Xi vs Li

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China. Sudden death of Li Keqiang. He was the Prime Minister of China, the 2nd person in the country for 10 years, during the entire Xi government, from 2013 to March 2023. Young to die, 68 years old. Death was sudden. Many will believe that this is not natural. Context is very important here.

1. Li was the leader of the so-called “Komsomol group” in the Chinese elite, the main group alternative to the Xi group.

2. Xi revolutionized China’s political system in 2023. Previously, for 40 years, the leader was in power for 10 years, and then left with his entire team. Xi was in power from 2013 to 2023. And he remains. Apparently for a long time. But many do not agree with this.

3. Recently, it has been very strange that the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs first disappeared and then resigned. And then the head of the Ministry of Defense.

4. Suddenly, soon after their appointment, the head of the Ministry of Finance and the head of the Ministry of Science and Technology resigned.

5. China’s chief epidemiologist Wu Zunyou has died at the age of 60, a Chinese digital media outlet reported, without specifying the circumstances of his death.

6. All these events are quite unusual. And all together they cause a lot of controversy. The general consensus is that there is an intense leadership struggle in China.

7.  When this struggle ends, Greater China’s policies may change.

8. Xi is considered to be bad for the US and good for Russia.

9. Xi’s opponents want to distance themselves from Russia and be more friendly with the United States.

One of them suddenly died.

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Novus Ordo Seclorum
Novus Ordo Seclorum
1 year ago

“Xi’s opponents want to distance themselves from Russia and be more friendly with the United States.”, meaning some Chinese leaders love their “century of humiliation” and want China to become a US satrapy!
These people have no clue of what the Eurasian Integration project is about and want to lead China – go figure!