by Thierry Meyssan via Voltairnet.
The first consequence of the Israeli massacres in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen is not what we expected. To this day, the criminals in power in Tel Aviv continue their conquest with the weapons they are given. The transformation was first in Israel itself and in the Jewish diaspora, forcing the IDF to accept an unwritten ceasefire in Lebanon, while benefiting from Washington’s help to move the fighting to Syria. The Ukrainian and Lebanese fronts merged and moved to Syria.
In recent years, the Israeli peace movement has been dismantled, anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism have been confused, and the narrative of a clash of civilizations has been spread. These three errors prevent us from seeing and understanding what is happening in the Middle East.
The peace movement of Nahum Goldman, president of the World Zionist Organization, no longer exists. Its goal was to make Israel the spiritual and moral center of all Jews, a neutral state on the model of Switzerland, with international security guarantees, and a permanent symbolic international presence. Goldman, who had denounced the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem and not by an international tribunal (which allowed the revisionist Zionists to mask their relations with him), negotiated a just and lasting peaceful coexistence with Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and with that of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat, and was even arrested in Israel.
The historian Bernard Lewis, who was an advisor to Benjamin Netanyahu when he was Israeli ambassador to the UN, invented, in 1957, for the National Security Council of the United States of which he was a member, the strategy of the “Clash of Civilizations”. It was a question of presenting as inevitable the confrontation between Western and Islamic civilizations, then Chinese and so on in order to justify the successive Western wars. His assistant, Samuel Huntington, a former collaborator of the South African apartheid secret services, popularized this strategy, in 1993, by giving it the appearance of an academic observation. He was paid by the CIA for this propaganda work. Although his work is an intellectual mishmash that does not stand up to analysis, it has penetrated our minds. This stupid theory is used today by Benjamin Netanyahu to justify his wars on “seven fronts” in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen. Yet the same Netanyahu had himself photographed, in September 2014, at the Ziv Medical Center in Zefat visiting 500 Al-Qaeda officers being treated in Israel [1]. Thus, it is possible to come to an agreement with jihadists when they massacre civilians in Syria, but not to come to an agreement with Palestinians when they demand a state.
Nathan Sharansky [2], who was deputy prime minister under General Ariel Sharon, conceived the narrative according to which it is the Palestinians as a whole and not certain Israeli leaders who refuse peace. Then, he invented that Iranian revolutionaries wanted to throw all Israeli Jews into the sea (while Jews live peacefully in Iran and are represented in Parliament). Finally, he organized international media campaigns to create confusion between “nationalism”, “Zionism” and “revisionist Zionism”, then to equate “anti-Semitism” and “anti-Zionism” (in this game the Israeli daily Haaretz would be anti-Semitic).
In 2004, Sharansky wrote with Ron Dermer, a binary book, The Cause of Democracy, to assure us that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Dermer became Israel’s ambassador to the United States (2013-2021), then Minister of Strategic Affairs (from 2023 to today), a position in which he organizes the fight against the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) in the world.
Nathan Sharansky continues his work discreetly today, both in the United States and in Ukraine where he was born, through the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGASP). This American association is abundantly funded by Ron Dermer’s ministry. It was the organization, for example, that organized the congressional hearings of the rectors of the major universities to force them to repress the manifestations of anti-Semitism on the grounds of anti-Semitism.
It goes without saying that Bernard Lewis, Samuel Huntington, Nathan Sharansky and Ron Dermer are not “Zionists”, but “revisionist Zionists”.
In this atmosphere of generalized lies, the positions of each community in the Middle East are changing. This is a consequence of Benjamin Netanyahu’s attempt to conquer the north of the Gaza Strip and the south of Lebanon. Gradually, all political actors, including Israeli Jews, have realized that Israeli military operations have nothing to do with the stated goals: the liberation of Hamas hostages and the return of Israelis from the north of the country to their homes. The Netanyahu coalition is continuing the colonial project of Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940): the creation of an empire in the Levant, from the Nile to the Euphrates.
This project has no connection with the ancient Kingdom of Jerusalem, which included only the holy city and its immediate suburbs, but aims to restore the ancient Assyrian empire as Jabotinsky’s patron, Benito Mussolini, wanted to restore the ancient Roman empire.
Responding to the challenge of a new fascist wave of conquest of the Levant was the meaning of both the words of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, at the joint summit of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, on November 11 in Riyadh, and those of the editor of the Israeli daily Haaretz, Amos Schocken, at the conference Israel After October 7th: Allied or Alone?, on November 27 in London.
All the protagonists agree on this observation, even if most avoid referring to the links of Jabotinsky and his disciples with the fascists and the Nazis. However, Westerners still refuse to open their eyes and treat this conflict as if it were not political, but ethnic, as if it pitted some Jews against Arabs, or even all Jews against all Arabs.
Three elements play a particular role in the change underway:
• The victory of Jacksonian Donald Trump in the United States over the Straussian coalition of Kamala Harris. The former intend to substitute trade wars for military wars, while the latter wish to provoke Armageddon.
• The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), which have unquestionable control of their neighbors’ airspace, are incapable of the slightest victory on the ground. They have no discipline and many of their men behave like thugs. In the context of the defeat of the Straussians in the United States, they no longer have as many weapons and are probably running out of many of them. Finally, several of its units, which witnessed the crimes of others, are now on the verge of rebellion.
• The Jewish diaspora, which until now supported Benjamin Netanyahu without flinching, has finally managed to distinguish its support for Israeli Jews from the crimes of their government. Since Netanyahu was indicted by the International Criminal Court on November 21, the solidarity between Jews, acquired during centuries of persecution by the goyim, no longer applies. Many Jewish personalities, who until now had kept quiet, are publicly distancing themselves from the crimes committed on the “seven fronts” and against the UN.
Iran has abandoned General Qassem Soleimani’s strategy of the “Axis of Resistance,” according to which Tehran helps and coordinates all the independent armed groups fighting against the colonization of the region. It refused to help Lebanon during the Israeli invasion, then a faction in power transmitted to Israel the coordinates of the main military leaders of Hezbollah so that they could be assassinated.
Simultaneously, Tehran and Tel Aviv staged their antagonism, both pretending to be ready for a decisive fight. However, the two Iranian attacks (Operation “Honest Promise” of April 13 and October 1) and the two Israeli attacks (of April 19 and October 26) caused almost no human damage, even if the military of both sides took advantage of it to test the defenses of the adversary [3]. A secret agreement between Washington, Tehran and Tel Aviv became evident.
On the other hand, Tehran renewed ties with the Iraqi Kurds. President Masoud Pezeshkian visited Iraq in September to meet not only with the Talabani tribe, but also with the Barzani (pro-Israeli).
In Iraq, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, spiritual leader of the Shiite community, spoke out to deliver a confused message showing that he no longer knew what to expect from the Islamic Republic.
n Yemen, Ansar Allah, convinced of the Iranian turnaround, has taken steps to protect its leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, from the fate of Hassan Nasrallah.
In Turkey, as usual, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is exploring the various options available to him, without committing himself here or there. He, who was slowly getting closer to his Syrian counterpart, has authorized arms deliveries to the jihadists of Idlib so that they can resume the fight against the Syrian Arab Republic. At the same time, he has sent emissaries to discuss with Abdullah Öcalan, the founder of the PKK imprisoned since 1999. Whatever the talks, it is unlikely that “Apo” will support NATO and Israel as his movement does today.
Iran’s U-turn and Turkey’s double game suddenly put an end to the euphoria of the BRICS summit in Kazan a month ago [4].
In Syria, President Bashar al-Assad immediately supported the Lebanese and its Hezbollah allies when they were abandoned by Iran. Historically, Lebanon is only a governorate of Syria, and from his point of view, Syria is responsible for the security of the Lebanese. He therefore both gave asylum to hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing Israeli bombings and transferred the few weapons he had to Hezbollah.
In response, the IDF destroyed all the roads and bridges providing access to Lebanon, then with NATO, they unleashed the jihadists of Idlib on Aleppo, of which they took and occupied a large part. The city was defended by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards who withdrew without fighting.
To everyone’s surprise, the jihadists in Idlib have the latest weapons, financed by Qatar, and a host of drones operated by Ukrainian operators.
A constant in the behavior of the revisionist Zionists is to destroy the material evidence of their lies. Thus, Benjamin Netanyahu had the schedules of his meeting records changed on October 7, 2023. He hoped that this would make it easier to deny that he had helped carry out the attack on his own citizens.
The Israelis know that he helped Hamas, from his appointment as Prime Minister in 2009 until October 7. He maintained that his strategy was to favor Hamas in order to fight against Yasser Arafat’s PLO. His first official decision was to cancel the extradition request for Moussa Abu Marzouk, at the time the highest leader of Hamas, who was detained in the United States. Other events have shown that his goal was not to destroy the PLO, but to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state. So in 2018, when the Palestinian Authority stopped paying civil servants in Gaza, he made a deal with Yahyah Sinwar, the Hamas military leader in Gaza who was then imprisoned in Israel. He gave money first secretly, then officially through Qatar. Over four years, he paid Hamas $2.5 billion so that it could build its tunnel network and arm itself.
Audrey Azoulay, former French Minister of Culture and current Director-General of UNESCO, delayed the meeting of the Committee for the Preservation of Historic Sites to allow the IDF to destroy Lebanese archaeological sites.
In doing so, Netanyahu and Hamas obtained the support of the Anglo-Saxon secret services, faithful to the strategy set out in 1916 by Lord Herbert Samuel, whose son Edwin was a companion of Jabotinsky: to ensure that neither the Jewish State nor the future Palestinian State could ensure their security alone.
Another constant in the behavior of the revisionist Zionists is to destroy the archaeological evidence of their imposture. Thus, still in 2009, the second decision of Netanyahu, who became Prime Minister, was to dig tunnels under the Temple Mount in order to be able to dynamite the Al-Aqsa Mosque. In recent months, he has destroyed all the archaeological remains in southern Lebanon, Crusader or Ottoman, and even tried to destroy the temples of Baalbeck, the greatest sanctuary of the Roman Empire. In doing so, he continued the destruction carried out during the Gulf War on the site of Babylon, or during the Syrian war on the remains of Aleppo and Palmyra. Everything must be done to ensure that the claim to the land, from the Nile to the Euphrates, appears legitimate.
Roger Lagassé
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