Macron on Revolution – Two-Faced

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Macron in 2020 to the Lebanese: the revolution does not happen by anyone’s order; people make it (do it).

Macron in 2023 to the French: Protests are not legal and no one has the right to riot against people’s representatives.

There are reports of “Tactical units driving through the streets of Marseille.” 

What the Twitter user is saying above lines up with France 24’s report:

Maybe this is why France needs military vehicles on the streets of Paris. 

Is France a third-world country? 

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Update (1235ET):

President Emmanuel Macron’s government struggles to contain social unrest across the country. 

French interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, said overnight chaos has resulted in 2,000 cars burned, 500 buildings damaged, hundreds of businesses looted, and violent clashes with police. He said over 800 people were arrested, with nearly 250 officers injured. 

Earlier, Macron blamed social media for fueling ‘copycat violence,’ and said state agencies would ask Twitter, Snapchat, and Tiktok to ban the most “sensitive content.” 

Riots and vandalism continued throughout the day Friday. Darmanin said buses and trams would be shut down by 9 pm local time nationwide to suppress the overnight unrest. 

Here are more scenes of the chaos:

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The police killing of a 17-year-old during a traffic stop on Tuesday has unleashed three consecutive days of social unrest across France. 

Bloomberg reports more than 600 people were arrested Thursday night into Friday, with a majority of them between the ages of 14 and 18. 

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