Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans

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‘Good doctors are doing unthinkable things’ …They ‘appear to be under a spell’

via LeoHohmann.com

Dr. Peter McCullough

The most highly cited physician on the early treatment of COVID-19 has come out with an explosive new video that blows the lid off the medical establishment’s complicity in the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.

Dr. Peter McCullough said these deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable.

He said COVID was a bioweapon and the vaccines represent “phase two” of that bioweapon.

“As this, in a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out, it was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation,” McCullough said in a June 11 webinar with German attorney Reiner Fuellmich and several other doctors.

He noted:

“Both the respiratory virus and the vaccine delivered to the human body the spike protein, the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.”

Most of McCullough’s comments come in the first 10 minutes of the below video.

“Now I can’t come out and say all this on national TV today or at any time,” he continued. “But, what we had learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn’t even communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell, almost as if they are hypnotized right now.”

He did not hold back in his criticism of his colleagues in the medical community.

“And doctors, good doctors, are doing unthinkable things, like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathological spike protein into pregnant women. I think when the doctors wake up from their trance they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people.”

McCullough is professor of medicine and vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University and also teaches at Texas A&M University. He is an epidemiologist, cardiologist and internist and has testified before the Texas State Senate related to COVID-19 treatments. He holds the distinction of being the most widely cited physician in the treatment of COVID-19 with more than 600 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

In the video, recorded by Oval Media, McCullough said:

“The first wave of the bioterrorism is a respiratory virus that spread across the world, and affected relatively few people—about one percent of many populations—but generated great fear.”

He said the virus targeted primarily people over 50 with multiple medical conditions. It poses almost no risk to children.

He said 85 percent of the more than 600,000 U.S. deaths could have been prevented with a multi-drug treatment given in the early to mid-point of the disease.

Instead, people were told to stay home and not return to the hospital unless their symptoms got worse, such as severe breathing problems. By then it was too late for many. They were placed on ventilators and died.

The vast majority of doctors jumped in lockstep to follow these erroneous “guidelines” handed down by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Those guidelines neglected to place any focus on the treatment of sick patients and, from the beginning, as early as April 2020, started emphasizing the need for a vaccine as the only real hope of beating back the virus.

The federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS] logged 5,993 reports of deaths of people injected with the COVID vaccine between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 11, 2021. That’s more than all the deaths reported to VAERS from all other vaccines combined over the last 22 years.

But these numbers, as shocking as they are, don’t scratch the surface of the actual number of dead Americans, said McCullough.

“We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC. We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It’s basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection.”

McCullough added that “every single thing that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made it worse.”

He said the suppression of early COVID treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine and especially Ivermectin, “was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine.”

Without the suppression of the already-available treatments, the government would not have been able to legally grant Emergency Use Authorization to the three vaccines rushed to market by Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson.

In the case of Moderna, the U.S. government is co-patent holder through the National Institutes of Health, a clear conflict of interest.

“I published basically the only two papers that teach doctors how to treat COVID-19 at home to prevent hospitalization and death…If treated early, it results in an 85 percent reduction in hospitalizations and death,” McCullough said.

So not only were the vaccines rolled out unnecessarily by suppressing already available, effective treatments, but the FDA and CDC are now covering up tragic numbers of deaths caused by their experimental mRNA injections.

McCullough said he has organized groups around the world that emphasize early treatment.

“Governments have actually tried to block early treatment of COVID patients, so we created a home patient guide,” he said.

“We broke through to the people, and the people who got sick with COVID called in to get medications from mail-order distribution pharmacies. So without the government even knowing what went on, we crushed the epidemic here in the United States towards the end of December and January. We basically took care of the pandemic with about 500 doctors and telemedicine services. And to this day we treat about 25 percent of the US COVID-19 population that actually are at high risk, over age 50 with medical problems or present with severe symptoms. And we basically handled the pandemic, and at the same time we’ve tried to keep ourselves above the political fray.”

McCullough said his focus has recently turned to the unnecessary and dangerous injections.

“We are working to change the public view of the vaccine. The public initially accepted the vaccine and we had to kind of slowly turn the ship. Now, in the U.S. the rates of vaccination have been dropping since April 8. Most of the vaccination centers are empty.”

“We have a lot going on in the United States. We are engaging more and more attorneys.”

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Ellen Day
Ellen Day
3 years ago

My best friend \’s son, only 60 was given the two shot and 1 week after the shots, He is dead. The doctors said it was i mpossible for the shots to have affected him…He had a multitude of blood clots on his brain. After reading your artical, I am so angry, how can these people live with them selves, Raking in hugh amounts of money for what ????

Jackie Cox
Jackie Cox
3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen Day

Its about money and power, these gangsters are endowed with virtual nobility in cahoots with Lawyers, in whats become a Legal, Medical, Insurance Fraud, Big Pharm Agents, ACADEMIC CASTE SYSTEM where when you pay for the Accreditation, that gives you the power of opinion and to be held Blameless for wrongful Justice and/or Wrongful diagnosis

In our nation where lawyers are like princes, & judges have the power of kings, where those with the cash lawyers and judges demand are free to go while those others so charged are deemed guilty otherwise why would they be so charged


Under the NEW RULE OF LAW made up by a Lobbyist Lawmaking Government

3 years ago
Reply to  Jackie Cox

What can we do to stop this

Patriot Warrior
Patriot Warrior
2 years ago
Reply to  Jackie Cox

You are 100% correct.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen Day

I’m 70 yrs old had the vaccine and ended up with A-Fib and blood clots to the brain. Luckily I have survived but have been wondering how many other occurrences there are and not being talked about.

3 years ago
Reply to  BEM

One week after my second shot of Pfizer.. I was hospitalized for cardiac issue..has an acute A.fib..the cardiologist was able to reverse it and my heart is now back to normal bpm.
But for 4 weeks it was all over…I am an healthy individual 57 years old ans never had any issues..I do à lot of sport and eat healthy..I am 80% vegetarian meal .
The vaccin completely change my health…not for the better!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Gilles

Being in nursing for over 20years In my opinion the vax could have certainly played a role in your a fib. My husband has that w/high bp and is afraid of getting the ‘jab’. You are not alone. Thank goodness your heart is back to normal. 🙂

james dowling
james dowling
3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen Day

and the truth shall set us free. The creator gave us the natural benefits of nature : herbs, fresh air, fresh water , natural foods for the nurturing of our health. to help build our immune systems. we have lost touch with that naturalness. Greed and ignorance are violating that naturalness to our source. Fear will not bring us back to that loving source. thankfully we have intuition ( inner inheritance) to guide us. love,light and peace on earth as it
is in. heaven. play on brothers and sisters.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen Day

That’s what the spike protein and graphene oxide do. They cause clotting. Requires a D-timer test to determine the minute clotting, but as it continues to clot, it can kill you, cause you to have a stroke, a heart attack, on and on. It doesn’t look like the usual clotting until it has become prolific enough to cause damage.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen Day

I hope everyone with an adverse reaction reports it in VARES

Patriot Warrior
Patriot Warrior
2 years ago
Reply to  Ellen Day

Even these evil pharmacists are pushing it. CVS IS PURE EVIL. In 2020 I called Urbana MD CVS for ivermectin and or HYdroxychloriquine and she stated it would harm me. Both would harm me. Now I took myself all prescriptions knowing all about Rockefellers and how they demonized naturopathic doctors and natural meds. Rockefellers are evil. They pushed meds that are petroleum based. Wake up. Medicare is a Ponzi scheme. I researched it in depth.

James Charles
James Charles
3 years ago

“GOF Reveals that SARS-CoV-2 is Man Made & Paid for by U.S Taxpayers

1999: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) funds research amplifying the infectious character of Coronaviruses.

2000: In May* Ralph Baric successfully uses reverse genetics (cDNA**) to rescued infectious clone*** of SARS-CoV Urbani.

2002:In April Christopher M Curtis, Boyd Young & Ralph Baric file a patent for a recombinant (chimeric) DNA means of producing “an infectious, replication defective, coronavirus.” Funded by NIH Grant GM63228. Dr. Shi Zhengli and colleagues increase infectivity by combining an HIV pseudovirus with SARS-CoV-1.

2003: Dr. Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill receives NIH grant AI23946-08 officially classified as affiliated with NIAID. • Baric works on synthetically altering Coronaviridae.

2006: Chinese**** researchers combine HCV, HIV-1, SARS-CoV-1 & SARS-CoV-2.

2007: NSF Grant IIS-0513650 (Italy, France and Indiana University) study addresses FIRST CRITICAL STEP to control a pandemic – shut down International Travel. Given this knowledge why did Fauci tell Trump a Travel Ban was unnecessary?

2011: Scientists express Concerns about GoF after Labs in Wisconsin and the Netherlands mutate already lethal H5N1 Asian Avian Influenza Virus (Bird Flu) increasing infectivity.

2013: Middle East Respiratory Virus (MERS) outbreak with 30-40% fatality in Saudi Arabia (2014) and South Korea (2015). Rhesus macaques show early treatement with interferon-α2b and ribavirin critical to treatment success.

Baric***** and Chinese scientists isolate 3 coronaviruses from bats with HKU4 spike protein – unable to infect human cells.

2014: CDC accidentally exposes workers to Anthrax; ships deadly flu virus. NIH finds 50-year old forgotten vials of smallpox. Obama Administration halts Gain-of-Function Research

2015: Dr. Zhengli et al “re-engineered HKU4 spike aiming to build its capacity to infect human cells.” “To this end, we introduced two single mutations…mutations in these motifs in coronavirus spikes have demonstrated dramatic effects on viral entry into human cells.”

Baric and Zhengli announce they can make a more dangerous, virulent and infectious virus. ******

2017: Gain-of-Function Research Ban Lifted

2018: Zhengli presents research at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on 14 Nov. 2018 entitled “Studies on Bat Coronavirus and its cross-species infection.”
This presentation has since been deleted from the University website.

2019: Summer deletion of Wuhan Institute of Virology Corona Virus data bank.

December 31 Wuhan Municipal Health Commission report******* discussing COVID-19 pneumonia – deleted”
* U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/206,537, filed May 21, 2000
** Complimentary DNA is Reverse Transcription (mRNA->DNA) frequently using Moloney murine leukemia virus.
*** https://www.pnas.org/content/100/22/12995
**** Huang Q, Cheng Y, Guo Q, Li Q. Preparation of a Chimeric Armored RNA as a Versatile Calibrator for Multiple Virus Assays. Clinchem 2006; 52(7):1446-1448 and Supplement A.
***** Yang Y…Baric RS, et al. Receptor usage and cell entry of bat coronavirus HKU4 provide insight into bat-to-human transmission of MERS coronavirus. PNAS 2014;111(34):12516-12521. Funded with NIH grants RO1AI089728 &
****** Zhengli S, Baric RS, et sl. Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. J Virol.2015;89(17):9199-9123. Funded by NIH grants RO1AI089728, RO1AI110700.
******* Wuhan City Health Committee (WCHC). Wuhan Municipal Health and Health Commission’s briefing on the current pneumonia epidemic situation in our city 2019 [updated 31 December 2019, 14 January 2020]. Available from: http://wjw.wuhan.gov.cn/front/web/showDetail/2019123108989


‘It’ could have been ‘worse’?
” . . . my
49:09 understanding
49:10 is that uh the uh the mortality
49:13 uh is uh right around 100 [%] for the nipah
49:16 virus
49:17 uh peter dayzak and and his group at
49:20 equal health
49:21 is involved in experimentation with the
49:23 nipah virus . . . “

3 years ago
Reply to  James Charles

Wow I would so love to share this… watching the clip now… but I am shadowbanned on FB and still looking for new better platform to migrate to…. thanks for sharing.

Alan Glover
Alan Glover
3 years ago
Reply to  elfhellion

Bitchute and Gab will allow.

Ian P
Ian P
3 years ago
Reply to  elfhellion

Telegram is good and not censored

Teresa Martin
Teresa Martin
3 years ago

I worked for largest Covid testing in America znd have lots of info on this company and its corrupt government paid testing. I have been trying to blow whistle for over year. Would like to give you My info for your teams research. I am a certified Physician Assistant for over 24 yrs. I am ready to work harder than ever before to save our country. Let’s talk, thank you!

Carol R
Carol R
3 years ago
Reply to  Teresa Martin

I wouldn’t leave this comment here. Better to contact directly.

Jackie Cox
Jackie Cox
3 years ago
Reply to  Carol R

I left a reply, but it doesn’t appear

3 years ago
Reply to  Teresa Martin

Be careful Teresa. For your safety

3 years ago
Reply to  Teresa Martin

Please contact them anonymously and confidentially, for your safety & delete your comment. There are eyes everywhere. I appreciate your bravery and willingness to help save our country! I wish you the best of luck. Please be safe!

3 years ago
Reply to  Teresa Martin

Teresa, if you want to help, i’d recommend you to contact Project Veritas, James O’Keefe
Thank you and be safe.

Marsha McClelland
Marsha McClelland
3 years ago
Reply to  Teresa Martin

Teresa please contact Del Bigtree on TheHighwire.com. Del told us on the last episode of a huge reward for whistleblowers & I’m sure he will have you on.

3 years ago
Reply to  Teresa Martin

project veritas

3 years ago

United We Stand

3 years ago

The Khazarian mafia has their hand in this as well because they control of the media, So, the ultimate motive may be to kill the goy…. right out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Bill Gates is another front man the real devils are hidden.

3 years ago

Hi, you may not feel able to answer this on here, but who do you consider to be the real devils?

3 years ago
Reply to  Dax


Ian P
Ian P
3 years ago


Seymour Ovitt
Seymour Ovitt
3 years ago

“’Now I can’t come out and say all this on national TV today or at any time,’ he continued.” No red flags. Not the least bit suspicious.

Karen Russell
Karen Russell
3 years ago

Thank heavens for brave doctors like him. Grateful for the information!

Barbara Johnson
Barbara Johnson
3 years ago

I totally agree with you.

Jane Brown
Jane Brown
3 years ago

If you listen to Catherine Fitts, she is advising that the pandemic is actually a distraction, keeping the public attention on this virus issue, while the World Economic Forum and affiliated banks are bringing in the new economic reset – which was the goal all the time – removing cash from society, bringing in a cashless, social credit system similar to China’s etc., which brings in total human control.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane Brown

I think it is partially true. Yes it is a distraction, but the jabs are going to make people very iil, at best, which is going to lead to people being compliant with anything that is going on. Why else would be people be happy with owning nothing and being happy with it?

Will Granbury
Will Granbury
3 years ago
Reply to  Dax

These shots will eventually kill folks that takes these shots, time limit 6 months to 4 years!

3 years ago
Reply to  Will Granbury

omg I got 6 months to 4 years to live. They are killing me and I have no way to protect myself. What an insane world we live in. I will be happy when I die and will never return to this place full of insane greedy people.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane Brown

But why make us sick and kill us

3 years ago

My son in law called for a doctor appointment for neuropathy in his hand a given an appointment a month away but was offered the COVID-19 vaccine the next day. He refused the injection and was given gabapentin an addictive pain killer though he has no pain. It’s all about selling drugs nothing to do with health. He went to Chinatown and got some metal balls and his hand is improving. No more MDs for us. Big Pharma is too embedded in this whole campaign.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cherlee

That is a nerve medicine, not pain killer and not addictive. It can be difficult to take and I don’t recommend it.

3 years ago
Reply to  George92065

I disagree that it is not addictive. There are many people on sites saying how difficult it is to wean themselves off of it.

UPDATES: Covid, Vaccines and the Globalist Agenda – Real Truth Real News
3 years ago

[…] June 27/2021 ~ Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans (spike proteins)https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/2021/06/27/dr-peter-mccullough-whistleblowers-inside-cdc-claim-in… […]

Article 82-Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC - Your Rights And Freedom
3 years ago

[…] June 27, 2021 […]

Peter McCullough: Vaccines are Bioterrorism, Doctors are in a Trance | Thought Crime Radio
3 years ago
What the Other Experts Say About Covid, Covid Vaccines and Masks - Covid-19 Reader
3 years ago

[…] them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation,” – Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘Whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim injections have already killed 50,000 […]

3 years ago

Please tell me why ( WE OWN THE GOV’T ) we cannot get this info & ALL necessary info out to the public ? I don’t care how much money these folks have, we MUST get this out. We are sitting by & watching people with no knowledge roll up their sleeves. I pray God guides us the right way. I believe he is. It will take way more than just a village to stop this madness. Write to congressmen, Demand to be heard, Demand answers ! Now or never folks, too many dying or getting very ill and before long they are going to enforce this I am afraid. Covid is real I know, but I believe with all my heart fighting it head on is far wiser than willingly being shot up with something that is clearly killing people and not protecting the people from the virus anyway. We are coming to a point we will trust no medical providers. We already didn’t trust the Gov’t. If we don’t act soon, it looks like it will be too late sadly.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mel

Maybe we USED to own the Government, but in 1948, as a result of the formation of the United nations, our Govt was basically given away to control by the UN. (Useless Nations)

Our military was given them as a World police power and see how that turned out? (Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq)…

Theodore Dornan
Theodore Dornan
3 years ago

It appears to be that this is indeed bioterrorism with the aim in mind of the NWO (but actually DIS-order!). Indeed, our Master Yahusha (“Lord Jesus”) gave us a message, as in Matthew 24, that unless the days were cut short, there would be no flesh saved alive. He will indeed cut the days short when He descends again to the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14) to close out these Dark Ages and to bring on the Age to Come.
Therefore, let’s follow the Master Yahusha’s counsel to pray for Kingdom Come (Matthew 6:10), because come it WILL, whether we are ready for it or not, in Yahusha’s Name, amein & amein!

Annastasia Belisle Thorne
Annastasia Belisle Thorne
3 years ago

We are in Belize Central America and we need Help! They are forcing vaccinations on ALL front line workers, and all businesses opoerating with a license has to be vaccinated by August 01st, or they will forfit their job, people are being cooerced and put under extream duress and threat to be able tonorovide for there families…up to the market vendors have to have a vaccine card or there license will not be renewed. Km a Canadian living in Belize with my belizean husband and 2 children…they r ramping up to give them to our children next.

3 years ago

I am so sorry you have to endure such inhumane treatment. I can only pray for you and say please stick to your guns as much as you can. I am not sure I would call any place safe in the world now, but hold on to your faith that this will pass, or you will find somewhere safer to be.
God Bless.

Margaret Wells
Margaret Wells
3 years ago

Excellent and informative interview, the best I’ve seen thus far. I have shared this far and wide. Thank you, Dr McCullough, for standing for the right and giving apposite information to so many out in the community who are scared witless about being ‘forced’ to submit to this experimental medical treatment.

3 years ago
Reply to  Margaret Wells

I am not sure if you have seen/heard Dr Mike Yeadon ex Pfizer VP? He also is speaking out here in the UK, and is fearful for his life. Nevertheless, he continues to speak the truth. There are some good people that won’t give in to the lies.

3 years ago

I have been reading about the “Doctors Trial” at Nuremberg, they hung a lot of them, the concept of informed consent was central to the prosecution. Informed Consent was impossible with this disease (or weapon), all vaccines are administered illegally. We need gallows present at the next trials. The censors are more dangerous than the “virus”, they must hang.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It’s a sad truth yet I am not sure we are at the stage where we can do much to take this action- YET. And still the ignorant cannot see it. We have to be patient and pray.

New Information on Covid, Vaccines and More! – Real Truth Real News
3 years ago

[…] June 27/2021 ~ Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americanshttps://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/2021/06/27/dr-peter-mccullough-whistleblowers-inside-cdc-claim-in… […]

Patricia A Arsenault
Patricia A Arsenault
3 years ago

I really find this doctor very intriguing and interesting. I’m learning A LOT from him. Thank you for sharing-Patty 🙂

Kalim Alaka
Kalim Alaka
3 years ago

I am 75 take D3 Zinc K2 K1 C E Multi Silenium Pantothenic been lucky so far………..???

3 years ago
Reply to  Kalim Alaka

Don’t forget Glutathione (largest and strongest anti-inflammatory in the body), Quercetin (helps Zinc get into the cell to stop replication), Melatonin at night. The supplement protocol is on the FLCCC website.

Donald Woodward
Donald Woodward
3 years ago

how come the Delta variant is supposed to be prevented by Pfzer vaccine did the company do a Phase 2 trial for Delta variant & have that authorised by FDA for Emergency Use Only as well ???

Kathy trawick
Kathy trawick
3 years ago

Thank you for giving me this link to send my friends! I’m using good data to send to as many as possible.

Carolyn Bishop
Carolyn Bishop
3 years ago

We already know how they came up with this physiological power. George Soros funded takeover of the universities and professors. These universities with huge funding have conducted studies on the bests way to word things and sway the public mind, largely through mainstream and social media through arguing bots, and paid provocateurs, there have been campaigns through false flags and social media to shame conspiracy theory, coin the phrase anit-vaxxer and shame the crowds who don’t line up for every vaccine, etc. The system has painstakingly been priming the public for decades to take sides on all issues. I am not very articulate but I have watched this transformation over the years, but I really think Alex Jones has a good feel for how the phys-ops are engineered and the history of the structure, and what he doesn’t know off the top of his head, he knows who you can get the information from. But he is like a walking encyclopedia. If you haven’t already, you should get in touch.

3 years ago

Read the Iron Republic …..Year1894

Leslie Benjamini
Leslie Benjamini
3 years ago

I agree with Dr. McCullough, it’s unbelievable that this can be happening. What to do. Holding out.

World Renowned Physician and Expert on COVID Treatment Says Vaccines are Bioterrorism | The Mark Scott Project
3 years ago

[…] Source: Algora Blog https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/2021/06/27/dr-peter-mccullough-whistleblowers-inside-cdc-claim-in… […]

Uitvinder van mRNA-vaccin: COVID-19-vaccins kunnen virus gevaarlijker maken | Pensioenactivist
3 years ago

[…] zoals Dr. Peter McCullough, een gerenommeerd cardioloog en redacteur van twee medische tijdschriften, hebben geschat dat het […]

3 years ago

Definitely a bio weapon made to depopulate the world to conceive a one world government,this can only be achieved through full control and you cannot control billions of people. But 500 million can very well be manageable. Don’t take the jab it is a death warrant. Trust your inner sense if it feels wrong it is wrong.

Atlanta Bill
Atlanta Bill
3 years ago
Reply to  Luis

<p>This theory comports with what MD Professor of Medicine Peter McCullough thinks was the origin of the virus. Read this carefully and try not to smirk before you’ve read it all and tried some of the links. The author of the book Serpent’s Walk is not Randolf O Calverhall, which is a pseudonym. The author’s real name is William Luther Pierce. I put a link to the website Pierce founded below the link to what I want you to examine and ponder, here: https://spitfirelist.com/news/the-clot-thickens-preview-of-walkin-the-coronavirus/ </p>
<p>Randolf O Calverhall’s (a.k.a. William Luther Pierce’s) website: https://natall.com/about/what-is-the-national-alliance/ By scrolling down, you can see the photo of William Luther Pierce, PhD in physics, friend of American Nazis, a lot of them. He was born in my hometown, where I live now. Pierce died in 2002, and he was no dummy.</p>
<p>If you’ll recall, Dr McCullough thinks that the “pandemic” was about 10 years in the planning. William Luther Pierce’s book was published in 1993, 8 years ago. If you add two years to that for planning and editing it, you’d get Dr McCullough’s 10 years. Anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory believes that the book, which poses as a science-fiction novel, is actually a blueprint for a bioterrorist attack.</p>
<p>I’ve followed Dave Emory for over 15 years. Dave hosts a weekly radio program on West Coast KFJC and is syndicated over several radio networks in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. He was a protégé of the political muckraker Mae Brussell, who after 20 years on radio suddenly died of a mysterious, fast-growing cancer in 1988. Dave has spent almost 60 years as an anti-fascist researcher and over 50 years as a radio host. He’s currently doing a series on the novel corona virus entitled The Oswald Institute of Virology in which he lays out the case that China is being set up to take the fall for the pandemic the same way as the U.S. security-state apparatus tried to paint Lee Harvey Oswald as a Russian agent so that he could be made to take the fall for the assassination of President John F Kennedy. Here’s a sample of the series: https://spitfirelist.com/news/more-about-the-oswald-institute-of-virology/ </p>
<p>Dave Emory is pictured below.</p>

Atlanta Bill
Atlanta Bill
3 years ago
Reply to  Atlanta Bill

Apparently there’s no way to edit. I made a gross error. The book was published in 1991, not 1993, but Dave Emory didn’t connect it with the corona virus until 2020. That would put the plans in the works for 30, not 10 years. So much is relevant that I lost my bearings in the excitement. If you take the Nazi coup that overthrew Salvador Allende on September 11, 1973 and add 30 years, you’ll come very close to the date of the WTC and Pentagon attacks on September 11, 2001. Dave points out that, in German date format, 9/11 would be read “November 9”. November 9 was the date of the Kiel Mutiny in 1918, the date Hitler chose for his Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, the date of Kristallnacht and the beginning of the nationwide antisemitic pogroms in 1938, and the date when the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. November 9 is a sacred date in the Nazi calendar. Dave believes that Germany is still the homeland of the Reich, while I believe it’s the United States; most of Dave’s own evidence convinces me of that. The exposés regarding Operation Paperclip were only a broad brush on what transpired at the end of the Second World War.

Benjamin Bowers (@BenBowers679)
Benjamin Bowers (@BenBowers679)
3 years ago

You have to mentally handicapped to actually believe this. There was not a single piece of verifiable data cited to back his claims.

Barry McConnell
Barry McConnell
3 years ago

Dr Fauci you stay out of this

kerri Sherwood
kerri Sherwood
3 years ago

I refuse to vaccine. I refuse to vaccine my daughter. I have sat back for the past year and a half, shaking my head in disbelief at how seemingly intelligent and socially functional people; how they have become cowards and are completely gullible and ignorant to the trickery behind all of this politically-driven Corona hooey.

3 years ago
Reply to  kerri Sherwood

You know I don’t think they are cowards- gullible and ignorant yes. And why is it that some of us are not accepting of the hoax? For me, I already knew governments were corrupt. People being given blood infected with HIV and hepatitis( haemophiliacs), rather than heat treat the blood, for a few pence each time. Teflon, the dangers being known and hidden, for decades. Polio contamination in vaccines and those speaking out being vilified. The opioid crisis in the US, and the companies making it ,knowing the dangers and suppressing it. The list could go on for several pages. Maybe most people on here can relate to this. Watching and wondering why these big companies can get away with it, time and time again. Yes this is a bigger concern, with far reaching consequences for everyone, the jabbed and unjabbed. Once you stop believing that these people have your best interests at heart, it is easy to believe the scenario going on now. Unfortunately, these people who do believe the narrative, will have an unhappy shock. But in some ways they have it easier than us. Because the knowing is what makes our lives so hard right now.

John Francis
John Francis
3 years ago
Reply to  kerri Sherwood

Well said.
As I.
A relative asked me where do I read this “nonsense “.
Is it diabolic disorientation?
Could be.
Keep the faith

3 years ago

I agree with all of this and have heard some of the items before I am scared for the future and wish there was something that could be done but it seems almost like a Nazi regime where once voices aren t heard and how will the be when the sheep sheep majority are blind to the truth

3 years ago
Reply to  shirley

We all have days when it’s hard to see things in a positive light. There will be casualties, if you can use that term, along the way, but for those of us that can see what is happening, we have to trust that the truth will eventually come out, and that many people are still refusing the jab. Pressure is mounting to get it, but that is because we are resisting.We’ll get there but there are still some battles to be won.

Philip Bender
Philip Bender
3 years ago

You Must Listen to this: Won Court Case, will change the world
Alberta ends masking, shots, and quarantine

My Facebook Profile name: Philip Mustaqim

3 years ago

I totally agree with this but I don’t understand a portion of it. I watched this with my son and we both backed it up and listened to this part again and neither of us understand. At about 25:58 or so, Dr. McCullough says that people with vaccines have a low chance of getting it. Yet he says those are the ones getting sick. That seemed contradictory? Did we misunderstand what he meant there?

We DO need to make a stand somehow. I am very upset about how our government- and the world- is becoming dictatorial in their treatment of it’s citizens. We are in very real danger in several places in the world of losing our freedoms forever. The virus has been used as a platform for so many things. Thank you for good information.

Dr. LaJoyce Brookshire
Dr. LaJoyce Brookshire
3 years ago

I would like to have Dr. McCullough to appear in a Webinar to discuss these truths on my show ASK THE GOOD DOCTOR. How may I contact him?

Steven Middleton
Steven Middleton
3 years ago

That is what I have been saying, you cannot trust most people in the medical field now they sold their souls for the love of money. They lied and lied and lied.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Me parece una soberana estupidez… donde estan los medicamentos que curaban el virus?? Con estos “ estudios negacionistas” lo que hacen es crear mas CAOS!!

Jenifer A Harms
Jenifer A Harms
3 years ago

can someone please tell me how to download this article

3 years ago

4k video downloader. it has a light green icon with a cloud that has a squared 8 inside of it. you can also save the page with the brave browser by going into the options and printing page. it saves the page first as something that can be opened by a pdf viewer (i used foxit cause adobe can eat crap)

3 years ago

Thank you for the courage to speak the Truth may God Bless and protect you ..keep up the good work and let us know how we can help

3 years ago

When I tested positive for COVID 19, I looked the PA in the eyes and said, “Okay, you just told me I have a lethal disease, now what?” He looked straight back and said NOTHING! I have never been angrier with the medical profession!

3 years ago

What a load of crap

Janice Saccomanno
Janice Saccomanno
3 years ago

As an RN of 50yrs I have seen many adverse and lethal reactions to pharmaceuticals approved by the FDA. They are in a cozy relationship with one another and need an oversight committee to protect the public.

3 years ago

People need to start protesting clinics, hospitals, doctor’s offices, pharmacies – any place that is offering these shots. If these doctors are in a trance, they need to be snapped out of it – NOW. It’s not going to happen if they’re allowed to continue living in their safe little echo chambers where all they see are filtered social media posts praising their efforts and willing patients who are entirely unaware of the potential risks they’re signing up for.

Al Court
Al Court
3 years ago

What’s this vaccine doing to the national blood supply? Are we all doomed?

What if?
What if?
3 years ago

Is there anything we can do about the mandatory military vaccine? I heard those who take the jab will all be dead within two years. If the military all go down – we have no military – easy pickings for China/Russia or anyone else.

3 years ago

Could you create a bank of affidavits from people who have ill effects from the vax? Make it public so people can see??

Robert Kalclus
Robert Kalclus
3 years ago

Please check out taking 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of baking soda and water, stir until the water looks clear. If I’m sick, I take it 3 or 4 times a day. It helps to knock out whatever I’m sick with. This includes a lot of symptoms I’ve had. If I have a flu or cold. I’m over it in 3 to 4 days and it’s very mild. I don’t need to take anything else and I can sleep at night. If I feel like whatever is hitting me harder, I just take another dose…… This raises my PH level which helps my body to deal with a lot of the unwanted stuff in me. I check my PH level first thing in the morning which gives me an idea of where I’m at. My PH level is well over 7. Check out “Baking Soda For Health”, “The Health Benefits of Cayenne”, “Coconut Cures”. Do your own research. I’m not a medical person so check this out with a medical person but, this is some of what I use to stay healthy. Do your own research.

Here’s the Science | James F. Gauss' Blog
3 years ago

[…] Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim injections have already killed 50,000 Am… […]