From the Water Cooler

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What goes around comes around.

Won’t be long before you’re called Black immigrants.

Trump supporters accused Antifa of being funded by Soros, turns out Soros was one of Trump’s biggest financial donors.

Meanwhile the antifacists are called fascists.

After 70 years of provocation, Palestine fights back and the West calls them terrorists.

Israeli Jews murder 5500 innocent civilians, women and children, and the West calls the Jews the victims.

The Western poodle governments do so out of fear of America.

Americans are clinically insane. 

That’s all we need to know.

They say who god wishes to destroy he first makes him insane.

Can’t happen soon enough.

Let’s stick to sanity.

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1 year ago

 Soros was one of Trump’s biggest financial donors?
“Affirmati Non Neganti Incumbit Probatio” is a Latin maxim that means “the burden of proof is upon him who affirms – not on him who denies.” Generally it is the duty of the person who asserts something to produce evidence in order to prove it.
Is there proof?

1 year ago
Reply to  Doreen

EXACTLY what I was going to post… except the Latin, of course, lol. PROOF, PLEASE, OR STFU.

Steve Sibery
Steve Sibery
1 year ago
Reply to  grrlrocks

Some links below:

George Soros was the single greatest contributor to the Trump campaign. He contributed between two and there billion dollars to the campaign through Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. Trump and Soros are close personal friends.

Trump Adviser Kushner’s Undisclosed Partners Include Goldman and Soros

Investments show ties to major finance and technology names

1 year ago

Indeed everything is turned on its head in Orwellian Double think/speak. Us old folk are like the old horse in his Animal Farm, who questions his memories when he sees the political slogans on the barn wall mutate to suit the current scenario. Amused to see if our black springbok will be censured by world rugby for his alleged racist comment to a white English rugby player. Rather tricky, if they do it overturns the critical thinking crews claim that only white people can commit racist offences, and we minority whites would then be in a position to censure EFF Julius Malema for his string of vitriolic racist threats, eg Kill the Boer”” chants, and “We arent going to kill the Whites, Yet!!” Whats good for the goose…. comes to mind. Most amusing!!!