Will WWIII Be a Bio-War?

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“US is preparing a full-scale biological attack on Russia, developing viruses that are much more deadly than the coronavirus” Igor Nikulin, former member of the UN Commission on Chemical and Biological Weapons. [category military affairs]
“I’m talking about hantaviruses (spread by rodents), Ebola and Marburg viruses. They are working with all of these diseases in Ukraine, accumulating large stocks of doses” – Nikulin warns.
US seeks ‘license’ to encircle Russia, China, with ‘offensive strategic bio-labs’
The new Pentagon report claiming that America is facing “expanding biological threats” from its foreign adversaries is no more than an attempt “to seek license” for the US to continue developing offensive strategic bio-labs in countries that surround Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, Scott Bennett, a former State Department counterterrorism analyst, told Sputnik.
“These labs will be used to develop bio weapons that target specific DNA and genetic vulnerabilities of people of Slavic, Asian, and Persian-Hindu descent. Of course the external cover explanation for the purpose of these labs will be as ‘defensive’ or ‘proactive’ countermeasures against the bio weapon development of other nations the American government defines as ‘uncooperative’, or ‘unyielding’, or ‘hostile’ to being an American vassal or slave state,” Bennett said.
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Rene Labre
Rene Labre
1 year ago

Great art

Paul Smith
Paul Smith
1 year ago

Total UN fear-mongering BS. No such thing as a virus. The only way to poison people is to have some sort of delivery system such as a vaccine. The Rockefeller Crime Syndicate started the UN and the WHO. The Crime Syndicate could order the US military to spread some sort of engineered super bacteria, maybe, but how will they deliver it?
“It’s very difficult to murder millions or billions of people” Eustace Mullins