Meanwhile, What is Putin Saying?

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Putin on the situation in the Gaza Strip:

 “We see that instead of punishing terrorists, Israel began to take revenge on the principle of collective responsibility… These bombings cannot be justified in any way. We must understand who is organizing the deadly chaos. Who benefits from it? The United States and its satellites are the main beneficiaries of global instability.

The terrible events in the Gaza Strip cannot be justified by anything 
US ruling elites, not achieving success on the battlefield, are trying to weaken Russia from within 
When you look at bloodied, dead children, the suffering of the elderly, the death of doctors in the Middle East – your fists clench, but emotions are unacceptable
The key to resolving the conflict in the Middle East is the creation of a sovereign, full-fledged Palestinian state.
The US needs constant chaos in the Middle East, so they discredit those who are ready to stop the bloodshed, even the UN is being persecuted
The USA as a world superpower is weakening, losing its position, the “American world” with its hegemon is becoming a thing of the past, but the United States does not want to acknowledge this
Putin – about the unrest in Makhachkala,Dagestan:
 “The events in Makhachkala were inspired through social networks, including from the territory of Ukraine, by the hands of Western intelligence services. But I have to ask a question – is it possible to help Palestine by attacking Mountain Jews? Which are the titular nation of Dagestan. We can only help Palestine by fighting those who are really behind this tragedy.”
US does not need lasting peace in the Holy Land 
Russia today is not only participating in shaping a new multipolar world but also fighting for a new world on the battlefield.‌‌
Special military operation soldiers are fighting evil and oppression, where the future of the whole world, including Palestine, is being decided.
The one responsible for all the problems in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine is the United States.
The stronger and more united Russia is, the better we will be able to protect our interests and the interests of countries that have become victims of neo-colonialism.”
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