Costa Rican Group in Court to Ban Covid Vaccines

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On 13 September, a Costa Rican Appellate judge ordered an oral hearing in the case of Interest of Justice vs State of Costa Rica.  In a case originally filed a year ago, Interest of Justice is seeking an injunction to have the covid-19 injections removed from the market in Costa Rica and then through a series of steps, globally. 

Unfortunately, the oral hearing, which was held on 9 November, did not go Interest of Justice’s way and the judge did not grant the precautionary measure or temporary injunction to stop the covid injections.  However, Interest of Justice doesn’t see this as the end but rather the beginning of the legal action they plan to take.

Interest of Justice (“IoJ”) is a private international law and civics institute headquartered in Costa Rica. Through a series of dedicated and strategic actions including Freedom of Information Act requests and court filings, IoJ intends to reform or abolish “The Health Monopoly” as well as hold them all responsible for cessation and reparations for the many, many covid-19 international wrongdoings. “The Health Monopoly” is the UN, WHO, FDA, CDC, EMA, and strict regulatory bodies that corruptly defraud member states and humanity in public health guidance and procurement international investment agreements.

The oral hearing was set for 9 November and, in the words of IoJ, was to determine whether “Costa Rica and their superiors in WHO and FDA lied about safe and effective publicly, whilst knowing it is experimental, known to be harmful and death is common, which maliciously denies the entire international community its right to informed consent and is a Nuremberg Violation which the court must prohibit in the public interest.”

Before the hearing took place, IoJ noted that the hearing would address the following:

Although IoJ had lined up Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea as expert witnesses, they were not called to testify.

At the end of the hearing, the judge did not grant the precautionary measure, a temporary injunction to remove the covid injections from the market as hoped.  IoJ reported that their request was denied due to technicalities. This unsuccessful action is far from the end of the story according to IoJ, in fact, it is merely the beginning:  

After the oral hearing, the IoJ team members Dustin and Xylie spoke with Dr. Joseph Sansone to explain how they got to where they are now and what happens next.

The biggest technical problem with the oral hearing, Xylie told Sansone, was that the original paperwork filed in October 2022 focused on mandating covid “vaccines” for children.  At the time this was relevant.  However, by the time of the oral hearing, the mandates for children had been dropped.  IoJ had adjusted its paperwork to include everybody and thought the judge would expand IoJ’s original filings to apply to all ages, however, the judge did not.

IoJ hopes to file their “main case” in the next few months with the Appellate Court.

Joseph Sansone: Interest of Justice Team Interview on Mind Matters and Everything Else, 10 November 2023 (40 mins)

Featured image: Costa Rica receives first batch of covid-19 vaccines through COVAX Mechanism, UNICEF, 7 April 2021

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1 year ago

Criminal courts of the world