World War III – More Signs of Escalation

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There are more signs every day that the West is gearing up for war against Russia and China. It is not yet imminent, these preparations take time, several good years, but the window for reconciliation and negotiations is closing. The drums of war are sounding louder. The rearming of the West with a new generation of weapons based on the experience of the Ukraine war is in full swing. The shift from the peace-time economy to the war economy is underway. 

All these signs lead one to believe what Danilo said. We are exiting the period of the hybrid war and entering the phase when the West is now openly and irreversibly marching in lockstep readying its war machine.

We are looking at 10 – 15 years of existential confrontation between the giants, dragging all the rest of us into the mayhem. Some 10  to 15 years of world war lies ahead of us.

Is the West likely to win?! Perhaps NOT.

We will continue to update “more signs of escalation”.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Bogdan Danilo:

“If someone thinks that World War III has not started, then this is a big mistake. It has already begun, a certain time is going on in the hybrid period, and now it has entered an active phase. And if someone thinks that this is a showdown between Russia and Ukraine – this is a mistake, everything is much more complicated”.


Sergei Markov:

“If Kim visits Russia, then with a high probability, the lifting of Russia’s sanctions against the DPRK will be announced. This will open up the possibility of supplying a huge number of shells from the DPRK and food supplies to the DPRK and the transfer of a number of military technologies by Russia to the DPRK. It is high time. Donbass is waiting for Korean volunteers.”


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene reveals that her “biggest concern” is Joe Biden initiating the outbreak of World War III. “Warmongers are crazy enough to put American troops in Ukraine to fight Russia.”


Lil Estonia’s Defense Minister Pevkur:

“EU ready to double production of shells to help Ukraine. We see that European industrial capacities have grown, so this is a positive trend. By the end of the year, or beginning of next year, we will be able to produce almost twice as much as we produced in Europe a year earlier. ” 


 Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden plan to design a new tank together

The project is said to be led by German defense conglomerates Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (kmw) and Rheinmetall. German business daily Handelsblatt  reported that the partners in the deal were planning to apply to the European Defense Fund for funding amounting to a three-digit million euro sum, adding the project would also involve Sweden’s Saab and Italy’s Leonardo. It did not identify which Spanish company would be involved.

So far the German defense ministry has not commented on this news.


It is no coincidence that recently General Surovikin, “General Armageddon”, has been appointed Head of the Coordination Committee for Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile Defense of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

 In addition to promises to supply Ukraine with F16 aircraft, the West declares preparation for attacks against Russia by a swarm of almost 200,000 (that’s two hundred thousand) kamikaze drones, as well as the possible delivery of long-range missiles to Kiev.  Frequent drone attacks against Russian territory probing the Russian DAA, always in the presence of NATO reconnaissance aircraft, prove this. [category military affairs]

 The attack by a swarm of drones in combination with missile bombings must, according to NATO experts, cause not only military, but political effects, provoking fear and discontent in the population…

 There is still time to prepare for this “Air Counteroffensive.”  And it is very logical that Surovikin is entrusted with building a new line of defense, but now – an anti-aircraft line of defense.  And at the CIS level.  That is, a common defense, together with Russia’s allied countries within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty (CSTO).  With Belarus, at front end.

 Recently, the Minister of Defense, Shoigu, carried out an inspection of plants producing anti-aircraft and electronic warfare systems, announcing a considerable increase in production of this equipment.

 The Russian leadership is confident that General Surovikin has enough time and will have enough means to organize a Collective Anti-Air and Anti-Missile Defense Line against a collective “Air Counteroffensive” of the West.

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1 year ago

The Rockefeller Crime Syndicate, owns controlling shares in Black Rock (meaning every major corporation in the West), the Federal Reserve, and Congress. The need to destroy Russia, steal all her energy and resources in order to implement their One World Government managed by the UN/WEF/WHO/Corporations and policed by the U.S. Military.
If Russia is destroyed somehow the whole world will know Hell On Earth!