Was Navalny’s Wife the Killer?

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Found it on one forum:

On February 14, Navalny’s wife visited him in the penal colony and gave him gifts and medicines, then urgently flew to Moscow, in the morning to Istanbul and Munich. THINK AHEAD.

And this is what the inconsolable widow looks like:

Having never been a partisan of either Navalny or Putin, I can, however, without any hesitation state that it is precisely the Putin regime that this death of Navalny does not benefit in any way.

And about [the statement that]“Lenin planted a bomb”*, whoever made the decision to allow Navalny back into Russia and then have him imprisoned planted a “bomb” that was to be detonated at the behest of “our Western partners”, which happened at the most inopportune moment for the Kremlin authorities.


*16:27 21 January 2016

Putin tells scientists about Lenin’s subversive role in Russian history

“They put an atomic bomb under the building called Russia, and then it exploded”, the president said.

Moscow. January 21st. INTERFAX.ENVladimir Putin spoke sharply about the results of the activities and ideas of the leader of the revolution, Vladimir Lenin, which, according to the president, led to the destruction of historical Russia.

Thus, he responded to the head of the Kurchatov Institute Mikhail Kovalchuk, who at a meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education quoted Boris Pasternak’s poem “High Sickness”, in which he analyzes the October Revolution and says about Lenin: “And so, when I saw him in reality, I thought, thought endlessly about his authorship and his right to dare in the first person”.

“The answer is this: he directed the flow of thought and only because of that — the country”, Kovalchuk continued, suggesting that in the scientific environment “we should find organisations that should direct the flow of thought in specific directions”.

“Controlling the flow of thought is the right thing to do, as long as this thought leads to the right results, and not like Vladimir Ilyich [Lenin]. And then in the end, this idea led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, that’s what. There were a lot of thoughts like this: autonomization and so on. They put an atomic bomb under the building called Russia, and then it exploded. And we didn’t need a world revolution. That’s the idea there”, Putin said, concluding a meeting of the presidential council.

Here is the original in Russian: https://godilla.livejournal.com/612811.html

Нашел на одном форуме:

14 февраля жена Навального приезжала к нему в колонию и передала подарки и лекарства, потом срочно улетела в Москву, утром в Стамбул и в Мюнхен. ДУМАЙТЕ. 

А вот так выглядит “безутешная вдова”

Не будучи ни разу симптизантом ни Навального, ни Путина, могу, однако, ничтоже сумняшеся заявить, что именно путинскому режиму эта смерть Навального никак не выгодна. 

И про “Ленин бонбу заложил”. Тот, кто принял в свое время решение впустить в РФ Навального, а затем его посадить, именно что “бонбу заложил”, которая должна была рвануть по отмашке “наших западных партнеров”. Что и случилось в самый для кремлевской власти неподходящий момент. ДУМАЙТЕ!

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