Time & Ego: Judeo-Christian Egotheism and the English Industrial Revolution

By Claudiu A. Secara

© 1998 by Algora Publishing.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data —

Secara, Claudiu A. (Claudiu Adrian), 1949-

Time & ego: Judeo-Christian Egotheism and English Industrial Revolution / Claudiu A. Secara. 2nd ed. p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 111-[115]) and index.

ISBN 978-0-9646073-2-3 (trade paper: alk. paper) — ISBN 978-1-892941-39-8 (eBook) 1. Duns Scotus, John, ca. 1266-1308. 2. Psychology, Religious—History. 3. Industrial

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BL53 .S42 1998

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1. History as God

1. There are times of solitude and longing when simple being, existing, brings no wholeness, completeness, to one’s individual life. Those are the times of anguish and anxiety, when the animus alone cannot prevail. In such hours of torment, survival is possible by the will of the genie within — but it is a senseless pursuit since self-preservation is its only purpose in carrying on.

2. Matter converted into biology supersedes fleeting history — as organic enduring memory. One’s existence is not mere passage in blood and flesh; it is permanence through its living species, past, present and future history. We not only remember yesterday’s events but we live as the embodiment and the destiny of our ancestors and, as well, as encrypted memory of our future generations.

Furthermore, as spine evolved into mind, we ceased to be mere biological creatures. Conscious of our double nature, mortal and eternal, we affirm our nature as concretization of the transcendental. The eternal was extricated from the body and given fantastic existence. The passage of time became an existence in itself. Becoming took the name ‘God’ –– passage of time that exists permanently.

3. It is commonly said that in order to understand the present, one has to look into the past; and it is for this reason that history is taught in schools. In the age of quantum physics, considering time relative to space, matter, values, etc., has been reduced to a cliché. However, from a different perspective, time may be seen as the consciousness within which we live. We act consciously relative to a cause and effect relation, which is to say, in relation to time and remembrance.

4. The conviction that there is a constancy and order in the universe gives objective validity to established propositions of knowledge: “Napoleon died in 1821,” “2 x 2 = 4.”

The truth as independent of the subject is what positive science aspires to. The relativist interpretations of sophists and dialecticians are possible only as long as their own relativist postulates are thought of as absolutes. Relative to the circumstances, truth is absolute in its determinations: Napoleon died in 1821 relative to our calendar, but, given the calendar, 1821 is the absolute year of Napoleon’s death.

Limited by the circumstances of its contingency, one’s truth is another’s error and the subjective agent is the absolute arbiter. It follows that the subject is the absolute truth.

5. Subjective arbiter par excellence, what man is in his world is what the world is at all. His will and his desires, his needs and his wants are all that his world is about. His world is the only world, is the whole world, is the world. He is the world. Ergo, the world is a creation of a free subject. Subjective thought — man’s thought — is indeed absolute.

His world is the world of liberty, since it is ruled by his own free will alone. His desires are his only necessities as his will is his only necessity. What he wants is his necessity. Ergo, his liberty is his necessity.

6. Given his internal necessity, however, man is deprived of the very essence of his external liberty; he is the slave of his own needs. In this sense man’s internal nature is revealed to be nature itself. His liberty is nature’s liberty. Thus, nature’s liberty is his internal necessity, dictating his free will.

Nature acting within man is still nature acting in perfect freedom from man. The liberty is nature’s; the necessity is man’s. Man is subservient to his free nature. His nature is transcendent to man and, as such, his own nature is the divine.

7. But man, we know, is a social being. It is mankind, one can say, that is prisoner of social necessity. As an individual, man is still free to determine his own fate. To live or to kill oneself is an individual choice, as is the decision whether to kill others. As an individual, man has the absolute power of death.

Sovereign over death, man is sovereign over life as well. He is the only being in the universe that procreates other humans. In flesh and blood, he produces mankind. It follows that it is he who originates and incarnates the social being, created and shaped by his demiurgic powers. Producer of human society, the free individual also originates his own social chains. Social laws and institutions are man’s will objectified into the enslavement of society; the social oppressions of the many are the manifestation of each man’s freedom.

8. There is a demiurge out there, in every individual, ready to clone into a social multitude of beings. Every individual is a society within itself, capable of reproducing new generations of the social entity. Every individual is the patriarch of his own social constituency that starts with him.

As individuals, humans bring forth other humans. The inception of life takes place day after day and on a mass scale. Each such act is the procreation of individuals by the individual. It is the inbreeding of the subject. Man is the originator of social individuals. That is to say that man creates the social body as well as its structures through the mastery of his creative forces.

In other words, man’s sovereignty in generating social bondage is an act of self-determination.

9. Organic reproduction of the human cell, individuals, which is to say, the primordial individual redivivus, is the overcoming of time by means of reincarnation, i.e., transcendental mnemonics.

Culture and tradition are forms of collective memory; the sense of identification with the primordial act of birth. Genesis is the essence of immortality. The urge to rise up and make our lives last is our deepest longing and that is why, by carrying along the cult of and the respect for our ancestors, we measure our progress and feel comfort and wholeness.

10. Subject to contingent destruction and haphazard perishability, the individual is restored as both personal (specific) and impersonal (immortal) through the social. Blood and flesh, we are the historical first individual. Not just a community of individuals, we are the one primordial individual. We are the historical first man, which is our creator. The original man is within us. And we have a free will of our own because our free will is the original will affirmed in us.

Supreme will and originator, the individual is the social, while community is only the personification of the holistic man.

11. We gain ourselves by carrying on our genealogy. Each individual’s parents and their parents and their parents’ parents demand the right to live through the individual’s personality. There is noise sometimes and quarrel among one’s internal voices and it takes deep reflection and self-perception to bring out the internal harmony which is one’s own identity.

By contrast, loss of the psychic root is the drama of mental illness, when the question “Who am I?” holds no answer.

12. Harmonizing the inheritance of various inner voices into one individual is the difficult process of maturing through education and self-knowledge. In the end, one finds in his unique being the same pattern of the universal man as everyone else. He is all of his ancestors. We all are only the latest descendant of the first man. Every individual is the first ancestor of the generation to follow.

But who is that one, our first and our common forefather and primogenitor?

In Search of the Ancestor

13. Born out of the bleeding placenta of our incubator, we know where we came from. Our parents themselves came the same way. The tribe one belonged to was set off by the founding father; the great hero and patriarch was the founder of the older nations. Since time immemorial, kinsmen have granted high esteem and godly elevation to the great mythical ancestor. Multiracial nations have created an allegorical father. The most complex civilizations have elaborated a religious father. The West found it in the ‘Son of God’.

14. The cult of Christ emerged in the hinterland of Judea at the time of the Roman conquest of Israel.

Encroached and threatened by the new world of Mediterranean cosmopolitanism, Jewish artisans and traders, fishermen and tax collectors were inescapably confronted with living the drama of the estranged local cult of the tribal father. Thus it happened that the people of the chosen tribe living in the internationalized Greco-Roman world were the first to arrive at the heart of the contradiction between the nature of the individual, the tribe and the world.

In the end, in Christ, mankind recognized itself to be one family of one destiny. For the first time, a tribal ancestor was replaced by the concept of mankind’s common salvation.

15. The notion of a unique God, proclaimed first by King Akhnaton in imperial Egypt, emerged after a long process of rationalization of the question of man’s destiny. Before it came to be identified with the Biblical notion of a Jewish god, the attributes of the universal fathering Being underwent a long metamorphosis. It finally converged the many gods: from the god of this river and the god of this tree, to the god of all rivers and the god of all trees. This was already a radical avant-garde accomplishment. In Christ, the notion of a unique creator was now reinforced by the idea of collective responsibility and immortality.

16. By the end of the second millennium BC, an ongoing revolution was taking place in the economies of the river civilizations. With populations expanding incessantly due to the successful cultivation of the riparian lands (Egypt alone grew from 50,000 people in 5000 BC to 6 million by the year 2000 BC), new demands for locally scarce resources and goods rose to unprecedented levels. Salt, for one thing, and spices and raisins, were unavailable in Egypt. Grain was still plentiful, but Lebanese cedar was much in want in the barren hills above the Nile as well as on the banks of the Euphrates.

Within such an economic environment, the emergence of large-scale trade both required and made possible a new social constituency at the core of the Middle East geographic triangle, bridged through the land of Israel. There, business and the trades took on a life of their own.

Statutes regulating one’s occupation, special privileges in support of specialized work, connections with kinsmen living in far away lands preserved across generations, skills in literacy, mathematics and bookkeeping, new systems of politics and social interrelations — all shaped the outlook of that nation’s business philosophy.

Eventually, the priestly cast and the engineering corps, the military elites and the imperial aristocracies, all of the ancient structures of the surrounding grand riparian civilizations collapsed. Only business and the trades moved on along the expanding boundaries of the new Mediterranean civilization. And so did the idea, initially developed in collusion with the ancient imperial dynasties’ quest for everlasting recognition, of the imperative of salvation through the management of time.

17. That momentous event, the consecration of the concept and practice of transcending the here and now, for the collective economic benefit, is preserved to this day in the biblical story of Joseph.

Within a single generation, from among many similar tribes — “We are shepherds, sir, just as our ancestors were,”[1] Jacob introduced his son Joseph to the king of Egypt. A new household name emerged due only to one man’s new approach to living in time, thinking historically. Joseph advised the king to accumulate grain in good years: “Take a fifth of the crops during the seven years of plenty,” and “store it up in the cities and guard it” as a “reserve supply for the country in the seven years of famine which are going to come on Egypt.” He was right, indeed. The years of famine came but the future proved to have been overcome already in the past and locked out of existence. This holistic perspective on time brought an unprecedented success to the kingdom of Egypt as well as to Joseph personally. “Joseph bought all the land in Egypt for the king. Every Egyptian was forced to sell his land, because the famine was so severe; and all the land became the king’s property. Joseph made slaves of the people from one end of Egypt to the other. The only land that he did not buy was the land that belonged to the priests… So Joseph made a law for the land of Egypt that one-fifth of the harvest should belong to the king.”[2]

The dividend earned by the king paid off his confidence in Joseph and brought Joseph’s clan to preeminence as well. “The Israelites lived in Egypt in the region of Goshen, where they became rich and had many children.”[3] They “built the cities of Pithom and Ramases to serve as supply centers for the king,”[4] and they became “so numerous and strong that they [were] a threat to [the king].” “In case of war they might join our enemies to fight against us,” years later a new pharaoh feared.

18. In attempting to define the religious content in the story of the old covenant, one finds it more difficult to identify what it is rather than what it is not. If one seeks to point to its underlying transcendental theism; if one aims to isolate the supernatural sacred story; if one searches for theological themes and beliefs in divine revelations; if one expects to find the voice of cosmic conscience; if one looks for the worshipping of the mysterious, the unworldly, of the spiritual or the divine; if one probes into the practice of animism, shamanism, idolatry, or divination; if one combs through its messages of theological revelation, theosophy, or the cult of the ancestors; if one examines its teachings of dogmatics, hermeneutics, mystics, hagiographics, revelations, exegesis, or patristics; if the existence of God is to be scrutinized through the religious idea of a metaphysical God — one cannot find that God in the story of the Jewish God.

The kingdom of the Judaic God and the pursuit of the Judaic happiness are earthly, ephemeral and godless. “The Lord your God is bringing you into a fertile land — a land that has rivers and springs and underground streams gushing out into the valleys and hills; a land that produces wheat and barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and honey. There you will never go hungry or be in need. Its rocks have iron in them, and from its hills you can mine copper. You will have all you want to eat, and you will give thanks to the Lord your God for the fertile land that he has given you.”[5] “Then all will go well with you, and you will become a mighty nation and live in that rich and fertile land.”[6] “You will lend money to many nations, but you will not have to borrow from any; you will have control over many nations, but no nation will have control over you.”[7] “The Lord will give you many children, many cattle, and abundant crops in the land that he promised your ancestors to give you. He will send rain in season from the rich storehouse in the sky and bless all your work, so that you will lend to many nations, but you will not have to borrow from any. The Lord your God will make you the leader among the nations and not a follower, you will always prosper and never fail if you obey faithfully all his commands that I am giving you today. But you must never disobey them in any way, or worship and serve other gods.”[8]

In the land of the profane god, one must obey the laws and the commands of the profane book of wisdom. And, most of all, one must not worship either gods or idols, that is, not recognize or believe in the sacred nature of any gods!

19. The anti-religious nature of the old covenant, above all, is the rejection of worshipping. For there is nothing out there or up above — no wood, no stone, no light that can be legitimized through acts of worship. God is Cause and Effect, is Law, is Reason, is Time.

It was at this moment in the Middle East’s history that the question of moral reasoning (what is good) superseded religious dogmatism (that is idolatry), and practical philosophy superseded the belief in metaphysical worship. “[Reason] — and [Reason] alone — is your God. Love your God [Reason] with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”[9]

Synthesis of Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Semitic, Persian themes, all coming from within the Middle Eastern cultural paradigm, the Judaic books of wisdom — a mixture of pragmatic philosophies exposed through a series of historical anecdotes, witty fables and prodigy characters in the same vein of folksy theater as the Arabian Nights’ story of Noureddin written many years later — hold up thought and reason against superstition and idolatry, consecrating the supremacy of positive knowledge over belief in religious magic.

“You may wonder how you can tell when a prophet’s message does not come from the Lord [Reason]. If a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord [Reason] and what he says does not come true, then it is not the Lord’s [Reason’s] message. That prophet has spoken on his own authority, and you are not to fear him.”[10]

Here, one comes as close as possible to positive knowledge and empirical testing. The quest for true knowledge is not so much a religious question as a practical one (Marx).

20. Scholars who compare the ancient Biblical texts with proven historical data find that the chronologies of the writing and of the events described therein are out of synchronization more often than not. We can surmise, for example, that the book of Genesis was edited ulterior to many of the fundamental texts of the Septuagint, in approximately 500 BC, after the Babylonian captivity and return, because of the heavy infusion of Babylonian mythology.

Absorbing themes from various earlier myths and other sources, recast into a continuous story of one people in pursuit of one aspiration driven by one grand design, the Old Septuagint gives the reader the superior feeling of witnessing the vivid history of the unfolding of a unique plan. The unity of the articulated assemblage of fables, narratives, conjectures and speculations from different times was made possible by one singular and dramatic act: the mystifying covenant with god to worship no god.

True, this epic poem is chronicled in scenic episodes described as matter-of-fact conversations with god––god conferred with Abraham under the “sacred trees of Mature, as he was sitting at the entrance of his tent during the hottest part of the day”; it spoke with Jacob “beneath the oak tree near Shechem,” two hundred years later, and again addressed Moses from behind the flaming bush, some five hundred years later. The impression is overwhelming — it gives the irresistible illusion of both a religious and a historical experience. Yet, the powerful subtext, substance, and nature of the message is instead negative, it is set against previous clan protectors, the snake, the golden calf, even the fire bushes, Baal, or Ishtar. Those were to be rejected and repudiated in favor of the faceless, the nameless, the impersonal and unique concept of godlessness and truth.

We know very little about the time Jacob’s descendants spent in Egypt. They arrived as one of the roaming tribes of the Aramaic nation, and they left their country of prosperity, four hundred years from the beginning of their social ascent, as an emancipated nation. Most of all, they rejected by then and left behind the hitherto prevalent and all-inhibiting idols of the mind.

The Egyptians, by their refusal to accept the new teachings, were left captive to obsolete beliefs. Yet, and contrary to its own revolutionary spirit, the insurgent liberation from the idols of reason was being made in the name of a new religion. The negation of religion became a religion in itself.

21. Gad saying: “Do not worship any gods!” is atheism in a religious interpretation. The Messiah addressing the crowds: “In the name of god, do not worship or believe in worship!”is philosophy in popular interpretation.

Christ against Christ

22. As we know, the Laws and the Commandments were the guidebook to the practical God. Where, one might ask, is the divine God? What is the religious way of reaching godly goals, or the divine of one’s life? Reading again the book of god, where is god to be found?

In miracles? — True, there were recorded miracles, such as the story of Sarah giving birth at the age of ninety. But the miracle itself is never the point. The point is life on the terrestrial land of fertile Canaan.

In prayer? — True, prayers of glorification and thanksgiving were offered, and solicitous prayers as well. But the prayer itself is never the action and the message. The plot and the drama come from the secular story of the living passions.

In occult pronouncements? — True, there were records of face-to-face encounters with the divine. Yet these personal encounters were never occult; everyone had to know about the matters being discussed with the heavenly messenger, they were expressed openly in public squares for the entire community’s benefit, read aloud to the crowds.

In power emanating from the high clergy? — True, the Old Testament is full of prophets and seers. They were the central leaders of the Judaic intellectual class, yet none of them was part of a religious establishment; neither were they priests, shamans, rabbis, or sacerdotal high clerics, theologians or spiritual princes. There was no practice of magic, no incantations, occult rites, necromancy or thaumaturgy, no astrology, hypnotism or witchcraft, no fetishism, spiritualism, black art or mystic rituals. No transcendentally or supernaturally possessed individuals were central figures — just simple folk with a commonsense wisdom.

Artisans in the understanding of human psychology, rather than masters; moralist novelists and writers of historical drama, they brought poetry and story telling, fiction and allegory, parable and character description, tile art of literature, in other words, to the level of moral philosophy. Poetic characters made social science with artistic means.

“Poetic characters,” in the words of Giambattista Vico –– the essence of the “Heroic Age” stories –– appeared “out of the need of human nature to explain itself while still incapable of isolating the forms and the attributes of things through the act of abstraction.”[11] “There is a certain feature (says Vico) of primitive nations, namely, that they don’t know how to advance from concrete to abstract. Unlearned of flow to abstract the general attributes out of concrete objects, they would rather indicate the latter and thereby the farmer, that is, the attributes themselves through the respective objects. The Latin grammars contain many examples.”[12] And then further: “One can say that in legends and fables, nations have, crudely, described the principles of this world of science; and, helped by rationalization as well as by maxims, that crude world of science has been rendered intelligible by the reflective thought of learned men.” “…The poetic theologians were Me senses, while the philosophers were the intellect of human wisdom.”[13]

23. The high brow revolutionary poly-atheism [apolytheism] (the rejection of supernatural powers) soon became ego-theism — worship of One, oneself. The intellectual dimension of non-religious higher philosophical understanding has been corrupted into a new religion of monotheistic self-worship. God as deity was now the chosen people as god.

This new religion made out of anti-superstition, a superstition in itself, and a fully developed institution of worship, was created and cultivated.

A well-established class of servants of the forbidden gods, as well as entrenched special interests, made empty phrases out of the revolutionary teachings. Priests, Sadducees, Pharisees, Teachers all busily debated the nature and the validity of the new rules. Worship of the secular reached its paroxysm. The un-worldly spirit made a full religion out of the worldly.

Now, interpretations of the un-interpretable functioned as the equivalent superstitious belief in the pagan interrogations of the auguries. Long successions of fortune-tellers and false prophets came to populate the land of the latest god. Public displays and rituals stood out as the practices of a new-style faith while literal interpretations of the sacrosanct texts would obscure both their meaning and their spirit.

It was about time for a second revolution.

24. “Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them but to make their teachings come true.”[14] A new hero stood up, for a moment, to the newer religious bureaucratic establishment. The “heroic character”, once again, brought the principles of rational philosophy and ethical life to the forefront of human consciousness. Jesus articulated an anti-religious position and a humanistic manifesto. He, too, would be sacramentalized and idolatrized while still alive, and after a martyr’s death.

25. Ambitious men have a shared, sometimes hidden, desire for fame and glory.

Fathering new teachings on god and his designs on earth always seems to fascinate the great dreamers and more than one life has been spent on such pursuits. Would-be founders of new religions act out their own belief in religious engineering. Many still believe that mass conversions to virtually any form of superstition are possible. In that case, having at hand a great communicator of popular simple-minded prejudices, backed up by astute crowd hypnotism and an organization to spread the last word of wisdom, making up some newspaper story of persecutions, an occasional fabricated martyr and a new religion product could be thought out as designer made by any ingenious entrepreneur.

Yet, as long as the aim of creating a religion is a religious one, the result is only “religious”. The true religions were, at their very core, anti-religious movements. The true religions were indeed atheistic.

Christ was second after Moses, in our tradition, to rise up in a fundamental way against the fetish spirit, the spirit which nurtures only religious monsters.

Humanism as Religion

26. In the panoply of man’s teachers, Christ had an unparalleled influence. Why is that? What makes the story about him so unique? What is Christ’s overriding message, what is the essential message of the New Testament, its central idea? Is it the teachings of Christ, and if so which ones? Or, is it what is implied by the deeds of Christ, and if so, once again, which ones? Is the symbol of Christ, as a mythical figure, the message, and then, what does his symbol represent?

There are at least three major levels of communication embedded in the writings of the New Testament, skillfully melded into one story yet strikingly distinct from each other. One story comes from third party witnesses and their story about Christ. The second story is in his actions: healing the terminally ill, multiplying the loaves of bread, walking on water — still not unlike some traditional exorcist and occult magician. The third story is Christ’s own words — his parables, teachings, lessons.

On the first level and by all accounts, what is known as Christ’s divine nature — his birth and death, and especially his resurrection — is related to us by later writers in the Gospels. These myth-tellers were not historians in any sense. As embodiment of a myth, Christ is what he has been made to be.

On the second level of interpretation, there are ways to rationalize and make sense of his acts of miracles only when interpreted as “concrete descriptions” of some “poetic intellectual thinking,” which brings us to the third level of Gospel exegesis.

It is what Christ says that has the most insightful historical value, because what he tells his fellow men is a meaningful extension of the Hebrew spirit of his times, good Hellenistic philosophy, and free thinking, all blended together into one new set of principles. “They teach man-made rules as though they were my laws! You put aside God’s commands and obey the teachings of men,”15 he quotes Isaiah,16 and few in his audience seem to understand the basis of his rejection of his fellow countrymen’s uncritical belief in old ideas.

Socrates announcing the death of the tribal idols and subjective falsehood is the closest figure, in antiquity, to that of Christ.

“What is the most important commandment of all?” he is asked. His answer as recorded by his chroniclers is: “The Lord our God is the only Lord. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”[15]

27. One needs only to read his words through the eyes of modern social science to capture the revolutionary sense of this proposition. The concept of objective truth is outright seditious incitement to self-liberation from fallacy, mendacity, and human vanity. It is antiestablishment.

Here, the concept of god is like the concept of order and law, objective knowledge and science, as opposed to falsehood, irrationality, superstition, and ignorance. There is a natural order in this world — is the underlying message. The law of the universe is the law of nature, of existence, the law of being. True thinking is love of the whole truth, of the universal truth. Only religion is idolatry of self, belief in man-made, self-made fetishes, in subjective truths.

God is omniscient, omnipresent, all powerful — the reason in things. Metaphorical philosophy — nature explained through the act of nature itself — Christ’s intellectual discourse takes the form of poetic fables. Notice that he has not a single word on the matter of the attributes of some supernatural reality. Knowledge and understanding of things and belief in oneself are the proof of the mastery of the powers of mind. Seek and you will find, believe and you will be powerful. And above all — know thyself.

28. The pedantic mind, prisoner of his own fetishes, sees only opposites: soul or body, spirit or matter, science or religion. In fact, in presenting the notion of a unifying supreme being, Christ makes no distinction between the sides of our existence, soul and heart, spirit and body, will power and love — they are equally invoked as ways of acknowledging the laws of the universal being.

29. One basic tenet of modern dialectical materialism is the enunciation of the unity of opposites as in the identity of one into another. A more complex understanding of the dialectical philosophy of nature is given by the natural law of the identity of one into many. A still higher understanding is the notion of metamorphosis, transformation and evolution: one of many.

Identity in diversity is recognized as the underlying premise in any universal judgment such as when one announces that all swans are white (all A are B). The general attributes of things (white, in this case) have identical existence and it is easy to believe that they might also have real existence outside and independent of the things themselves. The color white is an attribute independent of any particular swan so that one can unintentionally fall on the slippery conviction that it can be extrapolated into an independent existence. Hence the scholastic assertion that universalia sunt realia.

The philosophical notion of becoming is magic explanation of how A transforms into B. Metamorphosis takes place in Time. Time is a three dimensional perspective of a flat world. Circular becoming is the negation of negation. The spiral of becoming is the negation of circular becoming. One seed grows into a mature plant which carries the many seeds of its fruition. The real thing is neither the seed not the plant, it is the process of transformation, the process of becoming the other one. The real thing is an abstraction. Things are really processes. Hence: Nomina sunt realia. What is real is a description.

The model of the living being illustrates best the dialectics of transformation. Things are living organisms. The Earth is Gaia. The universe is a Spirochete. The whole is a symbiosis of the larger infinite Being into the smaller infinity of beings (Nicholas Cusanus). Parts of the whole, they are living wholes unto themselves.

For the nineteenth century philosophy of dialectics, the concept of WIRY in contradiction was the representation of a simplified bipolar model of nature: the magnetic unity of positive and negative. It was a dialectical philosophy of the electrical age. Life as assimilation and disassimilation, society as master and slave, knowledge as science and religion.

A bipolar dialectic, however, is only one particular slant on the multifaceted philosophy of dialectics.

30. The idea that soul is body, that spirit is matter, or that science is religion is still not above the bipolar notion of dialectics. The opposite idea, that religion is science, is no less traditional dialectics. Yet, understanding that atheism is religion also, or that religion — the uncritical belief in subjective metaphysical constructs is the very basis of our intellectual rational assertions, is taking dialectical philosophy one step further.

31. Modern exegesis of the history of religions brought to larger circulation the view that scientific novelty and advancement in knowledge becomes, in the course of time, outdated representation. Science becomes religion as dead science. Or, science becomes religion for ignorant, non-scientific minds.

Nevertheless, the view that science itself is theism — that is, belief in objective absolute causes; as much as theism is atheism — that is the rejection of subordination to an external authority; that religion is fetishism — namely that one’s scientific premises are his idols; that idolatry is the affirmation of one’s individuality — as in the belief in the subjective power of knowledge, etc., has unexpected consequences.

32. We still tend to make judgments based on semantic assumptions, words as thought realities, not unlike old scholasticism. The French Revolution, for instance, was argued in the anti-feudal concepts of human rights, as the Russian Revolution was worded through anti-capitalist notions of labor power. The use of terms such as human rights or proletarian power, reflected in the lexicography of the time, misses the universality of the human drama. Prometheus against Zeus, David against Goliath could as well be thought of as human rights movements, or proletarian movements. They asserted their human rights and they rebelled against social enslavement, against fear and idolatry. They stand as symbols of the eternal struggle of the underdog against the authority, of sons against fathers, of God against Devil.

Yet, by the logic of revolution itself, it follows that the underdog turns into the new authority, son turns into father, God turns into Devil. We have now a continuation of the same antagonism, only the terms have changed: authority against the underdog, fathers against sons, Devil against God. God turned into Devil. God is Devil. God himself is godless.

This is a plot in a myriad of plots that plot. God is everywhere. God is godless. Godlessness is godly.

33. Philosophically, Christ is the iconoclastic god and as such he is godless. Center and kernel of the power that emanates from him, 11e is the father, Alpha and Omega, the One and the negation of the Other. He is atheist because he is the divine. He is divine because he is the unique One. We are all unique, ergo we all are Christ.

34. Historically, Christ is the individual that came from within Judaism’s philosophical religion and impressed his countrymen with his teaching of submission to no religious authority. They were in awe, expecting a political Messiah, but they were confronted with Jesus’ own anti-Christ spirit — ancient interpretation of what modern-day philosophy has more elaborately defined as dialectical materialism.

35. Throughout the Gospels, there is a strikingly recognizable story in the struggles of the courageous man confronting old habits, hypocrisy, plain stupidity, powerful economic influences, entrenched interests, even the house of worship’s self-appointed men (later on, sadly, reenacted in his own name).

Listen to the story of his poetical philosophy:

36. Man, his life, his needs, his self-interest, should be recognized as the central issue for man:

“The Sabbath was made for the good of man; man was made for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” Mark 2, 27-28.

“What does our Law allow us to do on the Sabbath? To help or to harm? To save a man’s life or to destroy it?” Mark 3,4.

The standpoint of the old materialism is “civil” society; the standpoint of the new is human society, or socialized humanity. Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, X.

37. Natural laws govern the objective world, independent and outside of man’s subjective thinking.

“The Kingdom of God is like this. A man scatters seed in his field. He sleeps at night, is up and about during the day, and all the while the seeds are sprouting and growing. Yet he does not know how it happens. The soil itself makes the plants grow and bear fruit: first the tender stalk appears, then the head, and finally the head full of grains. When the grain is ripe, the man starts cutting it with his sickle, because harvest time has come.” Mark 4,26-29.

“What shall we say the Kingdom of God is like? What parable shall we use to explain it?. . . A man takes a mustard seed, the smallest seed in the world, and plants it in the ground. After a while it grows up and becomes the biggest of all plants. It puts out such large branches that the birds come and make their nests in its shade.” Mark 4,30-32.

The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory but is a practical question. Man must prove the truth, that is, the reality and power, the this-sidedness of his thinking in practice. The dispute over the reality or non-reality of thinking which is isolated from practice is a purely scholastic question. Marx, Theses on Feuerbaell, II.

38. Believing in one’s self is believing in man’s creative forces in an intellectual as well as practical way:

“He would not speak to them without using parables, but when he was alone with his disciples, he would explain everything to them.” Mark 4,34.

“My daughter, your faith has made you well.” Mark 5,34.

“Don’t be afraid, only believe.” Mark 5,36.

“He was not able to perform any miracle there, except that he placed his hand on a few sick people and healed them. He was greatly surprised, because the people did not have faith.” Mark 6, 5-6.

“Have faith in God. I assure you that whoever tells this hill to set up and throw itself in the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. For this reason I tell you: when you pray and ask for something, believe that you have received it, and you will be given whatever you ask for.” Mark 4,22-24.

Feuerbach wants sensuous objects, really distinct from the thought objects, but he does not conceive human activity as objective activity. […] Hence he does not grasp the significance of “revolutionary,” of practical — critical, activity. Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, I.

39. Knowledge is empirical perception of things, seeing and listening, and is the intelligent, logical and rational use of mind powers:

“You are no more intelligent than the others. Don’t you understand? Nothing that goes into a person from the outside can really make him unclean, because it does not get into his heart but into his stomach and then goes on out of the body.” Mark 7, 18-19.

“For from the inside, from a person’s heart, come the evil ideas which lead him to do immoral things, to rob, kill, commit adultery, be greedy, and all sorts of evil things; deceit, indecency, jealousy, slander, pride, and folly — all these evil things come from inside a person and make him unclean.” Mark 7, 21-23.

“ ‘Take care and be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod.’ They started discussing among themselves: ‘He says that because we don’t have any bread.’ Jesus knew what they were saying, so he asked them: ‘Why are you discussing about not having any bread? Don’t you know or understand yet? Are your minds so dull? You have eyes — can’t you see? You have ears — can’t you hear?’” Mark 8, 14-18.

“The disciples were completely amazed, because they had not understood the real meaning of the feeding of the five thousand; their minds could not grasp it.” Mark 6, 51.

Social life is essentially practical. All mysteries which mislead theory into mysticism find their rational solution in human practice and in the comprehension of this practice. Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, VIII.

40. The universal character and validity of true knowledge proves the unity of nature and its laws:

“Whoever welcomes in my name one of these children, welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me, welcomes riot only me but also the one who sent me.” Mark 9,37.

“Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me, and whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me.” Luke 10,16.

“As Jesus was walking in the Temple, the chief priests, the teachers of the Law, and the elders carne to him and asked him: ‘What right do you have to do those things? Who gave you such right?’ Jesus answered them: ‘I will ask you just one question, and if you give me an answer, I will tell you what right I have to do these things. Tell me, where did John’s right to baptize come from: was it from God or from man?’” Mark 11,27-30.

Feuerbach, consequently, does not see that the “religious sentiment” is itself a social product, and that the abstract individual whom he analyses belongs in reality to a particular form of society. Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, VII.

41. The preeminence of the Godly truth is to be understood as the preeminence of the objective truth over the ideas of socially dominant classes’ truth and their vested class interests and false ideologies.

“Teacher, we know that you tell the truth without worrying about what people think. You pay no attention to a man’s status but teach the truth about God’s will for man.” Mark 12,14.

“When they arrived in Jerusalem, Jesus went to the Temple and began to drive out all those who were buying and selling. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the stools of those who sold pigeons, and he would not let anyone carry anything through the Temple courtyards. He then taught the people: ‘It is written in the Scriptures that God said, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer for the people of all nations.’ But you have turned it into a hideout for thieves!’ The chief priests and the teachers of the Law heard of this, so they began looking for some way to kill Jesus. They were afraid of him, because the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching.” Mark 11,15-18.

The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it. Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, XI.

42. Learning and acquiring knowledge is an ongoing process; it is keeping up with the times and historical change, with the evolution of society; it is answering one’s own social challenges, dealing with the reality of the historical present time and not worshipping of the past:

“Now, as for the dead being raised: haven’t you ever read in the Book of Moses the passage about the burning bush? There it is written that God said to Moses, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ He is the God of the living, not of the dead. You are completely wrong!” Mark 12,26-27.

Feuerbach resolves the religious essence into the human essence. But the human essence is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. In its reality, it is the ensemble of the social relations.

Feuerbach, who does not enter upon a criticism of this real essence, is consequently compelled:

(1) To abstract from historical process and to fix the religious sentiment as something by itself and to presuppose an abstract — isolated — human individual.

(2) The human essence, therefore, can with him be comprehended only as “genus,” as an internal, dumb generality which merely naturally unites the many individuals. Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, VI.

43. The word, law, universal and objective Reason, is God and it is not observed or attended to by religious rituals but by following the commandments of living rationally:

“Well done, teacher! It is true, as you say, that only the Lord is God and that there is no other god but he. It is more important to obey these two commandments than to offer on the altar animals and other sacrifices to God.” Mark 12,32-33.

“Teachers of the Law, who like to walk around in their long robes and be greeted with respect in the marketplace, who choose the reserved seats in the synagogues and the best places at feasts. . . they take advantage of widows and rob them of their homes, [they] teach men [to] swear by the gold in Temple, [to] swear by the gift on the altar. . . You hypocrites! You give to God one tenth even of the seasoning herbs, such as mint, dill and cumin, but you neglect to obey the really important teachings of the Law, such as justice and mercy and honesty.” Matthew 23,16-23.

The materialist doctrine that men are products of circumstances and upbringing [ . . . ] forgets that it is men who change circumstances and that it is essential to educate the educator himself. Hence, this doctrine necessarily arrives at dividing society into two parts, one of which is superior to society.

The coincidence of the changing circumstances and of human activity can be conceived and rationally understood only as revolutionizing practice. Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, III, 44.

The proof for knowledge is sought in a practical way by experimental methods and it is not an abstract or untested imitation of affected scientific manners:

“You may wonder how you can tell when a prophet’s message does not come from the Lord [Reason]. If a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord [Reason] and what he says does not come true, then it is not the Lord’s [Reason’s] message. That prophet has spoken on his own authority, and you are not to fear him.”[16]

“Teacher, we saw a man who was driving out demons in your name, and we told him to stop, because he doesn’t belong to our group.” Mark 9,38.

“For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear. They will perform miracles and wonders in order to deceive even God’s chosen people, if possible.” Mark 13,22.

Feuerbach, not satisfied with abstract thinking, appeals to sensuous contemplation; but he does not conceive sensuousness as practical, human-sensuous activity. Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, V.

45. Knowledge is reason, reason is divine power, is godly, and so is the man who exercises knowledge in the eyes of the ones who don’t have it:

“Again the High Priest spoke to him, ‘In the name of the living God I now put you under oath: tell us you are the Messiah, the Son of God.’ Jesus answered him: ‘So you say.”’ Matthew 26:64.

“They all said, ‘Are you, then, the Son of God?’ He answered them, ‘You say that I am.”’ Luke 22:70.

Feuerbach starts out from the fact of religious self-alienation, of the duplication of the world into a religious, imaginary world and a real one. [. . .] For the fact that the secular basis detaches itself from itself and establishes itself in the clouds as an independent realm can only be explained by the cleavage and the self-contradictions within this secular basis. Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, IV.

46. The question of truth is the question of being human. For man, only truth has reality and power:

“You say that I am a king. I was born and carne into the world for this one purpose, to speak about the truth. Whoever belongs to the truth listens to the.” John 18:37.

Man must prove the truth, that is, the reality and power, the this-sidedness of his thinking in practice. Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, ll.

47. The question of truth? With this question the metaphysical Eastern religion arrives at the gates of Western philosophy; Greco-Roman rational philosophy takes notice for the first time, as recorded by written history, of the poetic Jewish mind. The rational-skeptical Pilate finds the issues that strain his learned prisoner’s mind to be familiar and yet still approached with a naive dogmatism. He looks down upon the young true believer from his own nation’s centuries-old rational wrestlings with the metaphysics of truth:

“ ‘And what is truth?’ Pilate asked.” John 18:38.

With that we enter the poetical Middle Ages.

48. Christ spoke to the people in his audience about themselves and their earthly existence, and they conjured him up as an unearthly creature. He pinned them to the wall of shame and mocked their endless foolishness, and they fell deeper into their mindless self-righteousness. He deplored their inner wickedness and hypocrisy, and they condemned him for apostasy and heresy. He challenged them to think; they prayed and pleaded for their salvation in the name of their self-interest.

49. A remarkable common-sense view of nature, life and truth strikes the unencumbered mind when it reads with an open eye the desperate effort of that man to tell his people how to live with an intelligent approach to their destiny on earth. They took a literal interpretation of his subtle spirit of dialectical thinking and entirely obscured his message.

He spoke in allegories about the powers of the mind and man mastering nature’s elements, its forces and demons; and his people swore they saw him one day walking the seas. He pointed to the hill above the plain, domesticated and developed under the tending hand of man, and they swore he had ordered the hill tumble off the reef. He spoke in parables, and they looked for fantastic apparitions.

He told them that spreading the wisdom of understanding is like the yeast that makes the dough grow from within itself, and they said he fed thousands of stomachs with one loaf of whole grain bread.

He cited the miraculous in the quotidian, the miraculous found in the seed of the germinating grain, in the grass sprouting from the earth’s crust, in the unfolding of the mustard tree, in the lilies flowering in the fields, in the wind and the rain, in all the wonders of the Kingdom of Life, and they were concerned with how to reserve a place in the Kingdom of death.

He asked them to see and to hear and they beheld him in disbelief and were disturbed by hearing their own inner voices and outer whispers of condemnation.

He saw liberation from the chains of greed, deceit and jealousy through self-restraint and dignity — and behind the words of truth they sought some sort of hidden insiders’ message offering better terms for trading their life, in a transactional way, for a better deal with God.

He said, don’t ask whether the truth comes from God or from man, the question itself is silly since man is the son of God, man is a product of nature. They questioned man’s freedom to question.

He told them that performing miracles is not proof of truth; anybody astute enough can learn that skill; and they founded his supernatural ontology on the art of magic and deceit.

He lived in flesh and blood on the streets of the cities and walked the roads and the fields of Judea, and they made him an unearthly abnormality.

He was teaching modern science; they worshiped a spectral creation of feverish minds.

50. One Gospel or another, one story more or less, the generations followed, all mixing truth with falsehood in such a way that verity and religion, idols and heroes, high aspirations and fallacies would establish their patterns under new names. And a good cause was defended for the wrong reasons.

America’s Fantasy that China will soon Collapse like the Soviet Union did is Based on Arrogance and Ideology, not Facts and Reason

by Tom Fowdy

Washington’s dream that Beijing is doomed to failure seems as strong as ever, despite events of the last year showing that American triumphalism is misplaced, misguided and potentially moribund.

2020 was a year to forget, but it was also immensely geopolitically significant. The outbreak of Covid-19 was a world-changing event which will profoundly alter the globe. Not least because the political shockwaves it created have brought relations between the United States and China to their lowest ebb in modern times.

In what many describe as a “new cold war,” the Trump administration has used its remaining time in office to escalate confrontation with Beijing and forcefully set a legacy for Joe Biden to follow. In setting out this scenario, some in the United States have framed the situation and its risks in very “short termist” thinking. It assumes China only has a short space of time to achieve its goals before, apparently, it becomes economically and socially depleted.

An article published in Foreign Policy, titled “China Is Both Weak and Dangerous” and covering the book The China Nightmare: The Grand Ambitions of a Decaying State, by American Enterprise Institute’s Dan Blumenthal, argues that China’s political system is weak and lacking in legitimacy. It then proceeds to argue that it is therefore, apparently, ideologically incapable of generating sustained growth or the innovation required to truly become a superpower and “displace” the US. As a result, the piece argues, Beijing only has a short period of time to “accomplish its goals,” thus making it dangerous.

Not surprisingly, I don’t buy into this argument. If anything, I would describe this kind of attitude, which I term “collapsism” as an ideological expression of overconfidence from some within the United States. It is a view which has become endemic since the end of the Cold War in 1991, which simply assumes China must be destined to fail at some point, while America marches on.

This of course is to be expected from the American Enterprise Institute, which, it goes without saying, is a ridiculously neoconservative and pro-war institution, but it nevertheless represents a broader and more misleading set of assumptions in American politics. The idea, perhaps more famously put by Gordon Chang’s “The coming collapse of China” ( 2001), is simply that the Chinese system is doomed to implode because it doesn’t tick the right ideological boxes. If anything, this view risks America being overconfident.

“Collapsism” better known as the “end of history thesis” is a strand of Cold War thinking which assumes that liberal capitalism is the only way to create a successful and stable country. It holds that all other ideologies are fundamentally flawed and cannot truly replicate the success of the West, even if they represent a geopolitical threat. It is an expression of American triumphalism following the collapse of the Soviet Union, based on the premise that in the end the West became more prosperous than the USSR and had outmatched it on innovation.

Liberalism, having evolved out of Christian thought, has embedded the idea that one’s own “divine destiny” is inevitable and, in the same way, believes western political thought is “the way, the truth, the life.” On top of this, it also holds that only liberalism allows creativity and critical thinking, and, thus, technological success.

You don’t have to read heavy books on international relations to find this view; attitudes towards China are riddled with it. Mike Pompeo once boasted, “The Communist Party knows it can’t match our innovation,”spreading the misleading trope that the only way China can obtain technology is by “stealing” it, and claiming all Chinese students in the US are “sent” to do that. Overall, this is an expression of overconfidence that clouds US foreign-policy making. The idea that if China can be contained quickly and harshly, it can be beaten as its political system is leaning on borrowed time.

Not surprisingly, this view is also endemic in the mainstream media and commentary. When Covid-19 broke out in February, newspapers rushed toframe the outbreak in ideological terms and assumed naively such a catastrophe could never happen in a transparent and progressive society like in the West. This had to be a failure of China’s system. This is obviously a trait of this ideologically driven discourse outlined in ‘The China Nightmare’ and the events of 2020 proved it wrong before it was even published, which shows how short-sighted the analysis is.

First of all, it talks about China’s growth slowing down and facing the “Middle Income Trap”– this is the idea that, like some countries in Latin America, nations reach a certain point then fail to grow further. However, where is the evidence for this happening? China is already passing the middle-income mark and is set to be designated a high income country by 2023.

It is also projected to become the world’s largest economy by 2028. The reason why many countries failed to surpass the middle-income mark was because of US led capitalism, not in spite of it. Mexico for example, cannot innovate because its economy is completely hegemonized by the US, who dominates its key industries and extracts Mexican talent for itself.

China does not face these problems or pitfalls. It has an increasingly educated workforce, universities which are increasingly competitive globally, a number of “unicorn” startups to rival the US and record levels offoreign direct investment in 2020. Does this really seem like a society “on the brink” with no potential to innovate? The author might want to consider that China has published more scientific papers since 2018 than any other country in the world, and files more intellectual property patents than anyone else too. Not bad for a nation that apparently “steals” everything, right?

Given this, the idea that China is weak and does not have time on its side is one based exclusively on ideology, not facts. Whilst the book highlights upcoming challenges, such as demographic decline, these are treated in a fatalist manner as if China has no way to absolve them, such as encouraging inbound immigration in the way Western nations have done. If anything, last year should have been a stark warning that China’s political system is not easily overcome or contained and, contrary to US hysteria, is not rampaging on a zero-sum path to world domination or to displace the US. This is a neoconservative fantasy which simultaneously believes Beijing is coming for Washington, yet cannot understand why China has not collapsed already.

As a result, the real danger in US-China ties is the belief that a path of confrontation on Washington’s behalf, as we have seen with Trump, can upend Beijing quickly and affirm US supremacy. Realism is needed, rather than ideological and triumphalist thinking. China’s strategy has involved hedging against American pressure by consolidating more economic agreements and options with others, rather than barging headfirst into a bloodthirsty conflict, that suggests it is a country that is biding its time.

It would be very happy to stabilize its ties with Washington. If anything, American complacency and the belief China can be stabilized, encapsulated by Pompeo’s legacy, is inherently dangerous. Beijing has been written off too quickly many times before, and history does not always repeat itself and run in straight lines, as the US has assumed since 1991.

What Vaccine Trials?

by Iain Davis via Off-Guardian

COVID 19 vaccine trials appear to have caused some confusion. Hopefully, this article might help clear things up a bit. People genuinely appear to believe that the COVID 19 vaccines have undergone clinical trials and have been proven to be both safe and effective. That belief is simply wrong.

The main point is this. If you decide to have Pfizer and BioNTech’s experimental mRNA-based BNT162b2 (BNT) vaccine, or any other claimed COVID 19 vaccine for that matter, you are a test subject in a drug trial.

The mRNA in the BNT vaccine was sequenced from the 3rd iteration of the original WUHAN published Genome SARS-CoV-2 (MN908947.3). However, the WHO protocols Pfizer used to produce the mRNA do not appear to identify any nucleotide sequences that are unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. When investigator Fran Leader questioned Pfizer they confirmed:

The DNA template does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person.

Nor are there any completed clinical trials for these vaccines. Trials are ongoing. If you are jabbed with one, you are the guinea pig. This may be fine with you but it’s not a leap of faith I or my loved ones wish to take. However, everyone is different.

On December the 8th the BBC reported a study in the Lancet and categorically stated:

The Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is safe and effective, giving good protection, researchers have confirmed

The BBC had no justification to make this claim. The study in the Lancetdid not confirm anything of the sort. The researchers wrote:

ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 has an acceptable safety profile and has been found to be efficacious against symptomatic COVID-19 in this interim analysis of ongoing clinical trials.

This was an interim analysis funded by, among others, CEPI and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The analysis was based upon trials which are years from completion and haven’t reported anything. The researchers also stated:

There were no peer-reviewed publications available on efficacy of any severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines…

There is no clear scientific evidence establishing either the safety or efficacy of proposed COVID 19 vaccines. The BBC and other MSM reports that this evidence exists are false.

We are going to focus on Pfizer and BioNTech’s BNT vaccine but all the manufacturers have essentially exploited the same trick. The regulators and governments have worked with the pharmaceutical corporations to conflate the limited data from the initial, or phase one, trials with the incomplete and ongoing data collection from the substantially larger phase two and three trials. The MSM have then falsely claimed the 1,2,3 phase trials are complete and insinuated that the untested data demonstrates vaccine efficacy and safety.

In reality, not only has the reporting of existing data been manipulated to show efficacy that isn’t evident in the raw data itself, the most important and meaningful phases of the trials have barely begun, let alone been completed.

Recently the UK Financial Times reported that the UK regulators (the MHRA) are due to approve Astrazeneca/Oxfords AZD1222 [ChAdOx1] COVID 19 Vaccine. The FT revealed an anonymous statement from the UK Department of health:

The medicines regulator is reviewing the final data from the University of Oxford/AstraZeneca phase 3 clinical trials to determine whether the vaccine meets their strict standards of quality, safety and effectiveness.

Thus giving the public the impression that the trials are complete and that the regulators have strict safety standards. The 1,2,3 phase trial for AZD1222 was registered with the U.S. Centre for Disease Control as clinical trial NCT04516746 [Archived 29th December 2020]. It is incomplete and the estimated end date is February 21st 2023. The CDC state:

No Study Results Posted

Astrazeneca are years away from reporting any “final data.” It is impossible for the UK Department of Health to review it, because it doesn’t exist.

NCT04516746 is one of four trials of AZD1222. Another Russian arm of the AZD1222 trial was suspended after a Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction (SUSAR) event occurred. The SUSAR supposedly happened in the United Kingdom after a 37 year old women developed inflammation of the spinal chord. It appears the Russian Ministry of Health have yet to reinstate their arm of the Astrazeneca/Oxford trial while it has resumed in the UK and elsewhere.

Clinical Trial NCT04516746: [Archived 29.12.2020], [Contemporary Link]


On November 18th Pfizer and BioNTech announced they had concluded their phase three trial of BNT. They had demonstrated efficacy of 95% and U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) safety data milestone had been met.

The only part of this claim that was true was compliance with FDA emergency safety data milestones. They have not concluded their phase three trials. They haven’t even fully completed phase one.

Under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) so called “unapproved” drugs are allowed on the market in emergencies. Similarly, in the UK, authorisation under Regulation 174 of the Human Medicine Regulations 2012 (as amended) permits the same.

Having also been approved in the UK, this is why the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) state:

This medicinal product does not have a UK marketing authorisation

The fact that there are no completed clinical trials for the Pfizer and BioNTech BNT vaccine also explains why the FDA State:

Additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.

The FDA also noted:

[There is]…currently insufficient data to make conclusions about the safety of the vaccine in sub-populations such as children less than 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals…..[the] risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown.

Yet the first people to receive this vaccine are the most vulnerable in society, many of whom are immunocompromised. The precautionary principle appears to have been abandoned. The notion that the purpose of the BNT vaccine roll out is to save life appears untenable.

The Pfizer announcement enabled politicians to pretend to cry on national television while others were really excited. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it was “fantastic news,” and the BBC said it was “good news” and “really encouraging.” Everyone was thoroughly impressed with the 95% effective claim.

However, this was based upon relative risk reduction. That is the declared percentage difference between the vaccinated group’s 8/18310 chance (0.044%) of developing COVID 19 against a 162/18319 (0.88%) chance of COVID 19 symptoms without the vaccine. As this larger group of 43,000 people have yet to be trialled, there is no basis for this claimed outcome. But it is what it is, and we can use these reported figures here.

It should be noted this only refers to an alleged reduction of COVID 19 symptoms among those who have the virus. The tested endpoints do not demonstrate that the vaccine will either reduce the spread of infection or save lives. It should also be noted that these figures suggest the threat from COVID 19 is vanishingly small.

Using Pfizer’s figures, the relative risk reduction is 100(1 – (0.044/0.88)). Which is 95%. Voila!

This sounds fantastic and is a much better marketing strategy than reporting the absolute risk reduction. The absolute risk of developing COVID 19 symptoms without the vaccine is supposedly 0.88% and with the vaccine 0.044%. In absolute terms, the effectiveness of the vaccine is (0.88-0.044)%.

A risk reduction of 0.84%. Oh! A barely perceptible “efficacy.”

By using the relative instead of absolute risk reduction, the mainstream media (MSM) were free to market the mRNA vaccine for Pfizer and BioNTech (and other interested parties) with impressive sounding claims. These weren’t remotely truthful, not only because they relied upon statistical manipulation but because no one had a clue about BNT’s safety or efficacy. To this day, there are no clinical trial results.


An analysis of available positive RT-PCR tests and mortality results led the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine estimated a very tentative COVID 19 Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of around 1.4%. Based upon the figures reported to the FDA by Pfizer and BioNTech, this indicates a broad population based mortality risk from COVID 19 of 1.4(0.88/100) which is 0.012%.

Please bear this incredibly remote risk in mind as we discuss the early indication of the apparent threat to public health presented by the mRNA vaccine.

It is reasonable to work in terms of population risk because, while the chance of COVID 19 mortality seemingly increases with age, with the average age of death being 82 and a mortality distribution indistinguishable from standard mortality, the intention is to give the vaccine to everybody.

If we look at the “V-Safe Active Surveillance for COVID 19 Vaccines” reported by the U.S. (CDC), early indications of the recorded “Health Impact Events” (HIE) reveal a worrying level of adverse reactions from the mRNA vaccine. The CDC define an HIE as:

Unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional

On December the 18th 112,807 people were injected with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in the U.S. Of these, 3,150 were subsequently unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional. This is an HIE rate of 2.8%.

This suggests that among the first 10 million people to receive the vaccine in the UK, around 280,000 may find themselves unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work and require medical care as a result. As it is the most vulnerable who are the first to receive this vaccine, given the tiny risk of mortality from the COVID 19 disease, it is by no means clear that this is a risk worth taking.

CDC Presentation: [Archived 19.12.2020],[Original]

Not that any of the other vaccines seem any better. So far the CDC have noted more than 5,000 HIE’s for all vaccine being trialled on the population. Clearly, the potential exists that the vaccines will contribute to more deaths than the disease they allegedly protects vulnerable people against.

The Pfizer/BioNTech trial was registered as NCT04368728 with the CDC. Having recently discussed what I am about to share with you with people who simply refused to believe the evidence of their own eyes, I think it is important to stress that this is the Phase 3 Clinical Trial which Pfizer claimed they had concluded in their press release. There isn’t another one. This is it.

The CDC state:

When available, study results information is included in the study record under the Study Results tab…….After study results information has been submitted to ClinicalTrials.gov, but before it is posted, the results tab in the study record is labeled “Results Submitted.

At the time of writing (21st December 2020) as can be seen by date of the , the Study Results tab reads “No Results Posted.” That is because there are no posted or submitted results from the Pfizer BioNTech trial of the BNT162b2 vaccine:

No Study Results Posted on ClinicalTrials.gov for this Study

Mainstream media reports, giving the impression that these vaccines have been found to be effective and safe are not evidence and they are not based on science. They are based on political policy and they report dangerous pseudo-scientific babble, masquerading as science journalism.

There will of course be mindless anti-rationalists who will call this dangerous antivaxxer nonsense. All the time insisting that it is perfectly safe to give a vaccine with a questionable safety profile, for which there are no completed clinical trials, to the most vulnerable people in our society.

I am running out of patience with these people.


The start date for NCT04368728 was April 29th and the estimated trial completion date is January 27th 2023. The estimated end date of the primary or phase one of a three phase trial is June 13th 2021.

According to the “Current Primary Outcome Measures,” the minimum time frame for Pfizer to assess serious adverse events (SAE’s) is “6 months after last dose.” This is the minimum term for assessing SAE’s in phase one of the trial.

Phase one is the only part of the NCT04368728 trial to have been completed and published. It was published on the 14th October, 5 months and two weeks after the start date. Most of that period was taken up with recruitment an allocation. The minimum term for assessing SAE’s has not been met during Phase One.

During Phase One, 195 participants were split into 13 groups of 15 people. In each group 12 received one of two potential mRNA vaccine candidates (either BNT162b1 or BNT162b2) and 3 a placebo.

39 people aged between 18-55 and another 39 people aged between 65-85 received the BNT vaccine, now approved for global distribution. The threat of COVID 19, though tiny overall, is statistically zero for those aged 18-55. Those with any measurable risk from COVID 19 were in the older age group.

Of the 39 older people who received 2 doses of BNT about half of them experienced “fatigue,”roughly 15% had “chills” and 3 of them had a fever. The common side effects of BNT included nausea, headache (a very common BNT induced nervous system disorder) arthralgia and myalgia (very common), fatigue, chills and fever (again very common.) Other than fatigue, no one in the placebo group suffered these problems.

Safety and Immunogenicity of Two RNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccine Candidates: Figure 3, ‘Participants 65 – 85 yr of age’ [Archived 29.10.2020], [Original]

The study states:

Pfizer was responsible for the trial design; for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and for the writing of the report.

Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that while Pfizer see the side effects of their vaccine as fatigue, chills and fever, the CDC refer to them as people who can’t work and need medical care.

The UK Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved the BNT vaccine, to be given to vulnerable British people, based upon a study of 39 older people. This study reported a pretty high adverse reaction rate. It was produced exclusively from the R&D of the vaccine manufacturer. The MHRA questioned nothing.

They “approved” BNT in the certain knowledge that there were no completed clinical trials for this vaccine. In their Public Assessment Report they state:

At the time of writing, the main clinical study is still on-going….It was concluded that BNT162b2 has been shown to be effective in the prevention of COVID-19. Furthermore, the side effects observed with use of this vaccine are considered to be similar to those seen with other vaccines. Therefore, the MHRA concluded that the benefits are greater than the risks.

This conclusion and approval not only lacks supporting evidence it is utterly at odds with what little is known about BNT. While Pfizer and BioNTech only completed trials of the vaccine on 39 relevant test subjects, the results, even from this practically inconsequential effort, suggest the risk from the vaccine is greater than the risk presented by COVID 19. By a considerable margin.

This undoubtedly explains why the MHRA ordered software from European suppliers to deal with the slew of vaccine adverse reaction they presumably anticipate. They stated:

The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs)….it is not possible to retrofit the MHRA’s legacy systems to handle the volume of ADRs that will be generated by a Covid-19 vaccine.

From the way the manufacturers, politicians, regulators and the MSM have approached vaccine safety, it is clear that they collectively have a total disregard for the welfare of vulnerable people. We really must put aside this infantile notion that “the authorities” care about us or our loved ones. We mean nothing to them.

COVID 19 is only an appreciable risk for the most vulnerable in society. It is a risk to the infirm elderly and people with existing life threatening conditions.

If we look at the exclusion criteria for Phase One, these people were not in the cohort tested. Anyone with high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes or a high BMI were excluded from the alleged safety trial. But the vaccine is being given to the most vulnerable first.

Of the 39 older people at most risk in the phase one study, none of them had the serious comorbidities which the overwhelming majority of those who die “with” COVID 19 possess. The people actually at risk from COVID 19 nominally entered the BNT trials at phase 2 and 3. However, it appears every effort has been made to limit, if not completely remove, their number too. “Immunocompromised or individuals with known or suspected immunodeficiency,” were excluded.

Immunodeficiency is caused by a wide range of health conditions. Conditions such as undernutrition, polytrauma, stress after surgery, diabetes and cancer lead to immunodeficiency. The people with the comorbidities associated with so called COVID 19 deaths were practically ruled out from the BNT vaccine trials.

NCT04368728 was designed as a 1,2,3 trial with all phases running concurrently. With regards to assessing safety Pfizer described systemic events as:

Fever, fatigue, headache, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, new or worsened muscle pain, and new or worsened joint pain as self-reported on electronic diaries.

The first 360 subjects randomised into the phase 2 and 3 trials underwent monitoring for systemic events for less than a week, following each dose:

In the first 360 participants randomized into Phase 2/3, percentage of participants reporting systemic events [ Time Frame: For 7 days after dose 1 and dose 2 ]

The same cohort of 360 test subjects were also monitored for Serious Adverse Events (SAE’s) for up to 6 months in phase 2 and 3:

In the first 360 participants randomized into Phase 2/3, percentage of participants reporting serious adverse events [ Time Frame: From dose 1 through 6 months after the last dose]

Pfizer also intend to report the percentage of all test subjects who suffer SAE’s:

Percentage of participants in Phase 2/3 reporting adverse events [ Time Frame: From dose 1 through 6 month after the last dose ]

But there are no reported results from either phase 2 or 3. No one has the faintest idea what the health risks of BNT are, especially for those it is supposedly designed to protect, and no one in authority gives a damn. Phase 2/3 clinical trials are now a moot point anyway.

The regulatory agencies have already approved the vaccine and health services have started injecting people with BNT. They do so after the manufacturers failed to properly test its safety on a 39 people who were in the at risk group but did not have the comorbidity that leads to claimed COVID 19 deaths.

The degree to which people have been misled into believing that these vaccines are known to be either safe or effective is almost beyond imagination.

Sadly, we don’t need imagination. The evidence is clear.

Search Engines

Google has long lost its attractiveness to many tech-savvy people. Most of the first page results usually are from big advertisers or mainstream media. The algorithm has long been optimised for sales, not to provide relevant information. In order to get some average quality search results, one needs to search “verbatim ” items and use browser addons/extensions that block search results from selected websites.
Apart from the obvious alternatives (DuckDuckGo, Bing, Baidu & Yandex), there are literally hundreds of good search engines.

Here are some of them: Gibru, Lukol, Qrobe, Naver, Seznam, Eniro, Onet, Orange, Mojeek, Gigablast, Private.sh, StartPage, MetaGer, Search Encrypt, Youdao, Yippy. A simple (not google) search easily finds more.

The EU is at Risk of Becoming Subservient to China

Authored by Bruce Wilds via Advancing Time blog,

The EU is taking the path of strengthening its ties to China in the hope it will spark an economic renaissance. The Euro-Zone was already in deep trouble before CoVid-19 hit. Argue as you may but the bout of economic weakness that started in 2017 never ended. The latest scheme cooked up by Brussels seems more of its policy to extend and pretend all is well. The EU abandoned all structural reforms in 2014 when the ECB started its quantitative easing program (QE) and expanded the balance sheet to record-levels. Playing into Europe’s problems is that in 2019, almost 22% of the Euro Zone GDP gross added value came from Travel & Leisure, a sector that will unlikely come back anytime soon.

To avoid the union coming apart at the seams the European Commission last year unveiled an unprecedented €750BN CoVid-19 recovery plan. It consisted of €500 billion in grants to member states and €250 billion in loans. This means those in Brussels are seeking a major extension of their power to where they can borrow money under the premise it will aid in ending the worst recession in European history and at the same time shore up Italy. This would result in transforming the EU’s governing body in Brussels by allowing it to raise unprecedented sums on the capital markets to shore up hard-pressed EU countries.

Roughly 80% of the Euro-Zone’s real economy is financed by a banking sector that carries more than 600 billion euro in non-performing loans. Unemployment is also a problem, almost 30% of the Euro Zone labor force is expected to be under some form of unemployment scheme for years.France, Spain, and Italy, with important rules and tax burdens on job creation, may suffer large unemployment for even longer. As of 2017, not a single European company ranked among the top fifteen technology companies in the world and only four of the top 50 global technology companies are European. This is why skeptics are concern that if the politically directed “Green New Deal” agenda doesn’t boost growth or reduce debt the Euro-Zone will remain economically stagnate.

The elephant in the room is that the Euro-zone region simply isn’t competitive. The EU lacks technological and intellectual property and is falling further behind the U.S. and China. Germany, the regions manufacturing powerhouse continues to skirt along narrowly escaping recession while France, Spain, and Italy face years of large unemployment levels. It was clear that the EU was struggling in the spring of 2020 when the European Commission sharply revised lower its economic growth forecast for the area due to Covid-19. So far, the European Commission’s expectations its economy would rapidly rebound have been dashed by a second wave of the pandemic.

To generate the impression of hope the EU’s leaders in Brussels are trying to pull a rabbit out of the hat by strengthening ties with China. The Guardian recently reported that China and the EU now appear to have resolved their differences over protecting labor rights in China and are set to sign a long-delayed investment agreement. This would strengthen ties between them and make the economies of the two blocs more interdependent. The investment talks address opening up Chinese markets for European investment, as well as addressing Chinese practices opposed by the EU concerning industrial subsidies, state control of enterprises, and forced technology transfers.

A sticking point for the talks launched in 2013, has been the treatment of Uighur Muslims, and the systematic suppression of free speech in Hong Kong. At the heart of these talks has been the EU’s concern about these issues and how to enforce and arbitrate other parts of the agreement.It must be noted the same members of the European parliament have in the recent past passed resolutions condemning the use of forced labor in China must ratify the agreement. Also, America and the incoming Biden administration are far from happy about the EU-China comprehensive investment agreement which signifies a significant shift in EU policy towards Asia.

The proposed deal dovetails with Beijing’s “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) initiative and follows the signing of an agreement made with Italy which is viewed by many as bankrupt. Last year, in what might be considered a bold move the Italian Prime Minister signed a historic memorandum of understanding with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Rome. The agreement made Italy the first founding EU member, and the first G-7 nation, to officially sign on to OBOR in hopes it would shore up its weak prospects. The ramifications flowing from Italy’s deal with China may, in the end, prove to be a deal with the devil.

The key motivation behind China working to reach a deal with poor, weak, but lovable Italy was its desire to exploit Italy and use it as a backdoor into the broader Euro-Zone market. The deal China and Italy inked contained development deals covering everything from port management, science and technology, e-commerce, and even soccer. The reality is that China is eager for control of entry points into the European Union that can be lawfully expanded upon. This does not bode well for the region.

Humans of the GREAT RESET: what the Future MIGHT Look Like in 2021 – If the Controlling Elites Have Their Way

With vaccine rollouts underway, humanity looks set to win the fight against the coronavirus. But some elites planning a post-coronavirus ‘Great Reset’ don’t want to go back to normal. Here’s what they have planned instead.

As lockdowns and mask mandates became a part of daily life over the last year, politicians the world over asked their citizenry to accept “The New Normal.” The phrase became ubiquitous, but as vaccines inched closer to deployment, that phrase was replaced with a new one, “The Great Reset,”used to describe the monumental changes to human society needed in a post-coronavirus world.

Unveiled in May by Britain’s Prince Charles and the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab, the ‘Great Reset’ is an ambitious plan to create a more equal, cashless, integrated and sustainable global society. World leaders have seemingly signed up to the plan, with its catchphrase, “Build Back Better” featured prominently in incoming US President Joe Biden’s campaign messaging.

Overdue liberalization, or technocratic New World Order? Opinion on the plan is divided between those who think it’s the shot in the arm the world needs, and those who think it will make Cyberpunk 2077 look like a utopian dreamworld. Whatever your opinion, here’s a look at the ‘New Normal’ that awaits in 2021 and beyond.

Vaccine passports for everyone

Even the World Economic Forum (WEF) has acknowledged that issuing citizens with immunity passports, or certificates of vaccination, could prove “controversial.” That hasn’t stopped governments toying with the idea though. Britain is “exploring” the idea of creating a digital “freedom passport” database that would only grant access to public places to people who can prove a negative Covid test, while Ireland and Israel have discussed banning the unvaccinated from certain spaces. France may ban the unvaccinated from public transport.

Such moves have been fiercely criticized by civil liberties advocates, but those pushing them don’t care. “Prepare for a form of health passport now,” former British Prime Minister Tony Blair wrote last week. “I know all the objections, but it will happen. It’s the only way the world will function and for lockdowns to no longer be the sole course of action.”

Governments may not be able to force citizens to take a rushed and side-effect-riddled jab at gunpoint, but they won’t have to. The air travel industry has already said it will require proof of vaccination to fly this coming year, leaving wannabe travelers with a simple choice: take the jab or stay at home. Budget airline Ryanair boiled the idea down to a blunt catchphrase: “Jab & go!”

Digital IDs and social credit scores

Your vaccination record is just one facet of your identity that the architects of the Great Reset want access to. In a post on Christmas eve, the WEF set out an ambitious plan to create a digital identity app aimed at giving an official identity to more than a billion people worldwide said to be without one. Registering the world’s population is a goal shared by the United Nations, and the WEF’s proposed app would enable users to link up with ‘smart cities,’ healthcare and financial services, travel and shopping providers, and government departments.

Together with the idea of health passports, one can easily imagine a world where the unvaccinated could be excluded from these vital services. The International Monetary Fund has gone one step further, however, proposing this month that AI algorithms could be used to scan a person’s social media posts to determine their credit score.

Made too many anti-vax posts on Facebook? Sorry, pal, loan denied.

nequality on steroids

Proponents of the Great Reset talk about building a more equal, equitable economy after Covid. But if current trends are anything to go by, that economy looks more like medieval feudalism, with a tiny group of billionaires on top and the rest of us on the bottom.

Lockdowns have been disastrous for small business owners. San Francisco, for example, has seen half of its small businesses close, while New Orleans, heavily dependent on tourism and hospitality, has lost 45 percent of its small businesses. The situation is the same the world over, with countries like Ireland that implemented a second lockdown this winter seeing more businesses fail.

The world’s billionaires, however, are doing spectacularly well. America’s three-comma titans grew their wealth by nearly a trillion dollars since the pandemic began. Amazon achieved blowout second-quarter results in 2020, earning $89 billion in that period and growing CEO Jeff Bezos’ fortune to $200 billion. The combined wealth of the 12 richest Americans – including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft CEO and vaccine evangelist Bill Gates – grew by a staggering 40 percent.

With lockdowns continuing into 2021, there is no indication that this trend will be reversed any time soon.

All of this bodes well for the world imagined by the WEF. According to the notorious promotional video by the organization, by 2030 the average person will “own nothing and be happy.” Goods and services will instead be rented from corporations and delivered by drone, a setup only the likes of Amazon will be in a place to provide.

A new push for environmentalism

Before Covid hit, climate change – a real, but heavily politicized problem – was the pet issue of governments worldwide, as leaders fell over each other to announce closer dates for the phase-out of fossil fuels. The proponents of the Great Reset are no different, and foresee a global carbon tax system in place by 2030, with citizens eating meat as “an occasional treat, not a staple. For the good of the environment.”

World leaders will likely kick off 2021 by renewing their commitments to a carbon-free future, whatever the cost. Joe Biden, for one, has promised to sign the US back up to the Paris climate agreement immediately upon taking office.

While the average person may pay a little more for the privilege of driving a car or eating a steak in the coming months and years, the real change, according to the WEF, will be felt by 2030, when climate change displaces a billion people, creating an unprecedented wave of refugees. Under the terms of the Great Reset, “we’ll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.”

For the west, a wave of climate refugees means more competition for jobs and a growing underclass in the countries that take them in. However, they’ll also get the opportunity to “own nothing and be happy,” just like the rest of us.

And the WEF can count on legions of ‘grassroots’ activists to push these policies on the masses. It’s youth wing – the Global Shapers Community – was involved in last year’s climate marches, and the community’s leaders have been trained by the Climate Reality Project, an activist organization run by WEF trustee Al Gore. Expect these activists to demand climate action when the WEF meets in Davos, Switzerland, in January.

The real and unreal blur – discussion is censored

With WEF members literally funding their own activist movements, it’s going to be tough to discern top-down from grassroots change. In the case of the WEF’s push for a new environmentalism, Greta Thunberg and British Petroleum are on the same team. When it comes to reimagining capitalism, Pope Francis and Mastercard are working together to give corporations a greater say in cultural and political issues. Regarding health policy, the WEF and indeed much of the world’s media, seems okay with letting Bill Gatesdecide the future of medicine and disease prevention.

Discuss any of the contradictions and problems inherent in these post-Covid predictions, however, and you’re labeled a conspiracy theorist. With the world’s social media giants all cracking down on conspiracy content, it remains to be seen where the line between “dangerous” misinformation and legitimate critique will be drawn in 2021.

However, it is no stretch to say that in 2021, Silicon Valley will have more say over what’s not to discuss. In 2020 alone, Twitter censored the president of the United States and banned a national newspaper for reporting damaging information on his opponent. When it comes to content branded as “conspiracy theory,” discussion will in all likelihood be more, not less, restricted from here on out.

Amid the global upheaval brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, it’s easy to imagine world leaders and corporations taking advantage of the chaos to impose more controls over the populace. Prince Charles himself even described our turbulent times as a “golden opportunity” to make good on “big visions of change.”

However, the movers and shakers who travel every year to the World Economic Forum’s summit in Davos have boasted about their “great” plans before, from 2009’s “Shaping the Post-Crisis World,” to 2012’s “The Great Transformation.” The actual implementation of the ‘Great Reset’ will depend on the imagination and ambition of governments and their corporate partners, and how well this squares against economic necessity and public resistance.

The most likely outcome is that the reset gets rolled out in a piecemeal fashion. Regardless, the WEF’s suggestions will surely continue to shape discussion long after the threat of the coronavirus subsides.

via RT

The Woke Twitter Mob

Authored by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com,

Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

San Francisco Drug Overdoses Outpace COVID Deaths

San Francisco is a city that implemented some of the more strict COVID lockdowns in 2020, inside a state that may have been the most draconian in the US.

And while San Francisco has only seen 173 COVID-19 deaths in 2020, the city has watched as 621 people died of drug overdoses.

In 2019 there were 441 San Francisco deaths from drug overdose in San Francisco; so even just the INCREASE in drug overdose deaths from 2019 to 2020 (an increase of 180) is greater than the number of COVID-19 deaths in San Francisco.

This echoes other unintended consequences from lockdown isolation, such as Japan’s spiking suicide rate.

Click here to read the full story.

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Twitter Mob Takes Aim at Classic Novels Taught in Schools

Under the hashtag #DisruptTexts, English and Literature teachers across the United States are banding together to censor dangerous classic novels.

For example, a teacher in Lawrence Massachusetts said that the organization #DisruptTexts helped her school district remove Homer’s The Odysseyfrom the curriculum.

Others have done away with the “slut-shaming” classic, The Scarlet Letter, as well as Shakespeare for his works written “at a time when hate-ridden sentiments prevailed.”

The idea is that anything written too long ago will reflect the bias and prejudice of the past, and fail to properly indoctrinate students into the correct way of thinking, according to the woke Twitter mobsters.

Instead the organization has partnered with Penguin Publishing to suggest teachers use titles such as Antiracist Baby a “picture book that empowers parents and children to uproot racism in our society and in ourselves… to help readers recognize and reflect on bias in their daily lives.”

Click here if you want to see the #DisruptTexts website for yourself.

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High School Student Sues Over Woke Curriculum

A high school student from Nevada, William Clark, has filed suit against his high school for forcing its woke curriculum on him.

Clark has a white father and black mother; his father is deceased and he is growing up in a predominantly black household with two black siblings.

But given that he has a white biological father, Clark is “regarded by his peers as white”. And that’s enough for him to be guilty.

According to the lawsuit, Clark’s high school is forcing him to “unlearn the basic Judeo-Christian principles” from his upbringing.

These values include “the proposition that every person is unique and equal before the eyes of God and will be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.”

But Clark’s public school doesn’t believe in such principles.

To them, whiteness is oppressive. And despite Clark being half black (i.e. just as black as Barack Obama), he is deemed to be an oppressor by school officials.

The lawsuit alleges that school officials deliberately misled parents about the curriculum and did not inform anyone that their children would be indoctrinated into Critical Race Theory and other woke principles.

In one class in particular, a mandatory ‘Sociology of Change’ course required for all students, the teacher greets students in the morning with “Hello my wonderful social justice warriors!”

Students are expected to label and identify themselves based exclusively on gender, race, sexuality, and religion and then determine if your identity is associated with oppression or privilege.

(The study material makes it easy by pre-determining for the students which identities are oppressors, and which are victims.)

Those with oppressor identities would then be forced to submit themselves for ridicule by the rest of the class.

Clark chose not to participate in the exercises. And for his resistance, he received failing grades, which will prevent him from graduating and threaten his college prospects.

Click here to read the full lawsuit.

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Sheriff’s Office Makes List of Innocent Kids Susceptible to “fall into a life of crime”

Pasco County Florida thinks it can predict which kids will grow up to be criminals. So it keeps a detailed list of these innocent children.

Factors which land kids on the list include getting bad grades in school, witnessing or being the victim of violence at home, and even “a juvenile’s social network,” which the Sheriff’s office tracks.

Other factors which have landed 420 children on the list of potential criminals include “hanging around in public”.

This is all described in the Sheriff’s office’s own manual, in a section on crime prevention.

Deputies do engage some of the at-risk youth. But the main objective seems to be spying and intelligence gathering to aid in investigations– not to innocently mentor youth.

Click here to read the manual.

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UK Bans “Buy One Get One Free”

In the country’s quest to save people from themselves, the United Kingdom will ban “buy one get one free” offers, and other promotions, on unhealthy food items.

The rules which go into effect in April 2022 also forbid restaurants from giving free soda refills, and stop unhealthy items from being featured at the checkout.

The argument is that obesity related illness costs the socialized healthcare system of the UK 6 billion pounds per year.

Therefore the government has the right to dictate health standards to citizens and businesses alike.

Click here to read the full story.

Russia’s Asian Path and a Declining EU

By Glenn Diesen, an Associate Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway

After the fall of communism, the NATO powers expected Russia to fall into line and Westernize, but without the prospect of Western integration. But that plan has blown up in their faces.

It has pushed Moscow towards Asia, just as the global balance of power flipped. The historical shift of economic power from the West to the East is a catalyst for a revolutionary change in EU-Russian relations. While Asia continues its rise, economic stagnation and relative decline has seemingly destined Europe to growing irrelevance in the world.

For the first time in its history, Russia does not need to look towards Europe for economic connectivity and new ideas. Now Russia has left the EU’s orbit, Moscow and Brussels will need to recalibrate their relationship.

Russia’s failed return to Europe

For 300 years, Russia pursued a Western-centric foreign policy focused on Europe. Access to European maritime corridors was central to connect with international trade, and modernization largely entailed making Russia “more European” and obtaining a seat at the table of Europe.

Yet the leading maritime powers, British and American, have consistently embraced the strategy of denying Russia its place in the European family. In 1942, American political scientist Nicholas Spykman outlined the imperative of the US taking over the British mission of containing Russia: “Since the time of Peter the Great, Russia has attempted to break through the encircling ring of border states and reach the ocean. Geography and sea power have persistently thwarted her.” This centuries-old tradition continued after the Cold War, with the organizing of most of Europe around the EU and NATO.

The rise of the EU

The rise of the EU after the Cold War was mostly the result of relative economic power. Internally, removing trade barriers increased market efficiency. Externally, the collective bargaining power of EU member states produced favorable trade agreements. Furthermore, economic power was converted to political power by conditioning access to the enormous EU market.

The EU also attracted the support of the US, as Washington identified Brussels as a vital partner for collective hegemony in a Western-centric world order. The subsequent gravitational pull brought the pan-European space into the EU’s orbit.

This format for Europe seemingly solved the Russian question: Russia could be denied membership in the main European institutions, yet Moscow would still need to abide by their decisions. The underpinning logic dictated that Russia had nowhere else to go. Russia could either enter that orbit, too, as a political object, or become irrelevant.

The EU’s terminal decline

Yet, in victory, the EU began its decline. Strengthening the collective power of the EU with continued expansion and the common currency sowed internal divisions. Socio-economic and political divides deepened, and the EU stumbled from crisis to crisis.

Members such as Greece and Italy are now heading towards economic collapse, while others, such as Poland and Hungary, are leading a revolt against the EU’s dismantlement of traditional values and the nation-state. The future of France is uncertain and the continued concentration of power in a more assertive Germany is sowing distrust.

At the periphery, states are quickly leaving the EU’s orbit. Turkey seeks to take advantage of the emerging multipolar world by charting an independent path, and Britain is now celebrating having finally ended its membership and left the EU’s regulatory control.

The US is also losing its interest in Europe, and common interests are gradually declining. The shift of power from the West to the East compels the US to redirect its focus to Asia. A weakened US, struggling to hold on to global leadership, will demand more from its European partners in terms of confronting Russia and China, yet will have less to offer its terms of security guarantees.

Russia leaving the EU’s orbit

For Russia, the relative decline of Europe and rise of Asia presents a historical opportunity. The excessive reliance on an asymmetrical partnership with a more powerful EU was always problematic, and it became untenable, because the zero-sum structures of Europe were never reformed after the Cold War.

For centuries, Russian conservatives aimed to establish an organic path to modernity instead of obsessing about Europe and perpetually attempting to catch up. Eurasianism is becoming a viable geoeconomic project as Russia endeavors to reposition itself from the dual periphery of Europe and Asia to the center of a larger Eurasian construct. It is rapidly diversifying its economic connectivity and developing its strategic autonomy.

Incrementally, anti-Russian sanctions become less painful as Russia reduces its reliance on Western technologies, industries, transportation corridors, currencies, banks, and other financial instruments.

Recalibrating relations between the EU and Eurasian Russia

The Europe constructed after the Cold War, without Russia, was designed for a different international distribution of power. In a multipolar world, it will be difficult for Europe to maintain its relevance as the continent loses its political subjectivity and degenerates into a battleground for the great powers.

The Europeans are confronted with a dilemma. Continued EU and NATO expansionism towards Russia’s borders will intensify the dividing lines in Europe, and it will compel the EU to retreat under US patronage and Russia to align itself closer with China.

Alternatively, mitigating those dividing lines by, for example, establishing a partnership between the EU and the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union, will demand a further EU split from US containment policies.

By ending its Western-centric foreign policy, Russia can paradoxically improve its relations with Europe. Reducing Russia’s excessive reliance on Europe is a pre-condition for cultivating an equal partnership. When mutual sanctions eventually end, Moscow will not seek a ‘reset’ to pre-2014 relations to the extent that it entails re-entering the EU’s orbit.

Most importantly, an equal partnership between the EU and Eurasian Russia entails the rejection of ‘common values’ as a feature of international politics. While democracy and human rights are admirable principles to organize society, they cannot be decoupled from power politics, and are a tool for the EU to organize its orbit.

Simply put, Western interference in Russia’s domestic affairs is legitimized as democracy promotion that advances peace, while Russian interference in the domestic affairs in the West is denounced as an attack on democracy and an act of war. As Russia exits the EU’s orbit, the instruments of the EU’s extraterritorial governance will also come to an end.