CNBC Host Suggests Nationwide Vaccine Mandate: ‘Have the Military Run It’

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CNBC host suggests nationwide vaccine mandate: ‘Have the military run it’ | 30 Nov 2021 | CNBC host Jim Cramer expressed outrage at Americans who have refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus and suggested the White House consider creating a universal vaccine mandate for all people in the United States. “So it’s time to admit that we have to go to war against COVID,” Cramer said on his long-running business program “Mad Money” on Monday. “Require vaccination universally. Have the military run it. If you don’t want to get vaccinated, you better be ready to prove your conscientious objector status in court.”

Austria Now Threatening PRISON to Anyone Who Refuses Vaccine –The bill will also make regular booster shots compulsory. | 1 Dec 2021 | Unjabbed Austrians who refuse to comply with the government’s draconian mandates could face prison sentences and crippling fines for non-compliance. After initially placing unjabbed citizens under lockdown, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg announced that the jab would become compulsory from February 1 onward. Questions as to what would happen to those who refused to comply with the mandate have now been answered in the form of a draft that was leaked to the media. “Under the bill, anyone who refused to attend a scheduled vaccination appointment would receive an official summons from local authorities. If an individual failed to show up, they would then be summoned one more time within the next four weeks,” RT reports… Summit dot news reports: No one will be “forcibly brought” to a vaccination center to get jabbed against their will, although rest assured, they will be “forcibly” placed behind bars if they continue to refuse. If it passes, the legislation will stay in place for three years, with the government deciding if having recovered from COVID is a reasonable exemption.
Germans, Australians dragged to government ‘quarantine centers’ for COVID-19 –Quarantine centers in Germany have included prisons, and Australian authorities have resorted to isolated camps under 24-hour surveillance. | 3 Dec 2021 | More than a dozen people have been forcibly placed in government isolation facilities in Germany while hundreds of people have been held in similar Australian centers as Western countries continue to ramp up the use of forced quarantine centers in the name of stopping COVID-19. A recent survey by German newspaper Welt am Sonntag found that at least 15 people have been taken to quarantine facilities in Germany’s 10 largest cities since the beginning of the year. The 15 individuals, who allegedly violated at-home isolation requirements for COVID-19, include 11 in Munich, two in Stuttgart, and one each in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt, Welt am Sonntag reported. The full number of cases is likely higher, as authorities Berlin and Leipzig did not provide figures to the paper. Some of the quarantine facilities were located within prisons, according to Welt. “Most of the federal states have closed areas in hospitals or prisons for quarantine breakers,” the outlet noted.
EU Leader Calls for Throwing Out Nuremberg Code in Favor of Forced Vaccinating All Dissenters –Comments come on the heels of Austria and Germany locking down the unvaccinated | 3 Dec 2021 | On Wednesday, Ursula von der Leyen — the president of the European Union (EU) Commission — told the press that she would like to see the long-standing Nuremberg Code ignored completely in favor of allowing countries to force vaccinate anyone who is refusing to take the experimental jab. Her alarming comments come just days after Germany followed Austria’s lead, mandating an authoritarian lockdown on only the unvaccinated. In addition to being in full support of the segregated lockdown, von der Leyen said it was “understandable and appropriate” for EU countries to discuss mandatory COVID vaccinations because of the new Omicron variant, which has already been detected in 12 countries in the EU. From The BBC: “European Union countries should consider mandatory vaccination to combat Covid and the Omicron variant, the head of its Commission has said.
Canadian province allows grocers to ban unvaccinated food shoppers | 6 Dec 2021 | Grocery stores in Canada’s New Brunswick province are now allowed to lay down the law with shoppers who aren’t vaccinated against Covid-19: No jab, no food. The provision — which was contained in a “winter action plan” announced by New Brunswick Health Minister Dorothy Shephard on Friday — gives grocery stores, malls and salons the option of either enforcing physical-distancing rules or requiring proof of vaccination to enter their establishments. Other new restrictions include limiting household gatherings to 20 people, capping outdoor gatherings at 50 people and requiring unvaccinated people to avoid indoor gatherings — in other words, a lonely and potentially hungry Christmas for the unjabbed… Citizens must register to travel, and all unvaccinated people entering the province must be quarantined and take a test to prove they’re not infected after 10 days in isolation.
New York City Announces First-In-the-Nation Vaccine Mandate for Private Companies | 6 Dec 2021 | Mayor Bill de Blasio announced what he called a first-in-the-nation vaccine mandate for private companies Monday… He’s giving businesses just three weeks to make sure their workers are vaccinated. De Blasio said the city will release specific rules on Dec. 15, before the mandate takes effect Dec. 27. He said it will apply to in-person employees, but would not provide any details about enforcement. He also said there will not be a weekly testing option.
Over 23,500 airmen and guardians say no to COVID vaccines as final deadline passes | 3 Dec 2021 | Nearly 95% of airmen and guardians — about 473,000 people — are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, the Department of the Air Force announced Friday. About 23,500 troops remained unvaccinated as of 8 a.m. Friday, more than half of whom belong to the Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard. That accounts for around one in every 20 people in the department. Nearly twice as many Guard and Reserve airmen are unvaccinated than in the active duty component, 14,500 to 8,800.
Connecticut Reports First Confirmed Case of Omicron Variant in Fully Vaccinated Hartford County Man | 4 Dec 2021 | Connecticut has reported its first case of the Omicron variant. State officials said Saturday that a man in his 60s from Hartford County developed mild symptoms on Nov. 27. He took an at-home COVID test and tested positive on Nov. 29, then took a molecular test on Dec. 1, which also came back positive. The man is fully vaccinated. Officials say a family member of the man was in New York City between Nov. 17-22 to attend the Anime NYC convention at the Javits Center. That family member developed mild symptoms on Nov. 21, and on Nov. 23, they took an at-home COVID test, which came back positive… They are also fully vaccinated.
First confirmed U.S. case of Omicron variant brought to California by fully vaccinated traveler | 1 Dec 202 1 | Fox News has confirmed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified the first case of the Omicron COVID-19 variant in the U.S. “The California and San Francisco Departments of Public Health have confirmed that a recent case of COVID-19 among an individual in California was caused by the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529),” the CDC wrote in a Wednesday statement. The agency explained that the individual was a traveler who returned from South Africa on Nov. 22, 2021. “The individual, who was fully vaccinated and had mild symptoms that are improving, is self-quarantining and has been since testing positive. All close contacts have been contacted and have tested negative,” the CDC noted.
Report Shows Nearly 300 Athletes Worldwide Collapsed or Suffered Cardiac Arrests After Taking COVID Vaccine This Year – Many Died | 6 Dec 2021 | A list of athletes around the world who went under cardiac arrest shortly after taking the COVID exam was created and published… We’ve reported previously on incidents where athletes were competing and then literally dropping out of competition due to cardiac arrest. A report at shows a list of athletes who took the COVID vaccine and later went under cardiac arrest. The report shows that a majority of the athletes listed later died.
Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital to Administer Ivermectin | 1 Dec 2021 | An elderly COVID-19 patient [Sun Ng, 71] has recovered after a court order allowed him to be treated with ivermectin, despite objections from the hospital in which he was staying, according to the family’s attorney. After an Illinois hospital insisted on administering expensive remdesivir to the patient and the treatment failed, his life was saved after a court ordered that an outside medical doctor be allowed to use the inexpensive ivermectin to treat him, over the hospital’s strenuous objections… The judge issued a preliminary injunction that day directing the hospital to “immediately allow… temporary emergency privileges” to Ng’s physician, Dr. Alan Bain, “solely to administer Ivermectin to this patient.” …The ivermectin appears to have worked, and Sun Ng has recovered from COVID-19. He was discharged by the hospital on Nov. 27.
Long Island explosion: NY police, FBI hunt person behind blast amid potential terror concerns –Detectives seeking information about vessel seen fleeing Fox Island area around time of blast | 30 Nov 2021 | Authorities on New York’s Long Island are hunting the person responsible for a blast on a small island that left a small crater in the sand and shook houses miles away, sparking potential terror concerns. Speaking at a press conference in Yaphank Monday, Suffolk County police acting Commissioner Stuart Cameron told reporters, “Obviously our department is concerned as to why someone would detonate a device of this size and magnitude on an uninhabited island.” “So we definitely want to find out who did it,” he continued, according to Newsday.
U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship By Ice Age Farmer | 2 Dec 2021 | The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline, as they seek to take total control of the flow of information and establish their “Great Narrative.” CTED notifies domain registrars of “extremist” sites — i.e., those that promote narratives they don’t approve of — and the sites can no longer be found. This reflects a new level of internet censorship, but it is not just publishers who are in the crosshairs…it is all of us. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.
Forbes Admits mRNA Vaccines Alter DNA, Then Changes Headline | 2 Dec 2021 | In an article published by Forbes on Monday, the mainstream media admitted that COVID vaccines change your DNA but only indirectly and that is a good thing. Forbes published an article from Steven Salzberg titled, “Yes, The Vaccine Changes Your DNA. A Tiny Bit. That’s A Good Thing.” Forbes later retitled the article to “Covid Vaccines Don’t Alter Your DNA – They Help Choose Cells To Strengthen Your Immune Response.” After being criticized by the “vaccine cult,” the author changed the headline to emphasize that the vaccines “don’t alter your DNA” without changing any of the article’s content.
‘Tool to Enforce Orwellian Rules’: 80 House Republicans Help Pass Bill to Fund Federal Vaccination Database | 1 Dec 2021 | Eighty House Republicans voted with Democrats on Tuesday to pass the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, which if passed by the Senate and signed into law would fund a federal vaccination database. According to the billalso called H. R. 550, the government would provide 400 million in taxpayer dollars to fund “immunization system data modernization and expansion,” a system otherwise defined as “a confidential, population-based, computerized database that records immunization doses administered by any health care provider to persons within the geographic area covered by that database.” Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL), who was one of the 130 Republicans to vote “no,” told Breitbart News exclusively on Wednesday that the legislation would enable the federal government to “track” unvaccinated Americans who “will be targeted and forced to comply with Biden’s crazy ‘global vaccination’ vision.”
Freedom Caucus wants McConnell to force shutdown over vaccine mandates | 1 Dec 2021 | The conservative House Freedom Caucus called on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday to block any stopgap government funding bill that does not bar spending federal dollars on enforcing vaccine mandates. The letter was sent as House Democrats attempt to craft a continuing resolution to keep the federal government fully functional through mid-January. Current funding expires at the end of Friday. In a letter to McConnell (R-Useless Eater-Ky.), Freedom Caucus members blasted what they described as Joe Biden’s “very damaging, unAmerican, and in the worst cases, unlawful vaccine mandates” and called on Senate Republicans to use “all procedural tools at your disposal to deny timely passage of the CR [continuing resolution] unless it prohibits funding — in all respects — for the vaccine mandates and enforcement thereof.
Federal judge blocks Gov. Greg Abbott’s Texas social media censorship law before it takes effect | 2 Dec 2021 | A federal judge in Austin Wednesday blocked Texas’ social media censorship law, which prohibits large social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter from censoring users “based on their political viewpoints.” The law, known as House Bill 20, was signed by Gov. Greg Abbott on Sept. 9 and set to take effect Thursday. However, U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman wrote in his ruling that the measure interferes with platforms’ First Amendment right to moderate content disseminated on their platforms. In a September Washington Post op-ed, Abbott argued the need for the law “has been apparent for years.” He also voiced support for the measure in a Twitter video, saying “Freedom of speech is under attack in Texas. There is a dangerous movement by some social media companies to silence conservative ideas and values.” [category scamdemic – corona virus]
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3 years ago

I’m pretty sure Cramer is a coke head. He also has stock in big pharma, and doesn’t actually care about health. Sadly, alot of people will agree with him. There should be a law that requires a person that holds certain views to have to live be those rules. They should be forced to have skin in the game, so to speak. So, if CokeHead wants the military to make people get vaccinated, he should be forced to enlist and be assigned that MOS. I wish that spastic, ticky, incoherent jerk would show up to my house demanding I get vaccinated.
Great article, by the way.