Israelis are now selling Gaza to the American Jewish community. Events are being organized in the United States for the purpose of auctioning off stolen Palestinian land, in the full view of the public.
Even some American Jews are outraged by such an unprecedented international crime being committed on the soil of the United States. Here is one Jewish man, Rich Siegel, calling out the illegal “Jews only” real estate sales event – auctioning off the Palestinians’ ancestral homeland.
It violates both international law and domestic law in the United States.
Aid convoys carrying food reached northern Gaza this week, Israeli officials said on Wednesday, the first major delivery in a month to the devastated, isolated area, where the UN has warned of worsening starvation among hundreds of thousands of Palestinians amid Israel’s offensive.
Across Gaza, more than 576,000 people, a quarter of the population, are a step away from famine, the UN says.But northern Gaza in particular has been gutted by hunger. The north has largely been cut off and much of it has been levelled since Israeli ground troops invaded in late October.
Several hundred thousand Palestinians are believed to remain there, and many have been reduced to eating animal fodder to survive.
A convoy of 31 trucks carrying food entered northern Gaza on Wednesday, the Israeli military office that oversees Palestinian civilian affairs said.
The office, known by the acronym COGAT, said nearly 20 other lorries entered the north on Monday and Tuesday.
Associated Press footage showed people carrying sacks of flour from the distribution site.
It was not immediately clear who carried out the deliveries. The UN was not involved, said a spokesman for the UN’s humanitarian co-ordination office, Eri Keneko.
The trucks were sent by the Zionists. No other organization was involved. But when people came near to the trucks to collect the food they had carried into Gaza the Zionist went berserk:
More than 100 Palestinians have been killed and some 700 others wounded after Israeli troops opened fire on hundreds waiting for food aid southwest of Gaza City, health officials say, as the besieged enclave faces an unprecedented hunger crisis.The Gaza Ministry of Health said on Thursday said at least 104 people were killed and more than 750 wounded, with the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemning what it said was a cold-blooded “massacre”.
People had congregated at al-Rashid Street, where aid trucks carrying flour were believed to be on the way. Al Jazeera verified footage showing the bodies of dozens of killed and wounded Palestinians being carried onto trucks as no ambulances could reach the area.
“We went to get flour. The Israeli army shot at us. There are many martyrs on the ground and until this moment we are withdrawing them. There is no first aid,” said one witness.
Reporting from the scene, Al Jazeera’s Ismail al-Ghoul said that after opening fire, Israeli tanks advanced and ran over many of the dead and injured bodies. “It is a massacre, on top of the starvation threatening citizens in Gaza,” he said.
One Palestinian man told Quds News Network the military attack was a “crime”. “I have been waiting since yesterday. At about 4:30 this morning, trucks started to come through. Once we approached the aid trucks, the Israeli tanks and warplanes started firing at us, as if it was a trap.
“To the Arab states I say, if you want to have us killed, why are you sending relief aid? If this continues, we do not want any aid delivered at all. Every convoy coming means another massacre.”
The killing today was not by chance. I do not believe that it was unintentional. The food deliveries were under Israeli controls. So were the troops who killed the Palestinians who tried to collect the ‘aid’.
This is not the first time that a food convoy or aid distribution has been used by the Zionists to attract and then kill starving Palestinians.
This is an extremely brutal and cynical way to genocide them.
Mainstream media and the administration are pushing a narrative that funding for the Ukraine War and illegal immigration is helping the economy, both of which are complete nonsense. In fact, a Washington Post story on this topic begins by saying that “the economy is roaring,” and then goes on to explain how this amazing economy is driven by immigrants who are responsible for job creation.
Although they have twisted the interpretation of the economic data to make it appear that the economy is doing well, the average American is worse off than they were five years ago. Biden claims job creation, but the number of full-time jobs has been in steady decline. The number of part-time jobs is growing, and this is because of an influx of millions of people for whom minimum wage and no benefits are better than what they left behind. Twitter is full of ironic posts by conservatives saying, “Biden created X number of jobs, and I have three of them.” The number of Americans working two or more jobs has increased by 28% under Biden.
Wages have increased only modestly, while prices are up a cumulative 21 percent. Biden claims inflation is falling, but what he actually means is that prices are rising more slowly than they were a year ago. That is not much of a help if you already cannot afford to make ends meet. Gas is still about 42% higherthan before the pandemic, and food is up 25%. The reasons why your dollar is buying less are because of government spending, credit expansion, deficits, debt, and money printing.
The funding for the Ukraine war is a perfect example. While there may be very legitimate national security reasons to defend Ukraine and oppose the expansion of Russia, it is not true that Ukraine funding is growing the US economy. The Wall Street Journal claims that the aid given to Ukraine benefits the US economy because much of it is actually paid to US defense contractors. And while this is true, that money represents government debt. The government is literally borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.
Government debt-funded spending helps a few US firms, but debt causes inflation and currency devaluation, which hurt Americans now. It also hurts Americans in the future in the form of taxes needed to repay the debt.
Illusory economic growth stemming from debt-fueled government spending is temporary and unsustainable. The boom must end in a bust, which will be even worse than our current economy. Government debt must be repaid with interest, and interest rates are currently dramatically higher than in 2019. Currently, the Fed discount window interest rate is 5.5%, and the monthly interest rate on US government debt is 3.15 percent.
Another issue with increasing America’s debt to defend another country is the opportunity cost. Buying weapons for Ukraine is not an investment in productive assets. If you take a loan to buy a machine that allows you to earn income in the future, you calculate the income against the debt, and if you have a positive gain, you borrow the money. For example, you take a loan to buy a limousine and then charge people $300 an hour to ride in it. But the money spent on Ukraine will never produce an economic return.
If the same amount of money had been put into education, research and development, or border security, America would see a return on its investment.
Turning our attention to border security takes us back to immigration. The Washington Post recently claimed that “About 50 percent of the labor market’s extraordinary recent growth came from foreign-born workers between January 2023 and January 2024.” All they are really saying is that 50% of the new jobs were taken by immigrants. This is not a benefit to the average American. The Congressional Budget Office claims that the economy will grow by $7 trillion over the next decade, and $1 trillion of this is attributable to immigration.
The $7 trillion figure is just a mathematical function of the average US annual growth times 10 years. And it is based on the highest Biden growth year, a one-time boost to the economy when Biden allowed people to get back to work after Covid. That $7 trillion will most likely take more like 15 years to materialize, assuming the US economy ever gets back to normal.
The additional $1 trillion attributed to immigrants is simply based on the projected increase in the size of the population. So, basically, what the data proves is that immigration makes the population larger, something we all probably knew. And these figures ignore the money spent on welfare, aid to immigrants and illegal immigrants, healthcare paid for by the state, the cost of educating immigrant children, the cost of courts and law enforcement, increased crime and drug use caused by open borders… all of which is funded by government debt which, as we have already covered, hurts the economy in the long term and diverts resources from other more productive activities or citizen services.
Dr. Antonio Graceffo, PhD, China MBA, is an economist and national security analyst with a focus on China and Russia. He is a graduate of American Military University.
Let’s face it. Russia has tried very hard to avoid getting into a conflict with Israel for the last dramatic 20 years. A master Judo practitioner, President Putin singlehandedly frustrated millions upon millions by avoiding condemning Israel for its blatant acts of war against sovereign Syria. He refused to condemn 75 years of genocide against the Palestinian people. He remained mum about the atrocities committed by Israel since October 7. Russia bent over, fending off blow after blow from Israel, genuflected and then deflected or ignored the obvious: It was Israel who was/is the enemy that Russia was facing while pretending to be a friend of Russia (everybody knows that). No matter how much direct humiliation Russia suffered from its “friend,” i. e., Israel, President Putin played down the wake-up calls while continuing to condemn anti-Semitism, to condemn the so-called holocaust, and to support Israel’s “right to self-defense.”
Self-defense by the state of Israel, of its settlements on occupied land, by the transgressor of every possible decent, moral principle, conduct, human behavior?
Well, we have news for President Putin. Israel has just declared war on Russia. It has just equated Russian with their archenemy, Hamas. In their order of importance Russia is now the Number One enemy.
So, now what? Is Russia finally getting it? It is not the Anglo-Saxons, not the Germans, not even the Gallic Frenchmen. It is Israel, and the Anglo-zionists, who are out to get Russia and its wealth of resources. Watch the Israeli call to war.
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Calls Ukraine an “Ally” and Compares Russia to Hamas in Recent Speech
Israel’s UN ambassador, Gilad Erdan, addressed Russia in a recent speech, declaring Israel’s commitment to providing early warning systems against missiles for Ukraine and referring to Ukraine as an “ally.” Erdan also drew parallels between Russia and Hamas, criticizing Russia for hosting a visit by Hamas in Moscow. This statement appears to signal a shift in the relationship between Putin and the Israeli Prime Minister, marking the end of their association. This move, reminiscent of Amir Weitmann’s previous viral statement where he warned that “Russia is going to pay the price,” suggests a significant development in the diplomatic landscape.
Israel’s supportive stance towards Ukraine may have broader implications, influencing discussions on military aid in the United States.
Former Toyota CEO James Lentz noted in 2009 that oil production would peak “sometime in the neighborhood of 2017 or 2020.” In hindsight, this observation was extremely prescient: world liquids production is -1.1 mmb/day less than the November 2018 peak level, and crude plus condensate production is -3.9 mmb/day less than in November 2018 (Art Berman). The question is whether or not the November 2018 peak will be surpassed (if it even can be).
The “peak ‘cheap’ energy” question opens up a Pandora’s box of what motivated COVID-19, Net Zero objectives since then, and European deindustrialization which also peaked in 2017 — all of which are examples of demand destruction that restricts prices from moving prohibitively higher. Barring the banking crisis in late 2019, there was already a concurrent and arguably more significant crisis of energy.
Declining oil production in the face of constant (or rising) demand would not only risk resource wars and/or famine, but the loss of cheap energy which could spillover into global debt markets. Debt, private (like a business or personal loan) and sovereign (issued by a nation), exists primarily with the expectation of future growth. The last century of growth has been one of industrialization, built on cheap energy.
To illustrate this crisis, we can imagine an example:
As previously noted, conventional oil reached its resource-limited global production plateau in 2005, at least for oil prices up to well above $100/bbl. Oil prices “well above $100/bbl” would necessarily be expensive for import-dependent nations and prohibitively so in emerging markets. Since the global oil trade is priced in USD, the demand for USD would increase and, to the detriment of the rest of the world, strengthen the dollar FX rate.
A global balance of payments crisis could unfold where a nation’s increase in dollar demand to pay for higher-priced oil drains their dollar reserves. Dollar reserves are typically held as US Treasuries, and access to dollars can be obtained readily in Treasury repo or by Treasury sales. If an nation’s dollar reserves are insufficient to cover the trade deficit, it would face difficulties in meeting its external payment obligations — leading to a vicious cycle of currency depreciation, capital flight, and economic contraction.
Thus, such a scenario playing out over an extended period could ultimately create a marginal incentive to de-dollarize, purchasing energy in foreign currency or in repriced gold. De-dollarization would necessarily collapse US debt markets, as foreign demand for US Treasuries (who own 30% of US debt) declines.
*This scenario is a dramatic simplification that describes only one example, and there are nuances/alternate scenarios that cannot be fit onto this post.
Oil Headed for $150 Without US Support for More Drilling, Shale CEO Says
Oil is headed as high as $150 a barrel unless the US government does more to encourage exploration, according to Continental Resources, the shale driller controlled by billionaire Harold Hamm.
Crude output in the Permian Basin will one day peak as it already has in rival shale regions such as the Bakken region of North Dakota and the Eagle Ford in Texas, Continental Chief Executive Officer Doug Lawler said during an interview with Bloomberg TV. Without new production, “you’re going to see $120 to $150” oil, he said.
“That’s going to send a shock through the system,” he said. Without policies encouraging new drilling, “you’re going to see more pressure on price.”
Permian productivity has been a hot topic since well performance dropped last year. That trend looks to be continuing into 2023.
We don’t yet have a ton of data on well history (after you factor in reporting delays), but so far, it looks like performance has continued to fall. Looking at peak rates, Permian wells have fallen from an average peak month production of 986 bbl/d in 2021 to 942 bbl/d in 2022 and now 861 bbl/d in 2023.
Of course, the 2023 numbers are for a smaller sample size than 2021 and 2022, but this is nevertheless worth watching.
The article below is an excerpt from our Q1 2023 commentary.
Conventional oil production has now unequivocally rolled over. Unconventional production, the only source of growth in global oil supply over the last 12 years, has also significantly slowed. The only growing non-OPEC basin is the Permian in West Texas. Never before has oil supply growth been so geographically concentrated. Six counties in West Texas are now 100% responsible for all global production growth.
Conventional non-OPEC oil production peaked in 2007 at 46.2 mm b/d and now stands at 44.2 mm b/d – 4% below its peak. Including OPEC, conventional global output peaked in 2016 at 84.5 mm b/d and now stands at 81.3 m b/d – 5% below its peak. Even if OPEC has its alleged 4 mm b/d of unused production capacity (something we do not believe), conventional production would barely regain its 2016 peak.
In 2009, we tried to predict non-OPEC production growth based on every major project expected to come online over the next ten years. Based on our modeling, non-OPEC supply would begin to contract by about 200-400,000 b/d annually. New fields would not grow enough to offset underlying field depletion that we estimated at 4% in the non-OPEC world. In our 2Q18 letter, we tackled the subject again. In two essays (“Conventional Oil: The Problems No One is Talking About” and “Conventional non-OPEC Oil in Depth: Declines are Set to Rapidly Accelerate”), we discussed how conventional non-OPEC production was in terminal decline. Our research looks to have been correct.
However, the world has enjoyed a great luxury—it could ignore the problems firmly embedded in conventional oil production. Surging production from non-conventional oil sources more than offset these declines.
Non-OPEC oil production between 2006 and 2015 grew by 8.6 mm b/d. Conventional oil supply contracted by 1.4 mm b/d. Unconventional oil supply more than offset these declines, surging by 10 mm b/d and broken down as follows: US shales grew by 6.8 mm b/d (65% of all growth), bio-fuels grew by 1.9 mm b/d (19% of the growth), and Canadian oil sands increased 1.4 mm b/d (14% of the growth). Please note that out of this 10 mm b/d growth figure, the Permian represents only 1.4 mm b/d or 14%.
Between 2016 and 2023, unconventional production surged by another 7.4 mm b/d, representing all non-OPEC supply growth. US shales accounted for 85% of the increase. However, whereas all the major shale basins grew from 2006 to 2015, only the Permian grew afterward. The Bakken and Eagle Ford peaked at 1.5 mm b/d in 2015, and this year are each expected only to be between 900,000 and 1 mm b/d. Significant unconventional growth also came from natural gas liquids production in the liquids-rich Marcellus and Utica, which we estimate each added 1 m b/d. This source of production growth is now set to fade, while the plateauing of the Marcellus will turn into a decline.
Between 2006 and 2015, the Permian represented only 14% of unconventional supply growth. Between 2015 and 2023, the Permian represented almost 75% of this growth.
Conventional production started declining in the non-OPEC world over a decade ago. Conventional oil production has most likely turned negative in the OPEC world as well. Over the last thirty years, global oil supply growth has come from multiple geographic areas, including the North Sea, Mexico, Brazil, West Africa, and the Former Soviet Union. Over the last decade, however, these areas have had slight growth, and specific basins, such as the North Sea, have experienced considerable declines.
Consensus opinion believed global oil demand would peak in 2019 and gradually decline through this decade. Just the opposite has occurred: demand has come roaring back post-COVID. Global demand in 1Q23 surpassed 102 mm barrels per day — three million barrels above the 1Q19 (pre-COVID) level and almost 2 mm b/d above the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 1Q23 estimate. Strong demand and faltering supply led OECD countries to release 250 mm barrels of oil from their strategic petroleum reserves to keep prices from surging. Given the seasonality in demand and China’s ongoing reopening, the 4Q23 demand could surpass 104 mm b/d.
From here on out, just six counties in West Texas must meet all global demand growth. Given the strategic importance of the Permian, it’s imperative to understand its underlying health. Using our neural network, we have updated our basin analysis, and the results are shocking. The Permian is likely less than a year from peaking and starting its decline. The only source of non-OPEC supply growth is now primarily tapped out.
Toyota, is the only company whose CEO publicly acknowledged peak oil afaik. The fact that they recently came out and said EVs aren’t the future indicates they have their head on their shoulders and have diligently kept their eyes on oil production, like an automobile company should be doing.
Donetsk resident with a flag with an autograph of DPR militia commander Arsen Pavlov (Motorola) at the farewell ceremony for the commander.
The US intelligence agency has aided Kiev in setting 12 secret bases along the border, the paper has reported
Today’s sensation is a huge article in the New York Times. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has turned Ukraine into one of its major assets in spying on Russia over a decade that has passed since the 2014 Maidan coup, the New York Times revealed in its piece on Sunday.
The US specialists funded and organized a network of secret bases on the territory of the former Soviet state and made Kiev a part of a “secret coalition”against Moscow, the paper said, citing a host of current and former officials in the US, Ukraine and Europe.
Ukraine currently hosts at least 12 secret spy bases located near the Russian border that gather all sorts of information on Russia as well as coordinate drone strikes and a network of agents supposedly operating inside Russia.
The NYT journalists were able to visit one such forward operating base located in an underground bunker. The reporters said that the place was used to eavesdrop on Russian military communications and oversee drone strikes on Russian territory. The base was funded and equipped by the CIA, NYT said, citing a senior Ukrainian intelligence official, General Sergey Dvoretsky.
The US intelligence agency particularly equipped the base with communications equipment and large computer servers, the general told NYT, adding that the bunker was used to hack into Russian, Belarusian and Chinese satellites.
According to the paper, the CIA and other American intelligence agencies also supplied Ukraine with information on Russian troop movements and missile strikes throughout the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev.
The active cooperation between the two nations’ intelligence services started almost immediately after the 2014 Maidan coup and Kiev has since turned into “one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin,”the paper said.
The post-coup Ukrainian authorities actively sought America’s approval by particularly handing over Russian secrets to them since the US had little interest in assets that could not produce any intelligence of value on Moscow, NYT said.
In 2015, the then head of the Ukrainian military intelligence, General Valery Kondratiuk, handed over a stack of top-secret files, including information on the Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet and nuclear submarine designs at a meeting with a CIA deputy station chief in Kiev.
A year before that, the then head of the Ukrainian domestic security service (SBU), Valentin Nalivaichenko, who was appointed by the post-coup authorities, approached the local CIA and MI6 chiefs, seeking a three-way partnership and asking them to help him rebuild his service from scratch.
In 2016, the CIA started training an elite Ukrainian commando force known as Unit 2245. General Kirill Budanov, who currently heads Ukrainian military intelligence, is also a former member of the CIA-trained Unit 2245, according to NYT.
American spies also provided specialized training to members of the Fifth Directorate – a paramilitary unit created by Kiev for operations against Russia. The members of this hit squad were involved in some high-profile assassinations in Donbass, including that of a commander Arsen Pavlov, aka ‘Motorola’, who was blown up in an elevator in 2016, NYT said. Existence of the assassination unit was also revealed by Nalivaichenko in a separate interview with The Economist in September 2023.
The US intelligence operatives were also instrumental in Kiev’s response to the start of the Russian military operation in February 2022. The CIA operatives remained at a certain location in western Ukraine while the US was evacuating its personnel from the country ahead of the conflict.
“Without them, there would have been no way for us to resist the Russians,” Ivan Bakanov, another former head of the SBU, told NYT.
Moscow has repeatedly pointed to the threats to its national security coming from the increased US activities on Ukrainian territory and Kiev’s NATO aspirations. It also cited the need to ensure Russia’s security as one of the reasons for the start of its military operation in February 2022, while Kiev maintained that Moscow’s actions were “completely unprovoked.”
Ukraine under the occupation of the United States and the United States, through the hands of Ukraine, are waging a war against Russia since 2014.
But the purpose of the article is different – to show Republicans in Congress what enormous value the pro-American regime in Ukraine represents for US interests and that therefore it is necessary to vote for funding this regime.
That’s why the CIA agreed to an unprecedented disclosure of top secret information.
Mr. Netanyahu’s rejection of a two-state solution was not just his alone. Rather, it represents a consensus of Israel’s political establishment. Moreover, it was reached from a position of self-perceived strength.
The problem is that Israel has passed its peak. This is due to strategic failures.
For one, it assumed that technology and overwhelming firepower would always insure a rapid victory. It does, when facing an opponent operating with a unified command structure. However, when facing an opponent consisting of many small, independent, units that operate in cooperation with one another but which rely on network decision-making, personal responsibility, flexible response, and mobility, then the bigger the aggressor with a unified command structure like Israel’s is, the more subject it is to small scale defeats. No single defeat is overwhelming, but, cumulatively, they represent disaster.
Another strategic failure was one of social cohesiveness. The Judaic population of Israel are immigrant peoples coming from around the globe and are fragmented accordingly. As a result, it is a politically fractured and corrupt nation. Economically, Israel became a success story, but this was because of continuous injections of American and German foreign aid and not a fully indigenous achievement. The aid created comfort, but money does not, by itself, create cohesiveness.
The Palestinian community, on the other hand, are indigenous and living, to a large degree, as multi-generational refugees in the ghettos permitted for them to live in as open air prisons by the Israeli political entity. Whether Islam or Eastern Orthodox Christianity, they found refuge in religion and in each other. Social cohesiveness is incomparably higher.
Another strategic failure is intelligence gathering. Israel’s intelligence community is inherently incompetent with regard to the Islamic world, because it despises Middle Eastern peoples and makes no attempt to understand them, even though they fear other Middle Eastern nations greatly. Instead of unbiased research, there is a dependence on assassination and destabilization carried out by local criminal networks that owe loyalty to no one, including their paymasters, the Israeli State. Palestinians, being surrounded by it, have a detailed understanding of everything going on in the Israeli political entity.
But, the most serious strategic blunder of Israel is its inability to see that America’s glory days have ended, due to the battlefields of Ukraine and the de-dollarization of the Russian and Chinese economies. Israel’s control of the American government can now only become an increasingly greater political liability. Essentially, Israel has made the mistake of tying its fate to its political influence over reckless incompetents are presiding over a dynamite keg in danger of explosion.
Nevertheless, the international community is now united in favor of a two-state solution. Yet, Israel has rejected it. This means continued long term warfare. But, the longer this warfare lasts, the weaker the United States will become and, with it, the more the trouble to be faced by the Israeli armed forces. Israel’s rejection of a two-state solution was its last chance for a secure future. Its rejection was the same thing as signing its own death warrant, a death that will come one pinprick at a time until America finally explodes.
“It’s time to get out the popcorn and enjoy the show.”
Trump triumphantly wins another primary. This time he won in South Carolina.
He received just under 60% of the vote, while his rival Nikki Haley, who was twice previously elected governor of this state, received only 39.5%.
This is the fifth primary. And Trump triumphantly wins every one. It is clear that Trump has no rivals within the Republican Party.
But Haley is not withdrawing her candidacy, only because she hopes that Democrats, with the help of the corrupt US judicial system, will find some way to remove Trump from the election. Or they will kill him. And then she will be the Republican nominee.
She is the candidate of the Military Industrial Complex. She would further escalate the war in Ukraine against Russia, increase the anti-China war preparations, turn to full pro-Israel support of its ethnic genocide in Gaza and the West Bank, and speed up the militarization of the NATO alliance, all with an eye to the start of the real war, World War III.
Trump’s victory will make it mandatory for all Republican congressional candidates to vote against spending money on the war in Ukraine and possibly it would be a game changer against the war party.
Two years into the SMO (Special Military Operation).
1. Strong consolidation of Western civilization. The EU is completely subordinated to the US. Neutral countries have been eliminated. NATO as the main institution of Western civilization and the USA as the leading power are now fully established.
2. The fact that the sovereignty of countries such as Switzerland and Sweden, which existed for several centuries, has been eliminated shows that we are talking about changes in the West on a historical dimension not of years or decades, but centuries.
3. The composition of the Collective West is now clearly outlined – these are the 52 countries of Ramstein.
4. The West has clearly identified its enemies – Russia and China. The bet is on subordination first of Russia and then of China. The EU, which previously wanted to strategically cooperate with China, refused and began to sharply curtail cooperation with China.
5. The Global South is gradually taking shape as the Non-West. The non-Western’s disobedience to the West is expressed in non-adherence to sanctions against Russia.
6. The West believes that the result of its loss in the Ukrainian war will be its departure from the position of leader of human civilization, which it has held for the last 500 years.
7. The whole West is actually participating in the Ukrainian war. This participation is through delivery of weapons. This is also done through the reconnaissance and satellite provided information to the Ukrainian side; through the maintenance of the military equipment. Also through the special forces, designed as PMCs. And then there are the generals involved in planning of all major operations.
8. The West has found a very effective weapon of war against Russia: the Ukrainian army is fighting as a proxy NATO army. Ukraine has been transformed into an artificial, Western-controlled new-age militarized state. Ukraine has been turned into a modern weapon. A state of 30 million people is like a super weapon.
9. Yet the general offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 2023 completely failed.
10. Western military warehouses are completely empty; except for the United States, which is saving its weapons for the war with China. As a consequence, the West is on the verge of militarizing its economy. If the decision is made, it will mean the West is ready for a big war for many years. And that is a complete change in the paradigm of peaceful development of the last 75 years.
11. Sanctions against Russia also have failed. But the push for more sanctions will continue even more.
12. The EU is now entering into a serious economic crisis, which is good for the economy of the USA.
13. Open support for the openly anti-democratic regime in Ukraine is an indicator of the beginning of the collapse of democratic institutions in the West. The West has began to abandon democratic principles. The phraseology of democracy will remain, but the elimination of democracy in the West seems very likely.
14. We also notice the actual abandonment of active environmental policy due to the Ukrainian war. While maintaining the phraseology of the green agenda, the environmental condition is actually deteriorating.
15. The West has completely lost allies within Russia.
16. The leading Western country, the United States, is teetering on the brink of a large-scale political crisis. If it happens, then the collapse of the West as a whole is possible.
17. It is possible that the reemergence of a new center could replace the United States as the leader of the West – that would be Germany. Germany became the main financier of the war in Ukraine against Russia.
18. But the most aggressive country in the West is the old Britannia.
19. We also have Infant Terrible of the West – that is Hungary. This is a special phenomenon. Its resilience bodes well for the possibility of a victory for the right-wing, now peace-loving populists in all Western countries.
20. Let’s not forget that every Western country has its own little Trumpik. And the majority of the population in most Western countries wants the Trumps to come to power. This is a demand for a policy of peace and in the interests of its population, and not of the global elites. This is the main political contradiction in Western countries.
21. The West is afraid of a nuclear war with Russia. But Western elites are becoming less and less afraid of nuclear brinksmanship with Russia. This is also a result of SMO.
22. The West believes that Russia really wants to end the war by freezing the conflict. But the West does not want to stop the conflict and still hopes to defeat Russia. And the West is ready to continue the conflict almost indefinitely.
◾Israeli historian Ilan Pappe says That the Israeli government doesn’t plan to end the war on Gaza for another 15 months, and they will try to displace all or some of the Palestinians and steal the land unless the international community takes decisive action.
Or, in the words of the Iranian Ayatollah Khamenei:
The West condemned the execution of a murderer/criminal, but remains silent when Israel slaughters 30.000 people in Gaza.
Beneath the civilized facade of western politicians lies a rabid dog and a bloodthirsty wolf. The US shamelessly vetoed the ceasefire resolution once again.