World War III is Coming

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by Claudiu Secara

Is the war in Ukraine going through its last convulsions before the Ukrainian army is blown out of existence by Russian firepower? The opposition-to-the-war-in-Ukraine party within the US, now personified by Tucker Carlson and his new buddy Victor Orban of Hungary, the Trumpists and a certain alternative media, Scott Ritter and all, are singing the-end-is-here, the Ukrainians are toast, the Russians cannot be defeated. The Ukrainians didn’t even make it through the “crumple zone”, didn’t even reach the Russians’ first line of defense, etc.

But let’s make a sober analysis of the situation. It seems to me that we are heading straight into the pre-planned WWIII. Just like that.

At the moment, the Ukrainians are being used by the Americans to probe and map out as much as possible of Russia’s defensive dispositive systems – the locations and capabilities of all their remote sensing capabilities, response time, and countermeasures, etc. The Ukrainians, as sacrificial scouts, are sent in to test the defensive capabilities, first on the front line, then further afield, 300 Km, then 700 Km, and so on, all pre-planned by the US strategic warmongers. This is very similar to what they did in the Gulf War with Saddam Hussein’s defenses. For a number of years there was a no-fly zone, then partition of the North, where the Kurds were used by the US to probe the Iraqi army, and then the South, where the Kuwaitis were used to allow the US army close monitoring of Saddam’s capabilities. We are now in that pre-preparation timeframe.

But can the comically inept and demented Biden lead the West into a WWIII? NO WAY!

Let’s think again. WWII started in about 1932 with the ascension of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany, under the old and decrepit President of Germany, Hindenburg. It took almost another 10 years of German industrial mobilization, then the mobilization of the people, war propaganda, secret transfer of military technology from the U.S. side (such as radar technology) and so on before everybody figured out that all of that meant War.

Biden’s role today is the same as Hindenburg’s. He’s just a decoy, a deceptive clown, not a serious adversary.

But meanwhile the Western Axis is forming and building up minute by minute. Oh, Orban assures us, Russia is a people of 145 million, unified around the soul of Mother Russia, they are not moved by illusory propaganda like liberty, or democracy. Their central focus is the security of their people, the defense of their ancestral lands, the centrality of their nation. Add to that 1.4 billion Chinese, plus some Central Asia people, Iran, etc.

Can the US fantasize about defeating such a colossus, close to 2 billion people armed to their teeth?

Yes, they can fantasize, and the outcome is not a foregone conclusion. Yes, the nuclear option is one possible complicating factor, but let’s do some more math.

Almost 350 million Americans, 450 million Europeans, 70-80 million Canadians and Australians, plus 100 million Japanese, 50 million South Koreans – that is already an army of 1 billion. And they are first-class nations, unlike the still mostly rural, “developing” challengers. There are a few fence-sitters like the 115 million Philippines, the 275 million Indonesians, Central Americans, etc. And how about the Indians who alone can match by number the Chinese? And they are worked up assiduously by the Western Axis.

As far as advances in war technology, there is much to be discovered by the public and acknowledged by the secret weapons developers. Advances on all sides are made almost on a daily basis.

On the political theater, Trump is just as much of a charlatan as Biden is a crooked politician, good material for public distraction. Now, Trump the candidate is against the war in Ukraine and is against the masks and the vaccine mandates as supposedly employed by the Bidens to block Trump’s chances of re-election. But remember, it was Trump the President who introduced the lockdowns and the masks, who appointed the Judas goat Fauci, who spearheaded the “warp-speed” vaccine development, etc. It was Trump who introduced the first sanctions against Russia and then against China. Biden or Trump, it makes no difference. Maybe only for Israel Trump is preferable.

So what is the alternative for the West, if not War? The West is bankrupt, the speed of industrialization taking place outside the West is mind blowing. China just announced the breakthrough in designing and producing the 5G chipset, the last stronghold of American technological dominance. In the race in space, even India has leapfrogged the US and together with the other majors, Russia and China, they all are fast moving out of sight.

So what alternatives does the West have for protecting their beautiful garden? In the previous two world wars, it maneuvered to set the rest of the world on fire and have it self destruct. That is something that could possibly be a game changer for the West. No war? Death with certainty. Even worse. Sooner or later, tribunals are looming. But a devastating war creates a new ground-leveling environment and those who are the Master Arsonists can hope to get away and ahead.

It doesn’t mean that the next war will be like a video game of the Gulf War. No, not by any means. It doesn’t mean that the West is the sure winner, or even the favorite. — But who has the best chance in such a war? one wants to know. But it is the exact business of the war to determine that. A war is only possible when both sides are equally strong, or at least when each side believes it is capable of winning. And sometimes only pure chance can turn the balance in one’s favor, as in the case of the huge typhoon which saved the Japanese navy from defeat by the Mongol invasion in 1281.

It only means that the West has no other option between slow death or going to an all-out war. The time for a negotiated compromise has passed. The long historical line of crimes and lies cannot be kept under wraps. Hence the Black Lives Matter and the anti-“white supremacy” cover-up fallacy. But even the Africans can see through and demand justice. The Moon landing, 9/11, the Covid genocide are the lies, and the crimes – the coups and the colonial atrocities and centuries-long crimes against most of humanity – are high on the agenda of a potential upcoming tribunal.

Not so long ago, that dilemma of war or compromise was mostly theoretical. But we have now come to the historical crossroad, when this is no longer an academic debate. The preparations for war are very far advanced and the deadline is near.

And it looks like we will be going to all-out war. Soon.

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8 months ago

Childish observation. Russia can obliterate the U.S. and the West within minutes and they said and are ready to do that before giving up to the Anglo Zionist Psychopathic Finance and Oil Interests out of New York and London.

The truth is the US can’t fight Russia who has been working on advanced weapon systems since before the fall of the Soviet Union, while the US has been high fiving themselves because they can carpet bomb countries with no air defense systems like Iraq.

Russia has Hypersonic Missiles that can fly up to Mach 20 and nuclear powered cruise missiles that can circumvent the globe and strike anywhere on the planet without refueling for months.

Steve Sibery
Steve Sibery
8 months ago
Reply to  AndySmith

“Can the US fantasize about defeating such a colossus, close to 2 billion people armed to their teeth? Yes, they can fantasize. . . ”

Any war/confrontation is contingent on millions of unexpected variables and the US planners are no shrinking violets, either. That’s why we have wars, because nothing is predetermined before the test of “blood and iron”.

There is always one side in any war that is the losing side. But that does not prevent either combatant from resorting to war. — That’s what the article was saying. Read it again.

8 months ago
Reply to  AndySmith

It’s obvious you’re not qualified to say who can or cannot do what!

8 months ago

Mythes et Science (synchronicités de Jung, Physique moderne, « trame divine » de Victor Hugo) : Les USA c’est les Georgia guidestones, le retour de la bête Yéti nommée Bigfoot, le mictlan (nord et enfer – hell -) des Aztèques, le temple de Mammon à NY, … : (+ odysée, rumble, crowdbunker, etc.). Sorry, in french.
En France, Macron c’est l’Emmanuel/Ze-us à … l’Élysée bien sûr (et non Jé-sus) ; un Œdipe (démon intérieur) qui tue le Père (Patrie) et épouse sa mère (intellectuelle, sa prof.) ; une « Brigitte », nom de la déesse (donc vieille Psyché) gauloise, etc. (même si transexuel ou travesti, ce qui rajoute à la complexité) .

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