical martial law reveals just how out of touch liberals are with common people. Liberals have abandoned the working class, the unemployed, the poor, the incarcerated, the ghettoized, wage-slaves, the indebted, the bankrupt, veterans, the homeless, beggars, red-necks, slum dwellers, the uneducated, and old people surviving on three-figure Social Security checks.

All the liberal class whines about are Trump and their own selfish economic interests; the so-called middle-class issues. They despise their potential allies among the people, look down on them as if they are riff raff. Liberals should be uplifting the downtrodden, not kicking them.

Liberals naively believe the COVID-19 fearmongering. They begged the authorities for medical martial law, and they have become comfortable to “the rules” and their self-imposed imprisonment. They would rather give up all of their civil liberties, and those of others, than to risk catching the flu.

They will obediently line up for experimental vaccines, identification tattoos, and download medical tracking apps on their iPhones. They are COVID kool.

The facemask is their badge of obedience, which does medical and psychological harm to their body, mind and soul. The facemask is nasty. It provides the perfect environment for breeding and spreading germs. Wearing a face mask is humiliating, and unsanitary. It is a symbol of passive submission to the power elite. They look ridiculous wearing it.

What liberals can never be forgiven for is their abandonment of internationalism. They have deserted international socialism, leaving welfare-states to be crushed by international capitalists. While liberals cower-in-place in fear of COVID-19, their passiveness supports the medical blockade against socialist countries. Liberals are the “Good Americans”, just like the Good Germans during the Third Reich.

Two million Gazans have been forced to shelter in place by fascistic Israelis, since 2007. Another three million Palestinians have been imprisoned since 1967 in an ever-shrinking isolated West Bank. There are another 5 million Palestinian members of the diaspora, who cannot return to their homeland, as is their God-given human right. Palestinians are tortured in Israeli concentration camps. Liberals can not say they do not know, and their silence speaks volumes.

Since World War Two the U.S. has killed an estimated 30 million people, none of whom were ever a threat to the US American people. Ethically, morally and legally most US Americans are guilty of war crimes. The German people were not let off the hook after WW2. The US American people are just as guilty now.

Liberals know the U.S. government is a pathological liar. The past two decades have been especially rotten. George W. Bush winning the election in 2000 was a lie. The attacks of 9/11 were lies, the invasion of Afghanistan was based on a lie, Iraq weapons of mass destruction were a lie, Iran’s nuclear weapons program is a lie, the Katrina Hurricane response was a lie, the Russian invasion of Georgia was a lie, the 2009 bailout of Wall Street was based on lies, Haiti earthquake aid was a lie, the Ukraine coup was lied about, Gaddafi’s Viagra was a lie, the well-vetted moderate rebel was a lie, the lie that Venezuela is a threat to the US is a lie, the White Helmets are a propaganda lie, Russiagate is a lie, the Douma chemical attack was a lie, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons report was a lie, the torture of Chelsea Manning is lied about, the Julian Assange lie is a lie.

So now liberals believe that the government authorities are telling the truth about COVID-19?

Liberals say that we should believe that lie too, and we should obey the fascistic rules. The first clue that the authorities are lying is that the banks, corporations and the well-connected were bailed out again; first too. Six-trillion U.S. dollars disappeared overnight. The second clue was that the U.S. illegal wars of aggression did not stand-down. There was no break in the illegal U.S. blockades against socialist countries.

Instead there is a campaign of maximum starvation during a pandemic.

The military’s Defender 2020 war-game invasion of Russia was not canceled due to COVID-19.

The power elite do not isolate, wear face masks, and practice social distancing. We are not in it all together, and COVID-19 has not made us all equal. Those memes are liberal pipedreams.

There is no bailout for the people. There has been no unified response to provide the people with adequate food, healthcare, housing, and financial relief during medical martial law. The physical, mental and emotional damages caused by isolation are being ignored.

The casualties caused by medical martial law and “the rules” go unreported, if the statistics are even being kept. The number of people who have become infected, ill, and died from COVID-19 is lied about.

What is happening under martial law is the permanent stripping away of our civil liberties. The economy is being restructured for the benefit of big-tech, and more concentration of income and wealth is going to the top. Yet, liberals meekly accept the assault on the people’s rights in silence. They could at least honk their car horns in solidarity with wage-slave workers.

Are liberals going to show up when people are evicted from their homes, have their cars repossessed, and their wages garnished? Are they going to stand in picket lines with workers, who are demanding fair wages? Are liberals going to storm the statehouses and Washington to demand a return to civilian government?

Are liberals going to resist forced vaccinations, contact tracking, snitching, spying, and ID chipping? Are they going to be standing up for civil liberties and human rights? Or are they going to be standing with the corporatists, and begging the corporatists for their fiendish programs of surveillance and control?

Liberals have made “liberal” a dirty word. They cannot hide behind the identity of progressive. There is nothing liberal or progressive about making bargains with the corporatists, fascists, and the corrupt power elites. It is time to bury the putrid body of the liberal class. It has already become a biohazard more dangerous than any virus.


Revolt will come from the right. That the revolt will be funded, organized, and manipulated by the corporate forces is one of the tragic ironies. But the blame lies with the liberal class. Liberals, by standing for nothing, made possible the rise of inverted and perhaps soon classical totalitarianism.”

The Death of the Liberal Class – Chris Hedges (2010)

David William Pear is a Senior Editor for, and a Senior Contributing Editor for The Greanville Post. David is a journalist, columnist, and commentator for TV and radio. He has been writing for The Real News Network, OpEdNews, The Greanville Post, American Herald Tribune, and other publications since 2009.

A Typical School in the US

From a comment:

If you have a bachelor’s degree, you can work the $10.40/hr temp job of standardized test grader to see how right you are. You’ll grade thousands of papers that demonstrate how profound the literacy crisis is.

I went to crappy public schools that were not dangerous, like some of today’s schools, but they were zoo-like, with an atmosphere that focused on 1) athletics, 2) the type of jeans and tennis shoes you wore and 3) the cut-down culture among a bunch of young bullies who grew up to be workplace bullies in many cases.

I learned little there, and the social atmosphere was damaging due to rampant bullying that was uncurbed by teachers, with some of the teachers even participating in it.

A typical learning event included the large number of coach teachers calling their classes into one room and showing a Fellowship of Christian Athletes film. The coach teachers would pat the floor to get the girls to come and sit beside them. Give-a-care female teachers who likely never read a book that was not assigned in college ignored the viscous bullying of students by other students, going on right under their un-motherly noses.

Most of the teachers — male and female — were just getting through the day in their safe government jobs. Some of the female teachers were catty cubed to the young female students, likely due to things that had nothing to do with their job.

There was a lot of paddling of a few boys and a lot of girls in tight jeans or cheerleading skirts by teachers with a coach "witness." This was for egregious sins, like chewing gum in class or passing notes in class.

I say all of this to point out that I had zero empathy for junior high and high school teachers until I graded all these standardized tests. The situation appears to be worse than when I was in school. I am not sure how much control the teachers have. When it comes to shortfalls in the most basic literacy skills, some of it is likely due to the home lives of students.

You would know what I meant if you graded batch after batch of essays, suddenly encountering a whole batch of papers that were not perfect by any means, but were very different than the overall papers.

Recent generations of politicians have decided to pay single parents to copulate and reproduce if they work 20 hours or more for low wages, propping up independent households for them and unleashing a widespread social trend of single-parent households. It probably was not a big deal to have some single-parent households before it became such a large trend, with 62% of births now out-of-wedlock.

The standards for raising children are no longer high. Nor are the teaching standards high in the era of the two-earner, feminist households, where many teachers below the college level aren’t passionately interested in the subject they teach.

Most of the teachers are moms who majored in Education. They want to be home with their own kids in the summer, and teaching is a way to do it. These teachers are not the spinster intellectuals of past eras, nor are they the male breadwinners in most cases, although males can get a teaching job easier in subjects like history or English if they coach.

Secondary school teaching is a second-income profession. It is a good way to have a safe second income when the dad holds a more lucrative, but less certain, corporate job. Teaching — like so many jobs — revolves around family composition and the personal-life issues of the employees.

Still, a lot of the recently retired teachers who were a part of the momma-clique teaching system think grammar should be taught. It isn’t anymore.

I did this grading during No Child Left Behind and in the years right after Obama took office. We were trained to grade the essays according to the varying standards of different states, using a so-called "holistic" approach.

Many graders were weeded out in an initial series of tests. A bunch of hoop jumping is required for every one of these low-wage temp jobs. It is an absurd world, where many highly paid mommas and many mommas in low-wage jobs, too, can take a ton of excused time off from work. Laxness abounds for many employees, but every low-wage temp job that would never cover rent requires a ton of hoop jumping.

The papers were graded using a convoluted literary theory, not by the kids’ knowledge of the basic rules of grammar and composition, causing a lot of snide comments among the retired school teachers.

The temp grading sessions were staffed with about 1/3rd to 1/2 retired teachers, with the rest of the graders being underemployed college grads who were never teachers.

A lot us assumed that grammar would be a component of the grading, but except in the case of one state, where it was one of 6 grading criteria, it was not.

Every once in awhile, we got a batch of papers with a green dot, indicating that, like in the initial testing phase, we would be kicked out of the grading session if our grading did not align with X percentage of sample papers.

There were grades of 1,2,3 and 4. A good paper was not necessarily grammatically correct, but had a lot of so-called "elaboration." This basically meant a lot of specific detail, like the literary theory that says good writing is not too generalized. That theory is about literary style and efficacy in communicating ideas, not about the fundamentals of English that should be taught in 3rd, 4th or 8th grade.

Believe it or not, a bad and even failing paper could be the paper of a child who cared about organizing his or her ideas in a logical way. S/he could display an awareness of paragraph structure and grammar. But if the kid did not get the required number of words down in 30 minutes, you were supposed to grade it a 2 in some states.

I felt sorry for those kids. It was totally unfair to them and, in cases where graders really gave them a 2, it was probably very discouraging for no good or logical reason. These kids were grouped with kids who showed far less fundamental understanding.

Here is the reason: it is easier to teach more kids to pass the "elaboration" test than to teach them grammar, especially when so many kids come to school from home situations that make it harder to teach them. The schools get their money based on how many kids score well on the test. These tests also determine which ones go to the next grade.

In many states, a 2 was an incoherent paper packed with unrelated sentences. A 1 was a paper that did not even have one or two fully formulated, legible sentences. Zerohedge recently did an article describing a state where a staggering number of papers got a 1, meaning that the kids are not even basically literate.

Within the group that got the maximum score, a tiny number of kids wrote brilliant little papers. A couple were even funny all the way through, in addition to being grammatically correct and meeting all of the nutty, "holistic" requirements that ensure a good grade in a bad system.

We live in a crazy world.


A terrorised Palestinian teen girl arrested by six Israeli heavily armed security forces. An estimated 7,000 children have been detained, interrogated, prosecuted and/or imprisoned within the Israeli military justice system.

How Trump-Netanyahu Middle East policies help Iran

By Elijah J. Magnier: @ejmalrai

Through its failed foreign policy, the US administration has unwittingly and unwillingly become the greatest supporter of the “Axis of the Resistance” led by Iran. Along with Israel, Washington is, in fact, globally encouraging countries to rebel against its dominance. Israel effectively contributed to the creation of Hezbollah by invading Lebanon in 1982. The US contributed to the creation of Hashd al-Shaabi in 2014 when it refused to help Iraq to defeat ISIS. Both Israel and the US fostered the creation of Syrian resistance groups and pushed President Bashar al-Assad to join the “Axis of the Resistance” by their efforts to create a failed state in the Levant. And, when President Donald Trump offered the Syrian occupied Golan Heights, Jerusalem and the West Bank to Israel, he left no alternative to the Palestinians but to join Iran and become fully dedicated to the “Axis of the Resistance”. Is a third intifada on its way?

Notwithstanding the presence of many senior experts within the US administration, along with numerous strategic studies centres and think-tanks, Washington demonstrates again and again its limited knowledge of Middle Eastern dynamics and local culture. The devastating effect of US foreign policy is uniting many countries and groups in the Middle East under Iran’s umbrella to fight back against US-Israel decisions and operations.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said on many occasions that he was the “consigliere” of President Donald Trump in violating international laws and already agreed understandings. Netanyahu advised Trump to illegally revoke the Iran Nuclear deal (known as the JCPOA), to allow Israeli annexation of the Syrian occupied Golan Heights, to recognise Jerusalem as the “only capital of Israel”, to assassinate Iranian Brigadier General Qassem Soleimani- and, most recently, to allow Israel’s “robbery of the century” (the annexation of the West Bank).

To please the powerful Israeli lobby in the US, gaining the votes of American-Israeli Jews, Trump has violated all international laws, offering what was not his to Israel. Netanyahu’s aim is to boost his shaky image domestically: he is accused of corruption and faces jail if he loses his position as Prime Minister. The Israeli PM doesn’t care about the safety of the Israelis and the reactions of Iran, Syria, and the Palestinians, who are today more united than ever regarding their common enemy (Israel) but still far from being united among themselves.

President Mahmoud Abbas is suspending all forms of collaboration with the Americans and the Israelis, particularly on the most sensitive security issues shared with the CIA. Abbas refused to talk to Trump over the phone because the US is no longer considered any kind of partner for peace. This step, even though late, could point the way towards a third intifada, bringing closer the day Israel will move forward in confiscating more Palestinian territory in the West Bank and expelling more Palestinians towards Gaza, Jordan or to the West. This date is not very far away, and likely will come this summer. The Palestinian authority in the West Bank promised to oppress any (Palestinian) civilian uprising even if collaboration with the Israelis has been suspended. But for how long President Abbas can hold back the natural reaction of the people to the Israeli unlawful?

Even the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) is now aware that Israel understands only the language of force: it has no intention of giving any state to the Palestinians. In fact, Israel never planned to leave any piece of land to the Palestinians and was preparing a bridge between the West Bank and Gaza to transfer the inhabitants of the West Bank to Gaza: a second Nakba. No doubt Israel wants to annex the West Bank but also needs to get rid of the Palestinians living there.

The Israeli soft seizure of further Palestinian territory aims to create a new Middle Eastern generation, Christian and Muslims, unconcerned about the right of return of the Palestinians (UNSC resolution 194) and the right to regain their ancestors’ territories usurped in 1948. For the Palestinians, it is important to keep history alive in the memories of all generations because there are millions of Palestinians who live as refugees, without identity, in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East. The West has been quick to provide western passports for Palestinian refugees to encourage the new generation to forget about Palestine and their right to return. This is how Trump-Netanyahu supports the Iranian-led “Axis of the resistance” and its project of rebelling against the US hegemony in the Middle East.

When confronted with the fact of their confiscation of Palestinian territories, Israelis twist their arguments according to the circumstances. Ben-Gurion, the father of the Haganah and the first Prime Minister of Israel, claimed to have taken the land after being attacked by the Arab nations. Israel built its strength with the help of the first terrorist organisation, the Irgun (1937-1948) which committed in 1946 the first “act of Terror” against the King David Hotel killing 90 people, and the 1948 Deir Yassin Massacre killing 107 Palestinian Arabs. Indeed, Irgun terrorist acts are well condemned and documented in counter-terrorism studies as “rewarded terrorism that works” because it (terrorism) led to the creation of a state over the dead bodies of the Palestinians and on the territories of their descendants.

In December 1947, the Haganah broke into Balad al-Sheikh (Tall Ghanan) and slaughtered 600 civilians. The raiding unit’s orders were to ‘kill maximum adult males’, said Benny Morris, an Israeli professor of history at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Most bodies were found in their homes. Four months later, the Haganah attacked Deir Yassin, destroyed Arab homes, and killed around 360 Palestinians, mainly the elderly, women and children. Historian Ilan Pappe has documented that Deir Yassin was but one of many Palestinian villages destroyed in this way.

A British army officer and troops outside of the King David Hotel, which had been bombed by the underground Zionist group the Irgun, Jerusalem, July 1946: The Jewish Terrorists | by Assaf Sharon | The New York Review of Books

One month later, in January 1948, the village of Abu Shusha was attacked by the Haganah who killed 30 to 70 Palestinians. Three months later, in May, Iskandaron brigade 33 attacked Tantoura village killing 90 people who were buried in a common mass grave which is today a parking place south of Haifa. Abu Shusha’s remaining inhabitants were expelled. In the same month of May, the Israeli Giv’ati 51st Battalion captured Sawafir al Sharqiya and Sawafir al Gharbiyya. Benny Morris writes that the Israelis had one order: “To expel the enemy from the villages…to clean the front line… to conquer the villages, to cleanse them of inhabitants- women and children should also be expelled- take several prisoners and burn the greatest possible number of houses”.

The Negev Brigade units raided al Muharraqa and Kaufakha, south of Burayr expelling their inhabitants. Beit Tima, north of Burayr was attacked by the Negev Brigade’s 7th Battalion killing 20 Arabs. The Negev Brigade attacked Huj, seven kilometres south of Burayr even though the inhabitants were considered friendly and hid the Haganah men from the British dragnet. The same Haganah expelled the inhabitants, looted and then blew up the houses. Everywhere the orders were to “kill, expel those who remain alive and demolish all houses”. The same orders are given even today; Israel’s ethnic cleansing has never ceased.

After the war, In October 1953, Ariel Sharon attacked the village of Qibyah and blew up all houses while the inhabitants were hiding inside, killing between 56 and 69 people. In 1956 Israel attacked Qalqiliya killing 70 people. In the month of October of the same year, Israel committed a massacre of Kafar Qassem in Toul Qarm killing 49 Palestinians. In November of the same year, Khan Younes was attacked south of Gaza were 250 Palestinians were killed. Six days later, the second wave of attack killed 275 Palestinians. In 1990, Israeli soldiers opened fire inside the Grand Mosque of Jerusalem killing 21 civilians. In February 1994, Baruch Goldstein hid behind the column of the Sanctuary of Abraham (al-Haram al-Ebrahimi) and killed 29 (additional 9 civilians were killed by the Israeli army who wrongly believed Jews were under attack) and wounded 28 among those who came to pray before the sun rises. Goldstein is now commemorated in Israel where his grave is now a shrine for pilgrimage.

Every Israeli action and attack carried out aimed to persuade the Palestinians to abandon their territories and leave. In 1948, 750,000 Palestinians escaped for fear of being exterminated by the Israelis, allowing the persecutors to locate Jews who came to Palestine from all over the world to steal the Palestinians homes and build new houses over Palestinian owned lands.

The exodus of the Palestinians doesn’t end here: President Trump gave Israel what he doesn’t own, and the world’s media dare not write the truth for fear of losing their jobs or being harshly attacked by the well-organised and apparently all-powerful Israeli lobbies around the world. This is only because the Palestinians in the West Bank agreed to lay down their weapons and gave up armed resistance against the occupation forces. The Israelis, who had been so mercilessly persecuted and killed by the Europeans during World War II, exacted similar crimes against the Palestinians, elderly, women and children, under the “blind” eyes of the apparently impotent international community.

Dozens of United Nations Resolutions were pronounced condemning Israeli acts in Palestine but to no avail. These are resolutions 57, 59, 101, 194, 237, 248, 265, 271, 317, 468, 469, 592, 605, 607, 608, 636, 641, 672, 673, 681, 694, 726, 799, 3414, 3516 and many more related to Palestine pronounced between 1947 and 2016, all rebuffed by Israel. The United Nations condemned the “persistent violation of the Geneva convention, the Israeli policies and practices, the annexing of parts of the occupied territories, the establishment of settlements and the transfer of alien population, the destruction and demolition of Arab houses, the confiscation and expropriation of Arab properties, the deportation, expulsion, denial of right of return, mass arrests, administrative detention and ill-treatment to Arab population, pillaging of archaeological and cultural property, interference with religious freedom, illegal exploitation of natural wealth, the change of demographic composition”. Yet, Israel offers itself to the world as the “most democratic” entity in the Middle East.

Israel doesn’t care about the Camp David or Oslo agreements. The Oslo agreement was in Israel’s favour since it forced the PLO to drop its weapons and its armed struggle. Israel wants to occupy all of Palestine- with the exception of Gaza where a resistance was born and where the Palestinians decided to fight back. Iran has now moved in to support the Palestinian cause unconditionally. Iranian officials told the Palestinians that Tehran supports all Palestinian efforts.

The Palestinians, particularly Hamas, went off course for the many years during the war in Iraq and Syria. Many Hamas militants blew up themselves in Iraq fighting against the Shia, although they had been trained by Iran and its allies to fight for the liberation of their territory. In Syria, many Palestinians fought with the Syrian army but many more fought on the side of al-Qaeda and the “Islamic State”, ISIS. Hamas supported the Syrian opposition and stood by Qatar, one of the biggest financiers of the Syrian failed-state project.

However, with the fall of the “new Middle East” and the victory of the central government in Damascus along with its allies, Israel failed in its goal of making ISIS a dominant force in Syria. The Palestinian leadership reviewed their mistakes and decided to remove those responsible for diverting the compass from Palestine to Syria and Iraq.

Iran never ceased its financial support for Palestinian groups working to recover their territory and focused on Palestine rather than Iraq or Syria. Iran explained to the Palestinians that the era when some groups were “a gun for hire” is over and the return to the main path of Palestine can’t be disregarded or exchanged. The Palestinians invested time, money and thousands of men in internal fighting and wars in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

Israel demolished 48,000 Palestinian home since 1967.

Today, Hamas and most Palestinian groups present in Gaza have united their military operational room to fight together against any Israeli attempt to impose a new rule of engagement. Palestinian deterrence is now imposed on Israel: Tel Aviv will be bombed if Gaza is attacked or suffocated so as to threaten the survival of their inhabitants. The spirit of the commanders who fought the occupation forces Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, Yahya A’yash and Muhammad (Abu Khaled) al-Da’if has been revived.

This has pushed Israel to turn towards the weakest part of Palestine, the PLO in the West Bank where its President, unlike Gaza, doesn’t believe in armed struggle to return the occupied territory by the pressure of the armed resistance. This is why Israel finds no reason to offer any concessions to the PLO and will force the Palestinians to move out of their homes, a practice the Israelis have mastered since the 1940s. Israel controls the security, the economy, the construction permissions, the electricity, the water and everything in the west bank since 1967. The colonisation has never ceased and Israel does not care about the international reaction because it claims to dominate the mainstream media worldwide.

When Imam Khomeini called for the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan to celebrate the “Youm al-Quds”, the “day of Jerusalem”, he said “Palestine doesn’t belong to the Palestinians or to the Arabs or to the Muslims or the Christians. It belongs to those willing to adopt the struggle against injustice and against the oppressors”.

The only way left for Palestinians is to surrender, or to themselves impose on Israel what Lebanon won in the year 2000: unconditional withdrawal (of Israel from Lebanon) following 18 years of armed resistance. The price was high but the harvest rich and strategic. Today, the choices of the Palestinians in the West Bank are very limited: there is no point in relying on the international community or the United Nations to change the course of Israel’s plan to annex the West Bank and expel the Palestinians. The Palestinians will have to leave, all of them, or stay and fight. A third intifada is knocking on the door and Iran will stand by it and support it.

Proofread by: C.G.B. and Maurice Brasher

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