Fact-Check ‘Climate Hysteria’ of “Hottest Day Ever”?

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Ed. Note: Let’s not forget the most important and simple argument against the Global Warming hoax. From about the year 900 through 1450, that’t just 500-1,000 years ago, Greenland was . . . green. The Vikings and the Welsh had a thriving agriculture there. They had open seas to routinely navigate to Vinland, what is today New England in the US. All of that flourishing civilization withered away though as the 1,000 year-long Winter set in. See Footprints of the Welsh Indians


via ZeroHedge

Corporate media unleashed a barrage of headlines of climate doom, including “Era of global boiling has arrived” and “hottest month in the history of civilization” and “hottest day ever recorded.” These headlines were published in July, the typical peak of the Northern Hemisphere summer. Some of these wild claims were based on records from four decades ago, even though Earth has been around for billions of years.

CBS News wrote, “Earth sees third straight hottest day on record, though it’s unofficial: ‘Brutally hot.'” It’s crucial to note that CBS hedged itself with “unofficial,” meaning the data hasn’t been verified.

Records grab attention, and clearly, the climate alarmists in corporate media were pushing a ‘climate change’ agenda in a month with the warmest temperatures of the year: geniuses. As for the warmest ever, well, even the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had questions about the climate math (Read: Even NOAA “Runs Away” From ‘Hottest Day Ever’ Claim After Media Hysteria).

July was hot, but it’s because of the peak Northern Hemisphere summer. The El Nino weather phenomenon may have contributed to some extra warmth. In terms of temperatures deviating excessively from a 30-year average, well, there’s not much of that, according to Bloomberg data.

If you weren’t able to visualize temperature data, the corporate media had people believing the world was on fire:

So how do climate alarmists know what the precise temperatures were hundreds of thousands of years ago? Well, it might be one giant guess, as environmental attorney Steve Milloy recently explained in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece titled “Hottest Days Ever? Don’t Believe It“:

“One obvious problem with the updated narrative is that there are no satellite data from 125,000 years ago. Calculated estimates of current temperatures can’t be fairly compared with guesses of global temperature from thousands of years ago.”

Remember when climate child warrior Greta spewed this junk science in 2018? Where were the fact-checkers??

But don’t worry. The billionaires funding the climate change movement are still flying in private jets and sailing around the world in mega-yachts while they rid the world of cow farts and force insects into the diets of the masses.

Al Gore

Michael Bloomberg

Climate fear has been a multi-decade scheme…

Here’s Milloy’s report titled “Media Climate Fact Check.”

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8 months ago

As I’ve already said “If YOU want to be taken seriously, you must act and post seriously.” This article is not serious. Climate change denialism is not serious. For the life of me, I can’t see why some people are climate change/global warming deniers–unless they are paid to take that position.

8 months ago
Reply to  Cesar+Jeopardy

Is that a one-man attempt to censor this blog? If you don’t agree with some of the posts don’t bother to visit the blog. Simple like that. — Or just read what you find of interest to you.

Are you denying that Greenland was green, supporting a viable population, a thousand years ago?

8 months ago
Reply to  Dacian

Greenland was once apparently “green,” but that was 100s of thousands of years ago. 1000 years ago, Greenland was mostly covered with an ice sheet. This information is available from web sites that do real science.

8 months ago
Reply to  Cesar+Jeopardy

One more time, are you saying that the name Green-land was given by the inhabitants of “100s of thousands of years ago”? Yes, the woke crowd has a big problem with Greenland history so that’s why most of the “new discoveries” peddle the theory of dry weather not temperature change that caused the end of the human life there. Pathetic slavish idiots! “Science”?!

Here is a good map of the colonization of the Northern lands: https://www.themaparchive.com/product/viking-settlement-of-greenland-9001490/.

Notice that these settlements amounted to up to 5,000 inhabitants. — were they surviving willingly on ice sheets?!
