To Go Nuclear or Not to Go

Spread the Word

by Sergei Markov

There is no split in Russia’s Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. There is indeed an open letter from 21 members of the Council, but they are less than 10% of the members of the SVOP, protesting against the statements of the founder and leader of the SVOP for a long time, Sergey Karaganov.

Sergey Karaganov put forward the thesis (see this: Using its Nuclear Weapons) about the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of a really hostile Poland, and on the non-occupied Ukraine. That is, along the Rzeszow airfield, the real military capital of the Ukrainian Russophobic regime.

This thesis is actively supported by such titans of the Russian propaganda world as Dmitry Kiselev.

And now there are members of the SWOP who want to publicly record their disagreement with the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons. Almost all of the signatories are people with pro-Western views. It can be assumed that many of them believe that in the current confrontation between Russia and the West, the West is more likely to win. And they present their position in advance. For the future.

Or maybe they just really don’t want a nuclear war. No nuclear war of any kind.

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